Baxter Effect, Free Energy And Consequences - Alternative View

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Baxter Effect, Free Energy And Consequences - Alternative View
Baxter Effect, Free Energy And Consequences - Alternative View

Video: Baxter Effect, Free Energy And Consequences - Alternative View

Video: Baxter Effect, Free Energy And Consequences - Alternative View
Video: The Backster Effect: Secrets of the Source Field 2024, July

Can all space, time, energy, matter, biological life and consciousness be a product of the Source Field? Could it be that ancient spiritual teachings and philosophies are right in stating “as above, so below”? What if everything that we observe in the visible universe is a crystallization of an infinite Mind with a unique personality and awareness? Could it be that we are living in amnesia, going through experiences that ultimately lead us to full awakening in the infinity of this infinite consciousness?

Investigations into the Source Field must begin with overwhelming evidence that consciousness is not limited to our brains and nervous systems. We would need tangible proof that our thoughts are continuously interacting with our environment. If our concept of the Source Field is correct, then consciousness becomes an energetic phenomenon, not tied to biological forms of life, but can move between them in a supposedly “empty space”.

Many scholars and researchers in the Western world have made discoveries that reveal the existence of the Source Field, including such a controversial figure as Wilhelm Reich, the protege of Dr. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology. Our exploration of the Source Field will begin with Dr. Cleve Baxter summarizing his life experiences in his book Primary Perception.

The amazing power of hypnosis

While attending Rutger Preparatory School, Baxter overheard a friend describe the hypnosis technique he had learned from his professor. With this technique, he decided to try and hypnotize his roommate. Soon, the neighbor fell into a very deep trance. Then Baxter said, “Now I want you to open your eyes, but not wake up. I want you to go down the hall and get permission to use the lights late at night.” At this school, students were not allowed to turn on the lights after 10 pm without special permission. Under hypnosis, the neighbor opened his eyes, went downstairs, walked through the hall and received special permission from the professor on duty to use the light late in the evening. He signed the register and returned to the room. When Cleve brought the neighbor out of hypnosis, he did not even realize what had happened to him:“See? Hypnosis doesn't work. This notorious hypnosis is bullshit.” When they went downstairs together to see the professor on duty, he confirmed that Cleve's neighbor had just arrived and had asked permission a few minutes earlier. The guy could not believe that everything was so. And I was shocked to see my signature in the registration log.

Baxter set out to research hypnosis, reading every book he could find on the subject (there weren't many in the late 1930s) and conducting successful complementary experiments. In 1941, after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, he joined the A&M military program at the University of Texas. There, Cleve began conducting frequent demonstrations of hypnosis in front of large audiences. Usually about a third of the audience went into some kind of trance state, and Baxter amassing vast data for more intense work. One man asked Cleve to prevent him from seeing Baxter in the room for the next thirty minutes after coming out of his trance. To test how far things could go, Baxter grabbed a cigarette, lit a cigarette, and blew out some smoke even though he was not a smoker. The man saw a cigarette and smoke creeping in the room,but did not see anyone holding a cigarette. He became very agitated and wanted to leave the room, but the audience persuaded him to stay. Thirty minutes later, Baxter reappeared in front of him; the man clearly followed the post-hypnotic commands, knowingly not remembering what he was asked to do.

My introduction to the power of hypnosis came after a thrilling out-of-body experience. When I was five years old, I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself floating a meter from my own body. The little boy on the bed was breathing normally, but if he was “me,” then who the hell am I? I was very scared, and as soon as I panicked, I immediately returned to my body. For the next two years, I really wanted another chance to investigate this little daredevil, but nothing happened. And when, in the end, I asked my mother where I could find out more about this, she went down to the basement with me and offered to read several books about ESP - psychic perception. The first book I read was Harold Sherman's How to Make ESP Work for You? Sherman said that when you hypnotize someone, he can have an out-of-body experience,like mine and with the same amazing results.

Promotional video:

“The deeper the trance state, the more the subject's psychic abilities are activated. In this state, he can be asked to leave the body, visit a certain person or place and tell what he sees or hears.

