Black Racism In The USA - Alternative View

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Black Racism In The USA - Alternative View
Black Racism In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Black Racism In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Black Racism In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Being black in the US vs the UK: There's a big difference | Alvin Hall | Big Think 2024, September

Colonialism, genocide, slavery, racial segregation - these legacies of a difficult past are not letting go of the economically prosperous and tolerant States even today. In the 21st century, part of the black population in the United States has declared war on a system that they believe encourages white supremacy. The age-old trauma has given birth to a new phenomenon - reverse racism. Through cinema, music, art, education, whites develop a "guilt complex."

New racial segregation in US universities

Most revealing is the oppression of whites in US universities. Few people know, but even today there are "black universities" in the United States. Most of them opened after the abolition of slavery due to the reluctance of whites to sit at the same desk with blacks. Howard University (not to be confused with Harvard), as well as the University of Alabama, Columbia, Tennessee, and a number of other American universities are dominated by black students and teachers.

Rapper Puff Daddy is an honorary doctorate from Howard University in Washington
Rapper Puff Daddy is an honorary doctorate from Howard University in Washington

Rapper Puff Daddy is an honorary doctorate from Howard University in Washington.

Now people of color do not want to learn alongside the descendants of their oppressors. And the prestigious Yelsk University has introduced a special course on combating the ideas of white supremacy. Students of color are taught to resist racism through theatrical performances and literary works.

Areas for black students

Promotional video:

American Thinker magazine reported on New York University, where black students demanded a floor on their campus. Only those "whose skin color is different from white" are allowed to enter this zone. There they will be able to take a break from the company of white oppressors and receive after basic classes. The experience of New York students was repeated by students from the University of Oberlin in Ohion. They also demanded that the university administration provide them with a "safe place for blacks."


At Jacksonville Humanities University in Illinois, students and faculty of color are advocating for the right to conduct some classes "exclusively for blacks." The University of Missouri has opened a "zone of psychological relief for black students only."


In 2017, Harvard students of color held their own prom. This was done to "draw attention to the difficulties and psychological problems that they had to overcome in the course of their studies."


The initiative was supported by organizations fighting for the rights of blacks. One of the activists, Courtney Woods, said that despite innovations at American universities, which were once founded to train rising imperialist leaders, there are still vestiges of slavery, racism and colonization.

Reverse racism in culture

Any film that raises the issue of racism towards blacks is equated with a cultural phenomenon, and films about the European Middle Ages or Antiquity are accused of racism. After all, there are no black characters in them.

Ancient Greek warrior Achilles and god Zeus from the TV series "The Fall of Troy"
Ancient Greek warrior Achilles and god Zeus from the TV series "The Fall of Troy"

Ancient Greek warrior Achilles and god Zeus from the TV series "The Fall of Troy".

The mediocre Black Panther film about an overdeveloped, secret African country, Wakanda, has been called a masterpiece. On Rotten Tomatoes, he received 97% positive reviews. At the same time, any negative review of this movie from the comics was perceived as racism towards blacks. In the United States, 37% of the audience who visited the cinema on the day of the release of "Black Panther" were black viewers, whose share in the US population is only 13.1%.

The reverse racism was also accused of the artist Kyanda Wiley, who in his works depicts only black men, women and children. He modernizes old canvases and says: "If black lives are important, they deserve to be in the picture."

Frame from the video Look At Me
Frame from the video Look At Me

Frame from the video Look At Me.

Politics games

In 2014, the police shot and killed black boys Michael Brown and Eric Garner. No crime was found in the actions of the police, which provoked mass unrest. The Black lives matter movement became the flagship of the fight against the "white killers".

Procession of the Black lives matter movement
Procession of the Black lives matter movement

Procession of the Black lives matter movement.

According to statistics, half of the murders and robberies in the United States are committed by blacks, while their share in the US population is only 13%. The main reason is the low level of education, unemployment and lack of social guarantees. However, politicians continue to speculate on racial issues.

Artist Kyande Wylie presents a portrait to Barack Obama
Artist Kyande Wylie presents a portrait to Barack Obama

Artist Kyande Wylie presents a portrait to Barack Obama.

US Vice President Joe Biden believes that: “White people are the reason we have institutional racism. Racism has always existed in America. There have always been supporters of the idea of white supremacy, and they still are."

And he is the main candidate in the next presidential elections from the Democratic Party.

Former Vice President Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is confident that in order to solve the problem, President Donald Trump should be brought to justice, who has intensified the interracial confrontation. The vice president admitted that his campaign program will be aimed at African Americans.