HD 164595 Signal Repeats The WOW Signal Warning - Alternative View

HD 164595 Signal Repeats The WOW Signal Warning - Alternative View
HD 164595 Signal Repeats The WOW Signal Warning - Alternative View

Video: HD 164595 Signal Repeats The WOW Signal Warning - Alternative View

Video: HD 164595 Signal Repeats The WOW Signal Warning - Alternative View
Video: Astronomers detect a strange radio signal from deep space (Crave Extra) 2024, September

On May 15, 2015, Russian astronomers on the RATAN-600 radio telescope, the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recorded a signal that came from the HD 164595 star system from the constellation Hercules at a distance of 95 light years.

The information became available to the Russian public on August 29, 2016, at the suggestion of Western astrophysicists.

Russian astrophysicists preferred to remain silent about receiving the signal and first decided to consult with their Western colleagues, sending them address information. Probably, the wait would have lasted even longer if one of the Western colleagues had not decided to show conscientiousness and inform the ordinary public about the reception of an extraterrestrial signal.

Despite the fact that, while awaiting a review from their Western colleagues, Russian astrophysicists were sure of the extraterrestrial origin of the signal, already on the second day after the information got into the media, the observatory, which received the signal, hastened to issue an official comment in which it crossed out the hopes of all mankind in one line. “Processing and analysis of the signal revealed that with a high probability, this is still a signal of terrestrial origin,” was the official response to the public. It follows from the situation that Russian astrophysicists have been waiting for more than a year for the opinion of their Western colleagues to no avail, and in just one day, after the information got into the media, they themselves “processed, analyzed” and made a conclusion about the received signal ?!

Taking into account the exceptional seriousness of the statement about the fixation of an extraterrestrial signal, I would like to see from astrophysicists a detailed analysis, on the basis of which they made a mutually exclusive conclusion.

In connection with the receipt of this signal, a similar WOW Signal was again mentioned in the comments of astrophysicists, recorded as part of the SETI study in 1977. Once again, an opinion was expressed about the nature of the WOW Signal, as well as about the next HD 164595 signal, that “it is possible to draw a conclusion about the artificial origin of the signal only if it is possible to decipher it and find some semantic content in a particular set variations: brightness, radio range, in optics, etc … (quote from astronomer Grigory Beskin - head of the group of relativistic astrophysics).

Faced with similar circumstances within today's astrophysics, one can name the reason for such a rapid change of mind. It lies in the absence of a signal decoding technique. She's not there at all! There is a method for dropping the received signal from ground noise, but there is no decryption method. Therefore, having conclusions on the classification of signals, astrophysicists cannot say anything about their decoding. And in order to respect the face, not to talk about the lack of decryption methods, not to repeat the minimum of what can be said, they simply postpone the solution of the signal "for later." And what about the revealed fact of the annual silence? How many other received signals are not publicly aware of?

In all the articles, from 08/29/16, from the first appearance of information about the HD 164595 signal, there is not a single question to astrophysicists about "how they are going to decode the signal." But there is a very clear answer that they do not know how to do it.

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The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that astrophysicists do not want to know how to decode the received signals. When such questions arise, they, at best, are able to express only their own idea of evidence of the extraterrestrial nature of the signal and do not want to know another.

We, as the authors of the decryption of the WOW Signal, faced with the problem from within, declare that the "Decryption Algorithm" has been found. It is based on: on the one hand, the fundamental laws of building information, common to any civilization, and on the other hand, the definition of the artificiality of the cosmic signal, which is fundamentally different from the expectations of astrophysicists. The transmission of a message through a radio signal is based on the analogy of two sources, terrestrial and alien, and on the elementary ingenuity of the recipients of the signal.

The analogy method is also basic in the process of astronomical observations, for example, in determining the presence of planets in the observed stars, according to the cyclicity of their shadows. The same method applies to establishing other astronomical characteristics. There is a developed earth model, by analogy with it, an astronomical discovery is equated.

The analogy method is also the basis for determining the extraterrestrial signal for its artificiality and intelligence. First, an assumption is made that the signal can come from another civilization, and then attempts are made to prove or disprove this hypothesis. If the evidence agrees with the scientific method, then the assumption becomes fact. It's like a school problem with variables X and Y, which are substituted with different values.

This approach has one premise, which is a priori shared by the researchers of the SETI program: that Other stellar civilizations that can come into contact with the Earth have long been ahead of earthlings in their evolution. We, the authors of the decryption of the WOW Signal, on the basis of our experience, supplement this premise with the statement that another civilization, trying today to get in touch with the Earth, knows everything about our planet! Therefore, it sends its signal to a strictly defined receiving point from the same verified point of stellar coordinates.