Hypnosis and Astral Projection

Dr. Thomas Garrett, a psychotherapist and pioneer in the treatment of shell-shocked soldiers during the First World War, told me about an amazing experience with one of his first soldiers. A young man, the son of a famous Broadway playwright, came to Thomas emotionally upset after breaking up a romantic relationship. He was hypnotized and told a psychotherapist that he and his ex-fiancée, a Wellesley student, had a falling out over the smallest of matters, and she returned the ring to him.

On an impulse, Dr. Garrett told the young man that he was able to visit his beloved woman and see how she felt for him. The doctor explained that the young man had the ability to leave the physical body and go in astral form to Wellesley, the women's dormitory where the young lady lived. There was a moment of silence, then the hypnotized young man said that he was standing in the hallway in front of the closed door of the girl's room.

“Don't stop,” Thomas said. “You can walk through the wall. Go and tell me what she does.

A second later, the young man replied: "She is sitting at the table and writing a letter."

“Excellent,” said Dr. Garrett. “Look over your shoulder and read what she writes.

Almost immediately, the face of the sleeping subject took on a surprised and relieved expression. - Why does she write to me.

- What does she say? The psychotherapist demanded, taking a pencil.

Word by word, the young man read several paragraphs to Dr. Garrett: the beloved apologized for her role in the lovers' quarrel, asked for forgiveness and expressed hope for reconciliation. The young man was so excited that he tried to hug the girl. And the reaction of the physical body was such that the doctor hastened to take him out of his astral journey and wake him up, offering to remember everything that he knew.

In the evening of the next day, with a special delivery, the young man received a letter from his beloved, the very letter that he had already perceived astral or telepathically. Dr. Garrett's files retain this letter, along with notes on what the subject told him. The difference between the two messages turned out to be insignificant."

An even more fantastic story of hypnosis can be found in Michael Talbot's landmark work The Holographic Universe, one of the finest collections of Source Field studies on the printed page. In the early 1970s, Talbot watched a professional hypnotize his father's friend, Tom. The hypnotist assured that after the end of the session, Laura, Tom's daughter, would be invisible to Tom. By placing Laura in front of the chair on which Tom was sitting, the hypnotist brought him out of the trance. Waking up, Tom began to look around the room; he seemed to be looking through his daughter's body and did not even hear her giggle. Then the hypnotist took a watch out of his pocket and quickly placed it behind Laura's back. He held the watch so that no one could see what was in his hands. Then he asked Tom if he saw what he had in his hand.

“Tom leaned forward, looking through Laura, and said:“Watch”. The hypnotist nodded and asked Tom to read the inscription on them. Tom narrowed his eyes, as if taking apart the engraving, and then uttered the name of the watch owner (who was unknown to anyone) and the name of the watch company. The hypnotist raised the watch above his head and then passed it in a circle so that everyone could be sure of Tom's faultlessness. When I later talked with Tom, he said that his daughter was absolutely invisible to him. He saw only the hypnotist, who held a watch in the palm of his hand. If the hypnotist had not told him what really happened, he would have taken everything seen under hypnosis at face value."

I read about it in 1995, and what I read made a huge impression on me. Tom's hypnotized mind could look directly through his daughter as if she did not exist; he managed to read the engravings on the pocket watch. If the story is true, then it changes everything we think we know about dense matter, and suggests the existence of a part of consciousness that has much more mysterious powers than most people realize. What we think we see may be just the product of a collective decision to see that way - a form of mass hypnosis. Remember that under hypnosis we can walk, talk and interact with the world, get out of the body, make accurate observations, and also retain (or not retain) a conscious memory of what we did after coming out of trance. We may be given post-hypnotic suggestions about how we should act, think, or behave in a certain way after coming out of trance. And the suggestions are so powerful that they make the human being completely invisible to us while we are in an altered state of consciousness. When we understand that an ordinary person can be hypnotized in this way, we usually attribute it to the work of the “subconscious mind”. But we still don't understand what it is or why it works. The subconscious appears to obey hypnotic commands - usually without question - as if it is used to hearing orders and acting accordingly.while we are in an altered state of consciousness. When we understand that an ordinary person can be hypnotized in this way, we usually attribute it to the work of the “subconscious mind”. But we still don't understand what it is or why it works. The subconscious appears to obey hypnotic commands - usually without question - as if it is used to hearing orders and acting accordingly.while we are in an altered state of consciousness. When we understand that an ordinary person can be hypnotized in this way, we usually attribute it to the work of the “subconscious mind”. But we still don't understand what it is or why it works. The subconscious appears to obey hypnotic commands - usually without question - as if it is used to hearing orders and acting accordingly.

