How Immortality Is Brought Closer In Russia: Khavinson's Bioregulatory Peptides - Alternative View

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How Immortality Is Brought Closer In Russia: Khavinson's Bioregulatory Peptides - Alternative View
How Immortality Is Brought Closer In Russia: Khavinson's Bioregulatory Peptides - Alternative View

Video: How Immortality Is Brought Closer In Russia: Khavinson's Bioregulatory Peptides - Alternative View

Video: How Immortality Is Brought Closer In Russia: Khavinson's Bioregulatory Peptides - Alternative View
Video: A documentary about Russian Peptide Bioregulators (part 1) 2024, September

Friedrich Engels said: "Life is a way of existence of protein bodies." Alas, Engels knew that nothing is eternal, and the human body is doomed to gradual degradation and destruction in order to ultimately find peace and return to earth. Today scientists - and just amateurs - are looking for all possible ways to prolong life, and the healthy part of it. But for longevity, the body's resistance to disease is important. One of the ways that can become, without exaggeration, a panacea is the bioregulatory peptides of Professor V. Kh. Khavinson.

What are peptides?

Today, the word peptides cause confusion in an uninformed person, about the same as for a non-athlete - the word "protein". Protein has come a long way for most to know that it is just pure protein, not the "pharma" in which bodybuilders mutate into supermen by leaps and bounds. Nootropics have gone the same way - drugs to improve "thinking". Now it's time for peptides.

To understand the importance of scientific discovery, you need to understand in detail what it is.

Our body is a skyscraper of protein structures. The smallest structural unit of our body, all organs and tissues is the cell. She's alive while she shares. But the number of its divisions is genetically determined. Any cell of any organ or tissue is capable of dividing fifty times in our entire life. This fact was established by the American scientist Leonard Hayflick. This limit bears the same name (Leonard Hayflick's limit). From age and disease, our organs and tissues are destroyed as the number of cell divisions is spent, as soon as it is used up, apoptosis occurs - cell death.

Information about how much a cell is supposed to divide is in the genetic apparatus - DNA. It is located in the cell nucleus and has an X-shaped structure. The "shoulder" of DNA is called the telomere, which physically shortens as the number of divisions is spent. And here we come close to the role of a peptide - a small protein with a specific amino acid sequence, characteristic of this particular tissue. Getting into the body in one way or another - by injection or through the mouth in the form of capsules - the peptide freely passes through all tissue barriers: the cell membrane, the nuclear membrane and is embedded in the DNA structure, just in the place of shortening of the telomere according to the principle of complementarity.

The peptide "lengthens" telomeres by 42% (almost half!) And restores the ability of DNA to synthesize protein, actually extending the life of the cell. We have already found out that the longer it divides, the longer it lives. On the scale of the tissue (organ), which consists of these cells, it is the restoration of its structure and function. And on the scale of the whole organism, this is life extension, improvement of its quality, prevention and treatment of age-related diseases.

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But there is one "but". Today, peptide production is developing at a rapid pace. So, the safety and effectiveness of a peptide depends not only on the amino acid sequence, the degree of purification from hormones, but also on the size of the amino acid chain (molecular weight). For example, if we compare a drug polypeptide with cerebroprotective activity - cerebrolysin, then its weight will be 10,000 Da. While the bioregulatory cerebroprotector of Professor V. Kh. Khavinson has a molecular weight of 400 Da. This is one billionth of a meter - nanoscale. And this is the undeniable advantage of any of the forty peptides developed by the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology. In order for us to find out about the activities of this institute, Oksana Anatolyevna Orlova - MD, PhD, answered our questions,Researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, laboratory of bioregulation of aging, cosmetologist, expert in anti-aging medicine, injection and hardware medical cosmetology.

And we are certainly interested in the approach to immortality.

Are bioregulatory peptides harmful?

