Invisible Particles Have Changed The Structure Of The Universe - Alternative View

Invisible Particles Have Changed The Structure Of The Universe - Alternative View
Invisible Particles Have Changed The Structure Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Particles Have Changed The Structure Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Particles Have Changed The Structure Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: M. Cirelli - Looking for the hidden matter in the Universe 2024, July

Neutrinos have no mass and practically do not interact with matter. However, these invisible particles have changed the course of the development of the universe.

Immediately after the Big Bang, the universe was a jumble of different particles - neutrinos, protons, neutrons, electrons and photons. Neutrinos escaped from this "universal hodgepodge" first, earlier than others. And thanks to this, they were able to have a significant impact on the location of the "galactic networks".

According to scientists, neutrinos should have caused a shift in the so-called baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). These very BAOs are repeating patterns of inhomogeneous distribution of matter in the Universe. And the "invisible particles" had a significant impact on how this substance was distributed throughout the early universe.

Scientists have made such conclusions by analyzing the relative position of 1.2 million galaxies. Astrophysicists believe that the interaction with neutrinos could well have a significant effect on atoms scattering in all directions after the Big Bang. So if you are amazed by the beauty of the Universe, thank those very elementary particles that are imperceptibly flying through you right now.