After studying at the University, Cleve Baxter began work in the US military counterintelligence and at the same time lectured on the potential dangers of using hypnosis by foreign intelligence services to obtain classified information from overseas government officials. He took a huge risk and demonstrated the seriousness of the problem to a senior intelligence officer. With her permission, Baxter hypnotized the secretary general of the counterintelligence service. After putting the woman into a trance state, he ordered her to remove a highly classified document from the general's closed file, and she readily complied. Cleve ordered that after coming out of her trance she should not remember what she had done. And rest assured, when she woke up, she had no idea that she had just leaked very important information.

“That night I locked the document in the safe and presented it to the general the next day. I explained that I could go to court, but in doing so I hoped to draw further attention to my research. Instead of a tribunal, on December 27, 1947, I received a letter of recommendation from the general, which said that my research was "of great importance to military intelligence." Then positive changes began.”

Discoverer of the polygraph

After ten days of demonstration of hypnosis and "truth serum" (sodium pentothal) at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC, on April 27, 1948, Baxter began working for the CIA. Shortly thereafter, he studied with Leonard Keeler, the inventor of the polygraph.

“In addition to other undercover work, I was a key member of the CIA team, ready to go on any overseas mission to analyze the possible use of unusual interrogation tactics, including the area of my original interests - interrogation under hypnosis and drug use. When I returned to Washington, I learned that my polygraph work had become popular in processing applications for jobs at the CIA, as well as for general screening of key personnel of that organization. The polygraph testing schedule became more and more stressful and began to interfere with my creative research interests.”

In 1951, following the death of Leonard Keeler, Baxter retired from the CIA and became Director of the Keeler Polygraph Institute in Chicago. At the time it was a polygraph training school. He then opened his own consulting business, working with several government agencies in Washington, and then a branch in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1958, Baxter took the time to intensively study the polygraph. He developed the first standardized system for the numerical grading of polygrams, which is still used today. In 1959 he moved to New York and continued to run the commercial polygraph business. Seven years later, Cleve attacked a gold mine.

“In February 1966, an event occurred that broadened the focus of my research and brought about a kind of paradigm shift in my mind. By that time, I had been using a polygraph when working with people for 18 years.”

In a shop going out of business, Baxter's secretary bought a ficus and a dracaena. So he got the first houseplants. On February 2, 1966, Cleve worked all night in the laboratory. At seven o'clock in the morning, he decided to take a break and have coffee. In those tedious hours, the idea came to him to connect Dracaena to a polygraph and see what would come of it. To his great surprise, the plant displayed an uneven, uneven pattern of electrical activity. The graph turned out to be surprisingly jagged and lively, changing literally every second. And then Baxter watched in amazement something much more interesting.

"On the graph for about a minute, the line showed a short-term change in contour, similar to the typical pattern of the reaction of a person experiencing a short-term fear of exposure."

To put it simply, the electrical activity of the plant looked like a graph of a person starting to lie. Baxter knew that if you wanted to catch someone in a lie, you must first come across what he was hiding. If your questions make the person feel anxious or threatened, the electrical activity of the skin is greatly increased. The scientist wanted to see if he could get a similar plant response to a threat to its well-being.

“An example of what we do to a person with a polygraph test is a question such as,“Did you shoot John Smith?” If he has committed a crime, this question poses a threat to his well-being and triggers a reaction that is recorded on the graph.”

Baxter tried to dip one of the leaves into a cup of hot coffee. Nothing. Then he pierced one of the leaves with a pen. No reaction.

“Then, after fourteen minutes of graphic recording, I thought, what if as a threat to take a match and burn a sheet attached to the electrode. At that time, the plant was almost 5 m away from me. The only thing that has changed is a thought."

Well, what happened next changed the history of science forever, and the consequences have not yet been subject to general public awareness.