To harm professor V. Kh. Khavinson is impossible. Let's try to understand why? The fact is that all substances entering our body are controlled by the defense system - immunity and develops an attitude towards everything, synthesizing antibodies. In this form, the information gets into our "library of images". In the case of nanopeptides, antibodies are not produced. They are absorbed so quickly and easily that the immune system does not have time to take control of them. If antibodies are not developed for the substance, there will be no allergic reaction, side and dose-dependent effects, as well as individual intolerance. Maximum effect with no harm at all. This fits into the concept of alternative medicine of the future. This is a revolutionary breakthrough. The international scientific community qualifies this way.

The new treatment is of particular relevance in the conditions of premature aging, when from 35 years in our body proceeds simultaneously from 3 - 5 chronic diseases, and from 65 years - from 5 - 8 of those. Thus, complex treatment with several medicinal substances is required at once, but this is impossible due to their insecurity. While the complex treatment with bioregulatory peptides is correct. It should be emphasized that peptides - drugs of strategic, cumulative purpose, have an effect not immediately, but after some time, when the dose of stimulation is accumulated and a "response" to treatment is formed.

How long have peptides been discovered?

This discovery is already forty years old. It arose on the basis of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov during the search for means of increasing the combat effectiveness of personnel in conditions of radioactive exposure. It turned out that short amino acid chains (2-3-4 AA) are able to mobilize the reserve of cell division and stimulate protein biosynthesis, which restores the structure and function of the affected organs and tissues. Since then, countless cultural, biological and clinical studies have been carried out confirming the efficacy of short bioregulatory peptides. Time passed the exam. The largest clinical experiments took place at different times. This is the rescue of the crew of the Komsomolets submarine in 1989 (45 people); through Gazprom in the city of Nadym (11,000 people);a team of employees of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology for 15 years (50 people); preparation during the year of the women's rhythmic gymnastics team for the 30th Olympic Games in London in 2012.

Orlova O. A
Orlova O. A

Orlova O. A.

How are peptides produced?

Peptides are obtained by tissue extraction from young calves up to 12 months of age or biosynthesized under laboratory conditions. Thus, these small building blocks exist for all organs. All of them are organ-specific: they restore the structure and function of only the organ from which they are isolated. For example, brain peptides restore the brain and its functions; liver peptides - liver tissue; cartilage - cartilage, vessels - vessels; thyroid gland - the thyroid gland. About 40 items were received. One of them is the "gold standard" of longevity - a peptide of the pineal gland (pineal gland), the neuroimmunoendocrine generality in our body. Through its hormone - melatonin (also called the hormone of youth), the pineal gland coordinates the functions of all endocrine systems. And hormones, as you know,lead all our life status. The level of melatonin in the blood and urine determines the biological age of our body. Thus, the pineal gland is universal, it restores all our organs and tissues, and is also a powerful oncoprotector.

What peptides are ready for better health? How is the healing process going?

Today peptides exist in three dosage forms: transdermal (cosmetics), oral (for oral administration and general therapeutic effects) and injection. Transdermal and oral forms of peptides are available to a wide range of people. Since they cannot be harmed and in order to facilitate distribution, they are called dietary supplements and launched through the network trade. However, the difference between dietary supplements and peptides should be noted: dietary supplements do not have the ability to restore the structure and function of tissues, peptides are their main purpose. We can say that peptides are drugs with an etiotropic effect of treatment, since they affect the cause of the disease: the destruction of organs and dysfunction of their functions. Finding Havinson's peptides on the Internet is not difficult.

The encapsulated forms are divided into two groups: cytomax (tissue extracts, natural) and cytogens (biosynthesized in laboratory conditions), in terms of the severity and duration of the effect, they are quite comparable, but some are cheaper than others. Oral peptides are packaged in 60 capsules - a course of treatment for one month. If you take them in a dosage of 1 capsule twice a day, this is a therapeutic and prophylactic scheme and we will see the effect not earlier than in the third week of treatment (for example, anesthetic) with a frequency of courses - 2 times a year: in spring and autumn - in seasonal exacerbation of any disease. If we are not interested in prevention, but in treatment, the frequency of courses increases to three or four. In addition, you can increase the dosage in order to quickly obtain a therapeutic effect: 2 capsules 2 times a day.

