Perhaps The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Has Been Found! - Alternative View

Perhaps The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Has Been Found! - Alternative View
Perhaps The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Has Been Found! - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Has Been Found! - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Has Been Found! - Alternative View
Video: Who prepared the elixir of immortality for Genghis Khan? «Reflections On History» 2024, July

It seems that the path for the "drug of eternal youth" was paved by scientists in a recent scientific experiment!

People will be able to live healthier and longer without the fear of diseases such as heart disease and Alzheimer's. Your skin, nails and hair can also retain their natural youthful sheen.

Imagine a drug that could allow people to have children naturally and into very old age.

If our life expectancy increases, it will significantly reduce the level of medical care and make the life of families caring for painfully weak relatives much less stressful.

These new experiments mirrored the film “The Curious Story of Benjamin Button,” in which Brad Pitt played the protagonist, aging in the opposite direction.

In reality, the experiments were carried out by Dr. Ronald Depigno of Harvard University. The highlights of the trials were detailed in the prestigious journal Nature.

After injecting the drug, in just two months they grew so many new cells that they were almost completely "rejuvenated". A pleasant side effect was the fact that males who were infertile became the fathers of large litters of healthy mice.

"From a human point of view, it's like having a 40-year-old man who looked 80+ and reversing the consequences to the level of 50."

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"This is the first time that aging has officially been reversed."

“This suggests that there is a return point for aging organs that we have not previously appreciated,” said Dr. Depigno.

Telomeres - which are small biological clocks that protect chromosomes by attaching to their ends - is what the breakthrough is aiming for.

Telomeres get shorter over time. This increases the likelihood of age-related diseases and illnesses. Eventually, cells die due to their short length.

At this point, the telomere usually turns off in the body. However, it turned out that an enzyme called telomerase is able to repair telomere capsules.

Activating this enzyme in test mice that are prematurely aged and then "rejuvenated" is exactly what Dr. DePigno excelled at.

It was originally assumed that such a technique would only slow down the aging process. So he was literally stunned when he reversed the process instead.

The doctor is sure that it is quite possible to create such a drug for people, which can prolong life and slow down the natural diseases of aging.

Of course, there is also a serious drawback to this process. High telomerase levels are known to induce the growth of cancer cells. Of course, one drug alone cannot iron out all aging problems. But, as they say, a start has been made … In addition, such results look quite real against the background of really existing immortal organisms. And science does not stand still. The main thing is that the resulting drug is available to most people, and not just to a select few.