“As soon as the idea of setting fire to a leaf appeared in my brain, the polygraph pen registered a sharp jump upward! Not a word was spoken, there was no touch on the sheet, the lists were not lit, there was only my intention to set fire to the sheet. The recordings showed terrible excitement. It was high quality observation for me. And I must state that on February 2, 1966, after thirteen minutes of recording, my whole consciousness changed. Then I thought: Wow! The plant counts my thoughts!”

As the plant continued to show what was considered a huge panic reaction, Baxter went and took the matches from the secretary's table.

“When I returned, the plant was still showing clearly visible reactions. I made a light pass with a lighted match near the leaf, but did no harm to the plant. I thought the best I can do is remove the threat and see if the plant calms down. After the matches returned to the secretary's table, the schedule returned to a calm state, as before the decision to burn the sheet connected to the electrode”.


A diagram dated February 2, 1966 shows the plant's reaction to the author's idea of setting fire to a leaf of this plant connected to a galvanometer. 1) Pressing the PGR contacts by hand. 2) Consideration of methods of threat to the plant. 3) The first thought about setting fire to a plant leaf. 4) The experimenter leaves the room for matches. 5) At this point, no adjustment of the equipment was made. 6) Lighting a match.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Baxter's colleague Bob Henson came to work. He was shocked when he heard about what Cleve had done. When Henson repeated the experiment and threatened the plant, the same reaction followed. Baxter felt a liking for the plant and would not let Henson actually set the leaf on fire. Essentially, he never repeated an experiment involving burning or threatening to burn a plant.

My personal experience with the Baxter effect

In 2006, I called the Baxter Research Lab in San Diego and asked if he would like to be filmed to show the event in a modern classroom. Talking to him, I did not yet realize that my call fell on February 2, 2006 - exactly forty years after the perfect discovery in 1966. Baxter agreed to take part in the film. A few months later we invited him to Los Angeles and spent some of the investor money on a Hollywood-style film.

In a key episode, Baxter is invited to a college class to discuss an experiment involving connecting a living plant to a polygraph. One unrestrained student showed excitement and impatience, so he wanted to reproduce the Baxter effect himself. With a lighter in hand, the guy jumped up and ran to the plant to light it, but my character held him back. The plant “screamed” in horror before being burned, thereby showing the whole class that the Baxter effect really works.

This is how I wrote this scene in the script. I had a significant amount of investor money at my disposal, and Baxter promised to act as an actor and follow the script. To my dismay, he refused to “pretend” that the plant showed a horror reaction every time I sat the guy back down. We shot take after take, but Baxter just didn't play the part. He wasn't going to reliably react in front of the camera until he saw the schedule was really going wild. Then I realized that the only way to save my film was to try to reproduce the Baxter effect myself.

Until this moment, we were just playing. There were no strong emotions. In fact, the guy had no intention of burning the plant, and I knew he had no intention of pushing me away. The plant “knew” that there was no real threat, and as a result, the schedule remained calm and even. I realized that I needed to do something and do it quickly. In the next take, I sent the plant the darkest and darkest thoughts I could conjure up, such as how I was in conflict with a student. Deep down, I really experienced these sensations. I hated the plant. I wanted to rip him to pieces. Burn it down. And at that very moment, the polygraph needle "went crazy", like a man screaming in horror. Since the camera was still on, Baxter said, "Well, we have a reaction!" I saved some tape and proved to myself that the Baxter effect really works.

I then apologized to the plant and sent love to it as if it could hear or feel me. The graph immediately calmed down. Baxter allowed me to keep the schedule for this amazing event. And I still have it in my invoice box after this day of shooting. The script changed many times, and we never neglected the opportunity to professionally take advantage of this shooting. But I was happy to be able to reproduce the Baxter effect myself and see deep down that it works. I will never forget the day I told the landlady and her ten-year-old daughter about Baxter's amazing discovery. The daughter suddenly ran out of the house and began rolling on the grass in complete ecstasy, shouting: “You hear me! Can you hear me!"

They always listen

After his 1966 discovery, Baxter discovered something else: once you start caring for a plant, it monitors your thoughts and feelings.

