Mars Was Similar To Earth 3.7 Billion Years Ago: The Red Planet Can Be Populated - Alternative View

Mars Was Similar To Earth 3.7 Billion Years Ago: The Red Planet Can Be Populated - Alternative View
Mars Was Similar To Earth 3.7 Billion Years Ago: The Red Planet Can Be Populated - Alternative View

Video: Mars Was Similar To Earth 3.7 Billion Years Ago: The Red Planet Can Be Populated - Alternative View

Video: Mars Was Similar To Earth 3.7 Billion Years Ago: The Red Planet Can Be Populated - Alternative View
Video: This Is What Planets Looked Like 3.8 Billion Years Ago 2024, July

The data was obtained from the Curiosity rover. The images, as well as the results of the analysis of minerals from the surface of the Red Planet, helped scientists learn more about Mars. Humanity has entered a qualitatively new stage in the study of the planet.

One of the most interesting questions of world science is whether humanity will be able to satisfy its colonial ambitions. Today, there are two options for the development of space technologies in this industry: to direct all efforts to the development of the lunar expanses or to populate the Red Planet. The satellite of the Earth is much easier to colonize, because it is located in close proximity to our planet, and the study of its expanses began back in the 60s of the last century. As a result of numerous studies, scientists were able to establish that the moon had water (lakes or seas) and, perhaps, even life existed. Although, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that these data have not been proven so far. Stephen Hawking once spoke in favor of the exploration of the lunar expanses, who is sure that the moon is easier to populate due to many factors.

This theory is counterbalanced by the data recently voiced by NASA experts. The point is that during the Apollo mission, the astronauts saw objects that strongly resemble alien installations that were located on the slopes of the lunar surface. Also important is the fact that the satellite has repeatedly managed to see structures that visually cannot be classified as naturally formed objects. Ufologists, and even some scientists, suggest that the Moon is the base for the localization of alien ships. It is from there that humanoids are watching over humanity and, possibly, in the future, take over our planet.

Perhaps this is precisely why scientists are "betting" on Mars as the second human haven. Today, on the surface of the Red Planet, studies of its nature are being actively carried out with the help of marsokhs. On this planet, as, indeed, on the Moon, the bodies of dead humanoids, downed UFOs, and even entire alien cities were repeatedly examined. However, all this is only in pictures and in a distorted version.

As for a more objective point, the latest data on this matter read: Mars 3.7 billion years ago was similar to Earth. That is, on the Red Planet there were oceans with water, where the most primitive living organisms lived. Perhaps, in the future, the scenario for the development of civilization on Mars developed in a similar way to the earthly scenario, scientists who obtained the data thanks to the Curiosity rover suggested. Samples taken from Mount Sharp indicate that the Gale Valley was filled with water, most likely a lake. Now scientists are inclined to believe that all the liquid has gone under the surface of Mars, it is possible that it is still there, American scientists suggested.


However, the fact that there was life on the Martian surface due to the presence of water there still does not prove anything, writes ToDay News Ufa. After all, the planet is very cold, and the radiation background kills all living things, scientists are sure. Whether living organisms can arise in such conditions is difficult to say. The only thing that could play a key role in these processes is changing climatic conditions on Mars and creating a protective field for the Red Planet. While humanity cannot do this, however, this does not mean that it is impossible in the future. After all, technologies are striding by leaps and bounds, and, having learned about the possibility of settling the Martian expanses, scientists will be able to start working on creating favorable conditions on its surface.

So far, the main problem that hinders humanity in achieving this goal is that, due to strong radiation, astronauts may simply not endure such a long stay in space. Previously, man did not have to be outside the Earth for a long time. On this score, many scientists are debating: some argue that protective suits will create favorable conditions for a successful flight for the first colonizers of Mars, others - the astronauts will not even be able to fly to the Red Planet. In addition, even if the astronauts manage to land on the Martian surface, no one guarantees that the latter will be able to conduct at least some research, because the radiation background there is no less than in outer space. History remembers the sad experience of Soviet scientists,who, in a race with the United States, simply sent their astronauts to certain death. The details of this case were revealed several months ago in light of the declassification of the archives of the Soviet Union.

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Despite constant disputes, the expedition to Mars continues its preparations. Moreover, according to recently published data on the network, in 2017 the number of people wishing to visit space has increased significantly. This trend is associated with many factors, but one of the most important points for the propaganda of the space industry is that science has become more open to society. Chinese inventors are already actively working to implement their project in the field of space tourism. Who knows, perhaps in the near future tourism will become the beginning of travel, and travel will develop into a desire to settle on another planet, on Mars, for example.

Dyl Lily