Meta-people From The Future - Alternative View

Meta-people From The Future - Alternative View
Meta-people From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Meta-people From The Future - Alternative View

Video: Meta-people From The Future - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 People Who Came From The Future 2024, September

According to reports, approximately 60 percent of the aliens (ETs) that humans, abductees and contactees deal with are aliens from the future or meta-humans. The remaining 40 percent are our contemporaries. There are three types of such newcomers from the future: meta-Lyrans, meta-pleiadians and meta-earthlings. The term "meta" here means something like transcendental or advanced in their development. This also means that their ancestors were Lyrans, Pleiades, or Earthlings.

All of these meta-people can manipulate energy and matter to a much greater extent than modern ETs. They can change their physical form within wide limits, from “energetic” to “material”, and vice versa. Repeatedly observed by witnesses of the transformation of various "fire" balls into different beings and vice versa, may well be such interconversions of meta-people. Or simply their clever holographic manipulation …

From the point of view of the meta-people themselves, they are all considered to be the same beings today. Forty other percent of the aliens with whom people come into contact are modern Pleiades, Lyrans, hybrid races, etc.

Meta-people are genetically more integrated than modern ETs. Their main purpose is to stimulate evolution, they can be called "evolutionary engineers". The goals of modern ET groups are different - for example, genetic research.

Meta-people have several interconnected agendas. They were the ones who initiated the creation of the Asian race on Earth. They are also present and sometimes interfere with what is happening during the Zeta Reticuli genetic experiments with abducted people. With these experiments, the Zetas are trying to prevent the extinction of their race by creating hybrids with humans.

And here I would like to dwell in more detail on the already mentioned ET group, which is now actively interacting with people. This is the so-called Zeta Reticuli civilization, whose members are more commonly known to us as the "Grays" or "Zetas."

Their civilization in the past has gone the path of a kind of self-destruction. As a result, they turned out to be sterile and after all sorts of genetic manipulations, cloning, etc., turned into those creatures that we now know.

Initially, they had basic humanoid vegan genetics, but these were altered as they evolved. And, as it turned out, not for the better … Therefore, one of the main reasons why they are now so active on Earth with kidnapping, mainly associated with all kinds of genetic research, is that they are looking for traces of their past genetics in our rich gene pool. Eliminating emotions turned out to be their big mistake in the end, and now they are trying to fix it.

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They searched for a planet with an active Vegan genetic code, and they found it on Earth, where almost everyone carries Lyran and Vegan genetic codes. Let me remind you that the vegan genetic code is practically equivalent to the Sirian, since the latter descended from vegans.

The Earthlings are so important to Zeta Reticuli because our genetic code contains the future salvation of their dying race. It is believed that we on Earth are the most real genetic repository for our entire galactic family, and our DNA is now even more valuable than in the past. For this reason, the Zeta Reticuli are desperate to create their own "genetic future" here in order to avoid extinction. It is said that we, people, get something very valuable from this interaction with them, but only it is not reported what exactly …

And one more thing about the alien abducted people. They sometimes experience many negative emotions associated with fear and physical pain. Sometimes, on the contrary, they have very positive experiences. It is also reported that Zeta Reticuli interact with people from different evolutionary points in their timeline, but always from their own and our future. However, they are not meta-people.

So, the most negative impressions of the kidnapped people are from contacts with those "grays" who came from their relatively close future, and the most positive - from contacts with their more distant descendants …

As reported by one of the ET groups called Essassani, which came from the future, they are precisely the result of the crossing of Zeta Reticuli and modern humans. As strange as it sounds, they are partially our distant descendants … This also means that the Zeta Reticuli themselves eventually succeeded in their genetic work to create a race hybrid with humans sometime in the future.

Before returning to the meta-people, I would also like to mention another ET group that interacts with us in one way or another. They are from the vicinity of the star Arcturus and can be called "Arcturians". They usually have "non-physical" bodies and people often perceive them as angels.