“While working with the plant, when I left the laboratory and went on business trips, I found that the moment I decided to return to it, it showed some clearly significant reactions, especially when my decision to return was spontaneous.”

Baxter used a synchronized clock to prove that the plant was reacting the moment it made a decision. He was doing a plant experiment in New York one day and went to Clifton, New Jersey with his colleague Bob Henson. Unbeknownst to Henson, his wife had prepared a surprise to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Baxter noticed several strong plant reactions as they drove through several points on the route, including the moment they approached Port Authority, the bus transfer to Clifton, the Lincoln Tunnel, and the final leg of the journey to Clifton. And when they entered the house and everyone shouted “SURPRISE!” The plant definitely felt it. Baxter said: "At that moment the plant showed a strong reaction."

Cleve began to leave the plant connected to the polygraph without trying to do anything, just watching its reactions and trying to figure out what might have caused such reactions. One day, he discovered a strong reaction and realized that it was when he poured a kettle of boiling water into the sink of the laboratory. I've been to Baxter's laboratory and know how disgusting laboratory sinks are. Subsequent tests revealed that the shell was swarming with bacteria - similar to the scene in the cellar in a Star Wars movie - and when the bacteria died suddenly from the boiling water burn, the plant felt a threat to its well-being and “screamed”.

Baxter later set up a special experiment to try and standardize this effect. He tried to find the most consumed living creature and chose Artemia, which fish usually feed on. Cleve invented a device that unexpectedly placed a clam in boiling water. When the mollusk died, the plants gave a strong reaction, but only if the experiment was carried out at night, when there were no human beings near the laboratory. Otherwise, the plants seemed to lose interest in molluscs; the energy fields of an ordinary person were much stronger. Later, skeptics tried to repeat this experiment, but did not follow Baxter's instructions.

“As far as we can determine, people who tried to repeat the experiment did not understand how to remove human consciousness from it. They thought they could go to another room, stand on the other side of the wall and watch the experiment on television. When you consider attuning a plant to a person, the wall means nothing.”

Electro-Technology Magazine devoted a column and a half to this study, and 4,950 scientists wrote to Baxter asking for more information.

On November 3, 1969, the scientist demonstrated this effect at the Yale University Linguistic School. He tore off an ivy leaf and connected it to a polygraph: "Then I asked if there were any insects here that could be used to stimulate the plant." The students caught a spider, which Cleve pointed out is an arachnid. They placed a spider on a table and one student placed his arms so that the spider could not escape. All this time ivy did not react in any way.

“But when the student removed his hands and the spider realized that it could run away, there was a tremendous reaction on the graph even before the spider tried to run away. This sequence was repeated several times.”

Baxter soon appeared on numerous television shows demonstrating this effect, including Johnny Carson, Art Linkletter, Merv Griffin, and David Frost. Frost asked Cleve if the plant was male or female. The scientist and his plant reacted amusingly to such a rather personal question.

“I figured he would come up, pick up the sheet and peek. But even before he even got close to the leaf, the plant gave a powerful reaction, which, in turn, caused a funny reaction from the audience in the studio.”

In 1972, Baxter's results were repeated by the Russian scientist V. N. Pushkin using an electroencephalogram. Under hypnosis, people were instilled into strong emotional excitement, and the geranium standing nearby showed a strong reaction every time it happened. Despite the intriguing results, the scientific community has predictably subjected them to severe criticism. Dr. Otto Salbridge of the Department of Biology at Harvard University was clearly not attracted to them.

"Waste of time. This work does not advance science much. We already know enough about plants, so when someone comes out with something like that, we say it's quackery. You would say that we are biased. Maybe".

Yale University professor Arthur Galtson was a little more polite, but he also did not support Baxter.

“I am not suggesting that Baxter's phenomena are impossible. I'm just saying that there are other more pressing issues to deal with. It's nice to think that plants are listening to you or responding to prayer, but there is nothing. The plant has no nervous system. There are no means of transmitting sensations."

Other scientists, such as Stanford Research Institute Dr. Hal Puthoff, were more supportive.

“I don't treat Baxter's work as quackery. The way of doing the experiments is good enough. It’s bad that most people don’t believe in his work.”