The concept of "decryption" has its own set of methods, which are united by the scientific concept of Cryptography, and these methods are of a completely different nature than astrophysical ones. Cryptography is based on letters and numbers - elementary graphic signs - the only thing that unites it with the received extraterrestrial signal.

Hence - the conclusion that it is in the letters and numbers of the signal, i.e. recording the characteristics and circumstances of receiving an extraterrestrial signal, and looking for reasonable information. And the rationality and honesty of the person responsible for the decision is responsible for accepting the results of such an analysis.

Today humanity has sunk to such a low level of understanding of the information offered that one has to make lengthy elementary introductions before starting to talk about the main thing. For the same sad reason, the information transmitted by extraterrestrial signals to mankind is elementary in its content and presentation. But even this simplicity Earth scientists were unable to understand for decades.

How was the reasonable information conveyed in HD 164595?

Our decryption of the WOW Signal back in 2010 made it possible to reveal an extraterrestrial information transfer algorithm. The other side, in order to notice its intelligence, through the characteristics of the signal transmitted by it, tries to show the maximum connection between the stellar point of departure and the earthly point of signal reception.

Earthlings first need to collect all the available information on the received Signal.

Then analyze it using cryptographic methods and try to "see" similarities with previously received similar signals from space or with signals sent into space.

The first and second found coincidences may seem like a coincidence, but the third similarity should already be considered a manifestation of the discovery of a reasonable Message, if, of course, the researcher is reasonable in his conclusions.

Next, we will show the similarity of THREE space signals of the SETI program:

- 1974-16-11 year, earthly message from Arecibo, in the direction of the constellation Hercules, - 1977-15-08, receiving the WOW response signal, - 15.05.2015 year, receiving Signal HD 164595 from the constellation Hercules.

What is known about receiving HD 164595 signal?

- was obtained by precise aiming at the star system HD 164595

- according to the SETI program

- received on May 15, 2015 (15.5.15)

- 2 seconds duration, according to the technical specifications of the radio telescope, - at 18: 01: 15.65 GMT, - at a wavelength of 2.7 cm

- in the range of 11 GHz

- point

- from a distance of 95 (94.4) light years

- from the region of the star system HD 164595, which has a Neptune-class exoplanet

- from the area of the constellation Hercules

- received by radio telescope RATAN-600 (exact diameter -576m)

- as part of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

- located near the village of Zelenchukskaya, (the second name is Zelenchukskaya Observatory)

- in Karachay-Cherkessia.

- the first signal reception in 1974

- the beginning of planned work since 1977

The similarity of signals that can be seen without the use of cryptography:

1. All three signals refer to the SETI program, 2. HD 164595 received from the region of the constellation Hercules by a radio telescope, which received the first signal in 1974. An earthly message from Arecibo was sent to the constellation Hercules in 1974.

3. RATAN-600 began scheduled operation in 1977. The WOW signal was received in 1977.

4. Signal WOW and HD 164595 have the same diagram - Gaussian curve.

5. The signal WOW and HD 164595 were recorded once only with their own radio telescopes, the Big Ear in Ohio and RATAN-600 in the Caucasus, did not repeat itself.

6. The WOW signal and HD 164595 have a precise direction to the receiving radio telescopes.

7. The WOW signal and HD 164595 are sent to radio telescopes that use the Earth's rotation in their work.

8. The message from Arecibo has been sent and the HD 164595 signal is received on the world's largest radio telescopes.

9. Decryption of the WOW Signal revealed an indication that the key to decryption of extraterrestrial signals is in the Russian language (alphabet). The targeted HD 164595 signal to the Russian RATAN-600 radio telescope confirms this conclusion.

The similarity of signals, revealed using cryptography in letters and numbers of their reception characteristics:

1. In the letters of the place of reception of the signal HD 164595 - ZELENCHUKSKAYA, the word KERKULES (HERCULES) is hidden. This connection of names indicates the purposefulness of the signal and the choice of the place of departure.

2. Through decoding by means of the alphanumeric order of the Russian alphabet, where A = 1 … Z = 33, the time of reception and the duration of fixing the HD 164595 signal in 2 seconds turned out to be equal to the letters of the name of the RATAN radio telescope

By the time of receipt - 01/18/15 we simply add "2", not paying attention to the "seconds":

01/18/15 + 2 = 01/20/15

18 = P, 1 = A, 20 = T, 1 = A, 15 = H

The detection of this similarity is the detection of the KEY to decryption of the HD 164595 signal and indicates the Russian alphabet and the language in which the transmitted verbal information is encrypted.

3. The astrophysical term POINT signal has the second name DISCRETE and means "the constant presence of a source of radio emission at a given POINT." But it is in the letters of the word DOT that the direct spelling of the word EXACT is read, which in this case means a PURPOSE signal.

