"Dinasfera" - One Wheel Is Enough - Alternative View

"Dinasfera" - One Wheel Is Enough - Alternative View
"Dinasfera" - One Wheel Is Enough - Alternative View

Video: "Dinasfera" - One Wheel Is Enough - Alternative View

Video: Django Bulgaria May (Online meetup) 2024, July

Many inventors drew inspiration from the drawings of the great Leonardo da Vinci. Getting amazing results at times. One of the most famous single-track cars - "Dynasphere" by Briton John Parves, should be attributed to such inventions.

Having made and tested a small sample with an electric motor, John realized that the idea worked and the second sample was already with a gasoline engine and gearbox. It was made from a metal grill. This sample accelerated to almost fifty km / h.


The inventor in interviews and articles devoted to "Dinasphere" talked a lot about the superiority of his mechanism over traditional means of transportation. He certainly called "Dinasfera" the transport of the future. Parves backed his words with the fact that the shape of the ball is the simplest of all forms and simply cannot but be the most economical and fastest.


Prototypes of the miracle mechanisms were made of a metal mesh, later the design was modernized - the frame was made of ten hoops covered with leather. So Parves achieved a decrease in weight (by the way, the first gasoline model weighed 450 kg and had a diameter of 3 meters).


Inside the huge wheel, there was a frame fixed to the inner rails on special wheels. The engine and the driver's seat were installed on the frame. The principle of movement was that, while working, the engine rose up the rails, pushing the "Dinasphere" to move.

Promotional video:


The rotary system in the first samples was implemented by tilting the driver in the right direction. In some photos, you can see how far the inventor leans out in order to turn. In the upgraded following models, a mechanism was devised to facilitate this maneuver. He shifted the frame with the driver and the motor into a groan of turning.

Dynasphere de luxe
Dynasphere de luxe

Dynasphere de luxe.

After successful tests, John Parves also developed the "Dynasphere de luxe", an enlarged version that made it possible to comfortably accommodate five people (and a little later - up to eight) in a glazed cockpit. Parves ensured that the cab would always remain upright while the outer wheel was rolling down the road.

To this day, the design of "Dinasfera" haunts many enthusiasts and home-made inventors. New and new models appear almost every year. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of the invention have not been resolved: the impossibility of sharp maneuvers - turns, stops and parking, poor visibility, dust, dirt and precipitation in the cab. Well, and constant rolling when driving.