All nature is in constant "conversation"

Baxter plugged yoghurt bacteria, regular chicken eggs from the refrigerator, and even human cells into the polygraph and continued to get excellent results. Hence it follows: he discovered that every living being is attuned to the environment. At a moment of stress, suffering, or death, all nearby life forms exhibit an instant electrical response, as if sharing pain.

The idea of plugging in chicken eggs first came to Baxter's mind when the philodendron had a strong reaction when he was breaking an egg for breakfast. Although the scientist used conventional unfertilized eggs from the grocery store when connected to a polygraph, they displayed unusual behavior, including patterns like heartbeats on an electroencephalogram and “complex cycles within cycles” on an electrocardiogram. One of the eggs gave out a sudden shock as Baxter picked up Siamese cat Sam and awakened him from his deep sleep. Even more impressive is the graph showing that the connected egg “screams” every time its former neighbors are dipped in boiling water, one by one. In this case, the egg was placed inside a box lined with lead to shield all electromagnetic fields. This means that such an effect cannot be caused by radio waves,microwaves or other electromagnetic frequencies.

Baxter was well aware of the importance of shielding electromagnetic fields in such experiments.

“At the suggestion of several scientists, especially physicists, I later tried to shield connected plants from electromagnetic interference using a copper chamber (also known as a Faraday chamber). The plants acted as if the shielding chamber did not exist. Much later, I had the opportunity to confirm this using a modern screened room. I have verified that (the information passing between plants, bacteria, insects, animals and humans) does not belong to known electromagnetic frequencies, amplitude modulations, frequency modulations, or any signal form that can be screened in conventional ways. Distance seems to impose no limits. Observations suggest that the signal can travel tens or even hundreds of miles. It seems that the signal does not even fit into the electromagnetic spectrum. If so, the consequences will be very important.”

This is one of many studies confirming that the Source Field is definitely not electromagnetic. Every scientist knows that electromagnetic waves cannot travel through lead coatings, copper Faraday chambers and / or shielded rooms.

Baxter's experiments with human cells made the discovery that much more personal. Cleve retrieved living cells from the subject's mouth by asking him to rinse his mouth and spit water into a test tube. Then the tube was placed in a centrifuge, and live white bodies were lifted up. Baxter extracted them with a pipette. The cells were then placed in a tiny millimeter tube and connected to electrodes using very thin gold-plated wires. Such live samples remained alive for “ten to twelve hours, consistently exhibiting high quality responses.

My favorite Baxter experiment with human cells was replicated by NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary in 1988, when the latter collaborated with Cornell University, California Institute of Technology, University of California, and Princeton University. O'Leary brought his ex-girlfriend to the lab and they apparently had a falling out, which "provided an excellent opportunity to observe first-hand high-quality reactions on the graph." O'Leary then headed to San Diego Airport to return to Phoenix, Arizona, 483 km away. He synchronized his clock with Baxter's, and his cells remained in the laboratory all the time.

“It was previously agreed that Dr. O'Leary would keep a detailed log of events that would cause him immediate concern. This included skipping the expressway queue while he was returning his rented car at the airport, likely being late for the plane due to a long check-in line, taking off and landing in Phoenix, his son's unsuccessful attempt to meet him at the airport, and a number of other recorded events. Subsequent correlations of the time of the recorded events with the corresponding parts of the graph revealed a perfect correlation between the reactions on the graph and almost all disturbances. The schedule calmed down when he returned home and rested in the evening.”

I discussed this experiment with Dr. O'Leary at a dinner in Zurich, Switzerland, where we both spoke at a conference, and he confirmed how amazing the results were. His consciousness emitted waves of information, which were captured by living cells in a laboratory located at a distance of 483 km. The effect works just as well if the cells are kept in shielded rooms, reaffirming that the signals are not transmitted by electromagnetic energy. There is “something else,” some kind of energy field that allows our thoughts to spread through space even over great distances. The consequences are amazing, especially when we begin to understand that every living creature in nature listens to all others. And we are definitely no exception in this process.

