UFO. Explicit And Unsolved - Alternative View

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UFO. Explicit And Unsolved - Alternative View
UFO. Explicit And Unsolved - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Explicit And Unsolved - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Explicit And Unsolved - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

We do not know where they came from, why they came and where they disappear, but humanity is now confident that it is not alone in the Universe.

Somerset Maugham once said: "Knowing the past (and adding - and the present) is rather unpleasant, but knowing the future is simply unbearable." Thank God, we do not know the future, but we will be optimists. “Genuine optimism rests not on the conviction that everything will be fine, but on the conviction that not everything will be bad,” said another writer, Jean Dutour. With such shaky forecasts, there is nothing left but to hope for progress. Although progress, philosophically speaking, is the replacement of some troubles with others.

If in the UFO phenomenon we are faced with the manifestation of an external mind that knows that it is being studied, then attempts to study it are hopeless until it wants to come into contact with scientists. Prior to that, knowing the results of research, he is able to deliberately and systematically present us "facts" that contradict the previous conclusions. It is possible that most of the observed objects and the creatures in them are only "masks" that the phenomenon demonstrates to us for its own purposes.

What has been found out during almost half a century of research? These objects are characterized by various effects that do not fit into our scientific picture of the world at all. These are flights with accelerations inaccessible to inertial bodies; the ability to disable aircraft electronic equipment at a distance, block car engines and much more.

The psychological effects are also mysterious - scaring away the curious from the "plates" that have landed; the ability of their pilots to make telepathic contact with a person and find him again after many years; the ability to force people with a disabled consciousness to write as if dictation. We can also mention the excellent knowledge of UFO beings of earthly languages.

It becomes clear: the force behind the UFO can easily conquer the Earth. However, no obvious aggression followed. Moreover, the phenomenon seems to be in a state of constant one-way contact with humanity for many centuries. In relation to us, he seems to demonstrate the superiority of his technical and mental technologies.

What are the goals of the manipulation?

Promotional video:

Perhaps, the nature of contact adopted by aliens is associated with a desire to declare themselves and their strength, without disrupting the process of self-development of human civilization. Indeed, from the experience of our own history, we know that careless contacts of civilizations with different technical levels usually led to the degradation of less developed ones.

But this is exactly how a civilization should behave, having set itself the goal of protecting life in the expectation of bilateral contact in the future. Several centuries of demonstration of strength with non-aggressive behavior, on the one hand, can become a clear example to follow, on the other hand, they will save the future earthly society, which has grown to contact, from suspicion of an external civilization.

At first glance, our fundamental knowledge about the world represents a single harmonious, consistent system. The listed UFO effects violate all conceivable laws of physics. Could it be that even hints of the field of phenomena, without which UFO effects are impossible, remain unknown to us? One gets the impression that they belong, as it were, to another reality, with their own picture of the world, different from ours. But there is another explanation.

Therefore, they seek to slow down somewhat our scientific and technical development and deliberately prevent us from discovering the phenomena on which their technology is based. At the same time, it is impossible, for example, to exclude the distortion of the results of some of our scientific developments. That is, we live in the same world with them, but our picture of the world has been “edited” for some time and will remain so until we grow up. Such actions can be dictated not only by the desire to protect us from self-destruction, but also by considerations of our own safety.

Another Mind? So what?

The most important discovery for the entire existence of mankind is the fact of permanent influence on the Earth's biotechnosphere of the civilization system of the Other Mind, one of the manifestations of which is the UFO phenomenon and the so-called aliens.

Today we do not know where they came from, why they arrived, where they disappear, whether they have arrived at all, whether they have lived here or somewhere nearby for a long time. The important thing is that now humanity knows for sure that it is not alone in the universe. We are unlikely to be lucky in the future to make a more fundamental discovery.

Unfortunately, so far, by and large, coexistence is going on, in general, calmly against the background of the seeming well-being of the world around us. For example, people disappear. In 2003 alone, 50 thousand people disappeared in the United States (in our opinion, there are the same number or slightly less in Russia). Worldwide, this figure is approximately two million and is growing every year. Of course, some of the cases can be classified as criminal, but most of the missing are quite respectable people who did not have mental abnormalities. American ufologist Scott Corrales is convinced that most cases are associated with abduction (abduction - literally "abduction", "abduction"). By the way, some US insurance companies have begun to insure clients against abduction. So what?

Humanity as a whole is too stationary a system, you cannot penetrate it. Here the fact is made public that there is at least one more Intelligence in the Universe besides human. So what?

Billions of people do not know anything and do not want to know anything, and if they do, they will be horrified for ten minutes and will return to normal. A few will begin to feel some discomfort, some kind of discomfort. What if we find ourselves unnecessary in their system? Someone else will say that the fact of discovering another Mind is a unique event fraught with the opportunity to jump over several steps at once in the process of cognition. Something like a journey into future technologies. Well, let's say, as if a modern color TV had got into the Middle Ages.

UFO - UFO strife

The World of the Other Mind, which, in particular, is represented by UFOs, is not our world. In terms of the level of knowledge, it is for us akin to the world of the afterlife. There is a material reality that simultaneously possesses psychic properties. In other words, the psyche is a kind of form of matter that allows you to manipulate physical objects and space.

One of the main components of the UFO concept is its psychophysical component, which acts, as a rule, contactlessly. With its help, information, misinformation is introduced to victims, eyewitnesses and any people, the memory and vital functions of the organism or its systems are blocked.

With the help of the same information weapon, total control over people and the recreation of any event in a person's imagination is realized.

Speaking about the fact that UFOs are only a link in the grandiose system of enslavement of mankind, one involuntarily recalls the words of Charles Fort: "We are someone's property." It would be curious to know - whose?

We must assume that UFOs are not UFOs. And it would be good to approach them differentially. But how to recognize which of them are disposed (programmed) towards us negatively, loyally, positively or event-wise, that is, to act according to the situation? Does this mean that "programmers" also treat us differently? Who are they?

Vladimir Azhazha