Arcturians are often committed to caring for humanity. Their primary service is to provide emotional healing for "physical" beings. It is reported that it is in the Arcturus region that earthly "souls" who have survived a tragic death or life are healed and renewed. I am not a big supporter of the reality of reincarnation or "immortality of the soul", but such is the folklore …

As for the messages of people who have experienced clinical death, about the "light at the end of the tunnel", it is said that this light is a manifestation of the Arcturian "vibration", that is, people actually saw the approach of the Arcturians themselves … And what people saw at the same time, already depended on their religious or ideological views, that is, everyone saw their own …

But back to the meta-people. They are often present in various procedures performed by Zeta Reticuli during the abduction of people, while performing several functions at once. Typically, meta-people serve as intermediaries between the abductees and the “collective consciousness” of the zetas with which they interact. They help them understand the emotions of people, since the "grays" are not able to do this.

Numerous abductees testify that, in addition to the Zetas who usually do all the work, other creatures are often present as observers, both humanoid and explicit nonhumanoids, for example, resembling mantises. From time to time, such creatures, especially humanlike ones, intervene in order to calm the abducted. Obviously, these are the meta-people observers.

However, meta-people are not always present during abductions - it depends on the specific "project". Generally speaking, Zeta Reticuli are the initiators of such projects, and they themselves decide whether someone else should be present during the procedures with the abducted. It is also reported that the less developed "grays" in 99 percent of cases do not invite meta-people.

When it comes to more advanced zetas, that is, from their more distant future, they often request the presence of meta-people, since their presence contributes to their personal evolution.

How is all this done "organizationally", how do meta-people end up on the Zeta Reticuli ships during experiments? First, there is the "Association of Worlds" and other organizations associated with it. Secondly, there are quite a few "rebellious" groups that have their own idea of the Association. These groups do not clash, although they may not share the opinions of each other on certain issues.

Zeta Reticuli meet in their circles some representatives of such groups, and they know specific individuals with whom they would like to deal. For example, a group of Pleiadians oversees Zeta activity in the area. They can invite them to adjust their actions, as well as be present on board their ships. Often, along with the crew of the Zeta Reticuli, there is also a crew of meta-people on board.

Depending on the specific abductee situation, certain meta-people assist the Zetas. Zeta Reticuli themselves often observe communication between abductees and meta-people, and replenish their stocks of knowledge about it …

It is also reported how the contacts of people with those ETs, who are our contemporaries, and not guests from the future, differ. For example, some humanoid ETs can conduct sightseeing tours of their ship with abductees - which is often reported. They can also talk a lot about their home world, or show it, and even sometimes ask people questions. But this does not happen because they need some information, but to better understand how we perceive their reality … Sometimes it also happens that meta-people cooperate with "regular" ETs during kidnapping, but this happens very rarely.

As for the cooperation of Zeta Reticuli with ordinary "negative" humanoids during kidnapping, this also happens, but extremely rarely. Lyrans and Pleiadians sometimes intervene in such situations to save people, but again, not always - because of their policy of non-interference …

In conclusion, I would like to say that just as there are several "official" Christian gospels, not to mention apocryphal, so there can be several "gospels from aliens" written. For example, with the "Draconians" at the center of the narrative, the sinister civilization of the Reptilians, which, according to some sources, are the oldest starflying race in our Galaxy.

Under their influence, supposedly, one way or another, if not all, then many highly developed civilizations of our star system. Interestingly, representatives of some ET civilizations claim that they "understand" the actions of the Draconians …

I preferred to dwell on another, more optimistic version of this description. And not only because it presents everything that happens in a more favorable light for us, but also because it coincides in many respects with what many people abducted by aliens in our time report, as well as with the fact that thousands of years back it was written in the Sumerian tablets - and this is already something …

As for the reliability of all this … In my opinion, with all the understanding that this is practically unverifiable information - at least now - it is in its own way no less reliable than the same gospels from John or Matthew …