I have lectured on this topic several times, and the audience was always gasped when they learned that vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs and living cells of raw meat "screamed" when they were cooked and / or eaten. Even die-hard vegetarians and raw foodists who think their diets are “cruelty free” have faced the fact that the food they eat has to come through measurable stress, at least from a human point of view. Even if you don't cook vegetables, the digestive activity has a “burning” effect. Baxter told me that if you “pray” over food and send positive loving thoughts to it, it seems to take on its role in keeping you alive, and strong reactions do not appear on the graph. Many cultures and spiritual traditions encourage “giving thanks to food”. Based on Baxter's research, we now seethat from a scientific point of view, such seemingly irrelevant behavior has a specific purpose in our new model.

Free energy and effects

At the same conference in Zurich, Dr. Brian O'Leary revealed a lot of information that devices for obtaining "free energy" were invented again and again, but were invariably suppressed by corporate power structures. According to the New Energy Institute, back in 1997, "The US Patent Office classified over 3,000 patents for devices or mechanisms under the secret order of Title 35, US Code (1952), Sections 181-188." The Federation of American Scientists disclosed that by the end of fiscal 2010, the number of patents had increased to 5,135 inventions and included the “consideration and possible limitation” of any solar cell with an efficiency greater than 20% or any power plant with an efficiency greater than 70-80% in energy conversion. According to Dr. O'Leary, some researchers were bribed and their discoveries were shelved, others were threatened,and still others died under strange circumstances. Dr. O'Leary then invited me to the stage for a discussion and mentioned that Dr. Stefan Marinov - the head of the European free energy movement - allegedly jumped from the tenth floor of the Graz University Library in Austria. Marinov fell out of the window with his back, as if he had been pushed. And according to Dr. O'Leary, "he left no suicide note and was one of the most positive and highly spiritual people I have ever known." O'Leary also mentioned Dr. Eugene Mallow, a leading global figure in alternative energy research. Marinov fell out of the window with his back, as if he had been pushed. And according to Dr. O'Leary, "he left no suicide note and was one of the most positive and highly spiritual people I have ever known." O'Leary also mentioned Dr. Eugene Mallow, a leading global figure in alternative energy research. Marinov fell out of the window with his back, as if he had been pushed. And according to Dr. O'Leary, "he left no suicide note and was one of the most positive and highly spiritual people I have ever known." O'Leary also mentioned Dr. Eugene Mallow, a leading global figure in alternative energy research.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I literally burst into tears on stage in front of an audience of 400 people when I discussed personal interactions with Dr. Mallow. I’m sure when this was happening, you could measure the huge energy surge from the plants on stage around me. Dr. Mallow started out as the lead scientist and publisher of his own journal for MIT. He announced that he was ordered to suppress research in the field of cold fusion. The authors obtained positive results, suggesting that the reaction produces free energy. Because of this, he quit his job, started publishing Infinite Energy Magazine, and became the main coordinator, publisher and broker for alternative energy inventors around the world.

On May 15, 2004, I was invited to appear on Coast to Coast - the largest nightly show in the United States - with Art Bell and Richard Hoagland. A few days before the broadcast, I learned that Dr. Mallow had been invited as a guest of honor. We were going to come up with a terrific announcement: next week Hoagland and Mallow were going to Washington and showcasing a portable free energy working device. Apparently, it began to rotate simply from the look, and it did not require any conventional sources of energy. I don't know how it worked, but it sounded tempting. From my research on the Source Field, I knew that this is possible. Hoagland planned to meet with Senators and Congressmen to showcase the device and promotethat these breakthroughs be published for study and commercial use.

Less than 24 hours before departure, Dr. Mallow was beaten to death in his parents' home. I found it extremely suspicious that this happened just before the public demonstration of Dr. Mallow's secret device and his political mission on Capitol Hill.

Certain groups take a serious interest in suppressing the Source Field Research book. I know that any discussion of such topics will inevitably lead to the fact that you will be labeled as “crazy paranoid”. Therefore, the events surrounding the death of Dr. Mallow made what was happening much more personal.

Despite the skepticism, sarcasm, ridicule, humiliation and threats associated with the research of the Source Field, you can find the real truth in them - the science that you need to know today to create a better future for all of us. Best of all, these discoveries are very positive. They prove that the thoughts of most people about a loving God are essentially living and true.

From the book: "Investigations of the Source Field". David Wilcock
