In the coming years, innovative brothels may appear in Britain, where sex robots will work. The authorities believe that this will help solve a whole range of social problems, in particular, illegal prostitution and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, according to the Mirror.
The use of sex robots will completely decriminalize the intimate services industry, British officials say. There will be no more problems with pimps, and the need to be afraid of lovers of corrupt love with perverted inclinations will disappear.
In addition, it will be more convenient for consumers of sex services to be liberated in the company of a robot, they will not have the fear of failure. Finally, maintaining artificial sex workers is much cheaper than paying salaries to live girls.
Manufacturers of innovative sex dolls say their products are made from high-quality silicone and are almost indistinguishable from humans to the touch. By the way, four years ago similar brothels with robots have already appeared in Amsterdam.