The Form Of Being Beyond The Line Of Life - Alternative View

The Form Of Being Beyond The Line Of Life - Alternative View
The Form Of Being Beyond The Line Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Form Of Being Beyond The Line Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Form Of Being Beyond The Line Of Life - Alternative View
Video: Beyond The Lines - ESMA 2013 2024, September

The latest sensational discoveries of scientists have proved an incredible hypothesis - a person can live forever. Modern resuscitation medical measures, nanotechnology and ultra-precise equipment make it relatively easy to resurrect people and bring them out of a deep coma.

Humanity has always strived to overcome physical death and prolong its life. But, at the same time, people think - is death the absolute end of human existence or is there another form of being beyond the line of life? Why is a man born at all if he is destined to die anyway?

Death is the most terrible and mysterious topic for all of humanity. The feeling of hopelessness and the inevitable end of life especially haunts people in adulthood and depresses their psyche. The well-known Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Gennady Berdyshev published research materials, on the basis of which the scientists claim that according to their biologically programmed data, the norm of human life should be at least 121 years.

Scientists at all times, from century to century, have been trying to derive the formula of immortality. Everyone knows, for example, the mysterious elixir of life, which is the alchemical name for the Philosopher's Stone. This magical remedy was allegedly capable of not only ennobling any simple metal, but also served as a healing universal remedy. A solution of this mysterious reagent was called the miraculous golden drink. The ancient alchemists wrote in their treatises that it was necessary to take it inside according to a special scheme in very small doses, and then he healed the most dangerous deadly diseases, restored youth to the old body and extended the life of the elders for many years.

The paradoxical discoveries of the 21st information age have brought science and religion to a common opinion - human existence does not end with death. It is incredible, but true, today in medicine there is a new breakthrough step in the treatment of hopelessly ill patients, the so-called death healing.

The phenomenon of the transfer of consciousness from one body to another has been stirring the minds of mankind for thousands of years. The first mention of the reincarnation of the human soul is found in the Vedas. These are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, according to which any living creature dwells in this earthly world in two bodies - gross and subtle. The human spirit binds them together.

In Hinduism, there is still a belief in the transmigration of souls. The Vedas say that when the gross physical body of a person wears out and becomes an unsuitable vessel for the soul, the human spirit leaves it in the subtle body. This is the process of death. Wandering all over the world, the liberated living soul seeks a suitable new material body. The moment of "settling" of the soul is the miracle of birth. It turns out that each of us is able to remember our past incarnations in the earthly world, and even the moments of death in each of them.

Proponents of the theory of reincarnation (transmigration of souls) are sure that such a frequently occurring phenomenon as deja vu is a flash of human memory about the events of past human life. In addition, they argue that hundreds of cases from research practice show that after death in our world, everyone is destined to be born again. This will happen again in a completely different body and at a different time, while in his new incarnation a person will have the same defects and bright distinctive features that he had in his previous life.

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Thanks to systematic scientific research on the reincarnation of the American professor Ian Stevenson, his adherents consider this process a scientifically proven fact. Among the advocates of reincarnation, there is an opinion that almost any person can again visit their past reincarnations in a dream, only for this you need to tune in correctly.

The first scientific explanation of the phenomenon of life and the fact that it, thanks to reincarnation, does not end with the onset of human biological death, was given by the world-famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. He adhered to his hypothesis about the impossibility of absolute death while the universe around us is alive. The great scientist imagined souls separating from bodies at the moment of death in the form of indestructible atoms scattering in the world space. According to the scientific theory of conservation of energy, the escaped energy of these atoms does not disappear and does not dissolve without a trace, but is transformed into a new form.

According to a number of researchers, human consciousness does not disappear anywhere, but is embodied in a new body with all its accumulated knowledge, skills, abilities and talents. This can explain the increased frequency of the appearance of children of prodigies. Therefore, death can be regarded as an experiment that purifies people and frees them from the fuss associated with knowledge.

However, modern skeptics do not want to agree that physical death is invincible, and they are intensely looking for a means of extending biological life. Today, the cryonics method is very popular, thanks to which people hope that the frozen preserved bodies of the deceased in a very short time, scientists will be able to revive and restore the working functions of the body.

In the next four years, scientists are ready to offer humanity the opportunity to create and grow renewed organs and even a new body, as is done now during the cultivation of integrated circuit crystals or as when printing on a 3-d printer. Such grandiose developments at the junction of the sciences of biology and informatics using nanotechnology and self-developing neural networks (artificial intelligence) are already underway. But where, then, do researchers assign a place to the human soul?

The Soviet Kazakh writer Chingiz Aitmatov in the novel "Plakha" sharply describes the moment of the death of a child carried away by a she-wolf, and traces the idea that everyone has their own end of the world. Perhaps death does not occur with bodily death, but precisely at the moment of the death of the spirit of the individual.