Big Bang - Big Lie! - Alternative View

Big Bang - Big Lie! - Alternative View
Big Bang - Big Lie! - Alternative View

Video: Big Bang - Big Lie! - Alternative View

Video: Big Bang - Big Lie! - Alternative View
Video: Neil Degrasse Tyson - Is there an alternative to the Big Bang? 2024, June

The theory that the universe is a consequence of the Big Bang is possibly a myth. Below is an unusual take on the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang theory says that 13 - 18 billion years ago, all matter was concentrated in an infinitely small and very hot spot - a singularity. Subsequently, this point exploded for an unknown reason. Thus, out of nothing, everything arose. This is the first oddity that most people turn a blind eye to. One theory says that after billions of years, matter and energy will collapse again into a singularity (the theory of Big Compression).

Georges Lemaitre
Georges Lemaitre

Georges Lemaitre.

In 1927, Catholic priest and scientist Georges Lemaitre presented his theory of the Big Bang about the creation of the universe. At that time, the Catholic Church was actively involved in scientific affairs. She tried to find a scientific explanation for how God created the world. The goal was to unite religion and science and try to erase the border between them. This gave them the right to say that their whole view of the world is absolutely correct.

Some scientists of the time, such as Hubble and Einstein, did not want to accept this theory. They knew the Big Bang was nonsense.

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein.

The Big Bang theorists have actually come up with a new religion that tries to explain the creation of the world. There is no rational explanation for everything they preach; in fact, it is a religion wrapped in pseudoscience.

Stephen Hawking in his Brief History of Time, referring to the physicist Roger Penrose, writes that the collapsing star is trapped in a region, the surface of which eventually shrinks to zero size. It is believed that the universe had exactly this, zero size. However, in physics, everything that has a zero size is nothing. How did space, matter and energy emerge from this nothingness?

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Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble

Edwin Hubble.

To explain the processes in science, theory is used, but first a hypothesis or assumption is put forward. In the case of the Big Bang, it was assumed that there was a mathematical singularity that materialized into an object. This abstract object exploded, which led to the emergence of another object - the universe, which is constantly expanding. But here's the question. What has the singularity exploded into if it includes space itself? What gives shape to the universe?

The only answer may be that the universe has no form, and therefore no boundaries. Thus, the Universe is not an object, and therefore cannot expand.

Apparently, supporters of the Big Bang borrowed an idea from the Book of Genesis, which claims that the magic God created all matter. This is exactly what Lemaitre did with his theory. He supported the religious history of the creation of the world with scientific evidence.