This means that a short and powerful pulse of the HD 164595 signal was created specifically, in order to indicate the DOT characteristic and to understand that the signal was EXACTLY aimed at the receiving radio telescope.

4. Numerical designation RATAN-600 means the diameter of the reflector mirror is 600 meters, which is actually 576 meters.

Thus, all RATAN numbers - 6576 repeat the numbers of the WOW signal, circled by the operator on the printout - 6EQUJ5 + 67.

5. The date of reception of the HD 164595 signal - MAY 15 (or 15.5) indicates the number of the known recording of the WOW signal (6EQUJ5) - 6 **** 5 = 1 + 5 **** 5, Of all the names of the months in a year, only the name of the month MAY in Russian can be transformed into the English word WOW, MAY = MAY = WOW - WOW = WOW.

And only one name of the month AUGUST contains the letters WOW, meaning in Russian pronunciation the name of the WOW signal received in August 1977.

6. In the set of numbers of the HD 164595 signal, you can find an indication of the WOW signal several times:

61 - WOW (result of the alphanumeric order of the English alphabet)

64 - 6EQUJ5

56 - OGO-GO (Russian version of the name of the WOW signal)

7. The wavelength at which the HD 164595 signal was received is 2.7 cm.

The counting of the separate numbers 2 and 7 showed similarities to the WOW signal.

- the WOW signal lasted 72 seconds (according to the technical characteristics of the Big Ear radio telescope)

- if 2 and 7 are calculated as 27 = as 20 and 7, then you get an indication of the date when the WOW signal was received - 15.8 (1977).

158 = twenty (= 89) + seven (= 69).

This correspondence shows the possibilities of another civilization to broadcast in an arbitrarily chosen frequency range and with any power, as explained above using the term DOT as an example.

It was a simple list of the similarities between Arecibo, WOW and HD 164595 signals in clear and encrypted versions. His goal was to draw the attention of earthlings to the artificiality and intelligence of the HD 164595 signal and prepare them for the basic information transmitted in the same way through words and numbers.

And that the signal contains the Message is given by the same term DOT, which is formed from the word DOT, which, in turn, is part of the word NEWS - NEWS, synonymous with the word MESSAGE. Its second meaning, DISCRETE, contains an almost direct spelling of the word SECRET. That is, a point-discrete signal was a hint to search for a SECRET MESSAGE in it.

The main information of the HD 164595 signal was a warning of an impending asteroid catastrophe, like the WOW signal in 1977, 38 years ago.

Information about the asteroid is contained both in the name of the receiving radio telescope and in the characteristics of the received signal.

1. The RATAN-600 radio telescope belongs to the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In the letters of the word ASTROPHYSICAL are hidden two words ASTEROID CATASTROPHE.

2. The name of the RATAN-600 radio telescope contains the words:

- RATAN = TARAN, i.e. frontal impact

- 600 (= 156 =) - ASTEROID FALL

3. In the numbers of the HD 164595 signal:


595 = they are trying to save you from global catastrophe

164 = Predestination (by the way, Sura 97 of the Quran) (predetermined, i.e. inevitable)

4. In a wavelength of 2.7 cm, the word STONE is hidden

78 = 9 (two) + 69 (seven) = STONE

In the numbers of the reception time of the HD 164595 signal - 18: 01: 15.65, the addressee of the star message and an indication of the alphabet in which it is encrypted were indicated:

181 = Russia + Moscow

115 = Russia

65 = Moscow

180 = Russian alphabet

And it was also indicated from Whom to expect salvation from a global catastrophe:

511 = only Russia will save the Earth from the asteroid

The WOW signal in 1977, although it was received in the United States, was addressed to Russia. When the WOW signal was decoded, Russia did not accept the decryption. Therefore, the duplicate signal HD 164595, with a warning of the danger, was sent to Russia itself.

But the chance of salvation is possible only under the only condition that this information receives due attention. So far, since the reception of the WOW signal in 1977, when the first warning came, and since the publication of the decryption of the WOW signal in 2011, the information has been ignored, which means that from 5 to 38 years have already been lost to prevent a catastrophe.

If after so many points of similarity of the three extraterrestrial signals someone else repeats that they cannot be deciphered, then even the powerful Friends in Space will not be able to help the hopelessly blind humanity.

In the signal HD 164595, along with the exact indication of the addressee of the Message, there was information about the Contact Persons who should provide this information. And these are not at all those persons who, probably, have already been chosen from the Russian Astrophysics by delegates to the 67th International Astronomical Congress on September 27, 2016.

But, when denying the main message, it is not so important anymore.