Pineal gland peptide, amino acid sequence in the structure: alanine-glutamine-asparagine-glycine Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly
Pineal gland peptide, amino acid sequence in the structure: alanine-glutamine-asparagine-glycine Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly

Pineal gland peptide, amino acid sequence in the structure: alanine-glutamine-asparagine-glycine Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly.

It should be noted that peptides are good in a complex, since in the body of each of us over 35 years old simultaneously proceeds from 3-5 chronic diseases, at least taking a vascular peptide should accompany any treatment. For example, by improving blood circulation in an organ, we help accelerate metabolism (OM) or metabolism. To date, injectable peptides have also been obtained for all organs and tissues in the form of extracts and biosynthesized forms. But only five of them were certified 40 years ago as medicines and are sold in pharmacies:

  • Cortexin is a brain peptide (included in the state register as the first choice drug for the treatment and prevention of heart attacks and strokes).
  • Timalin is a peptide of the thymus (central organ of immunogenesis).
  • Retinalamin is a peptide of the retina.
  • Epitalon is a peptide of the pineal gland.
  • Prostatilen is a peptide of the prostate.

The package contains 10 ampoules - this is a course of treatment for 10 days, the frequency of courses depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment with the rest of the injectable peptides developed by the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology on an experimental basis can be obtained at the St. Petersburg clinic "Tree of Life".

What is the future of bioregulatory peptides? How long does it take to develop new drugs?

The whole peptide topic is more related to treatment and prevention. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov also said: "The future belongs to preventive medicine." Indeed, it is easier and cheaper to implement prevention than treatment of the disease. Use should begin from the age of 30, from the very beginning of the aging process of our body and the formation of diseases.


From discovery to implementation in production, sometimes decades pass, and it may never be introduced. It really depends on many factors. The first and most important thing is the recognition of the clinical efficacy of the drug, the second, but no less important from this, is the certification of the drug as a drug, the third is closest to the consumer - the introduction into production and very close to the affordable price of the drug. There are pitfalls at every stage of the discovery.

As for the cerebroprotectors of Professor V. Kh. Khavinson, for 40 years there has been such a drug as Cortexin, and it is recognized by all practitioners in the territories of the CIS countries to be very effective in the treatment of brain diseases, especially age-related degenerative pathology, including Alzheimer's disease. His own younger brother, Pinealon, is just going through the stage of detailed study by biological science: cultural (experimental laboratory research) and the method of molecular mathematical modeling (and mathematics is an exact science). The results are stunning, they predict a great future for the drug in terms of effectiveness and safety in the treatment of age-related neurodegenerative brain diseases. It is not called anything other than a panacea.

At the moment, due to its complete safety and lack of the status of the drug, Pinealon is named a dietary supplement and is successfully sold through the network trade. Epitalon - pineal gland peptide - neuroimmunoendocrine generality and the gold standard of longevity has a universal ability to restore the structure and function of all organs and tissues, it is an extract of the pineal gland, exists in an injectable form and has a drug certificate. It is not sold in the pharmacy chain, but it is possible to receive a course of treatment in St. Petersburg at the “Tree of Life” predictive medicine clinic. Also, the pineal gland peptide exists in an encapsulated form for oral administration. This tissue extract is called Endoluten and is registered as a dietary supplement, and can be purchased through online trade. The biosynthesized pineal gland peptide AEDG exists in an injectable form and, on an experimental basis, treatment with this drug can be obtained at the "Tree of Life" clinic.

As for the peptide of 18 amino acid residues for accompanying antibiotic therapy, alas, while it has only passed the experimental stage, even preclinical studies have not yet been carried out. But the experimental data are striking and the drug will be comprehensively studied due to its unique properties and high demand. This is an amazing discovery.

Ilya Khel