Travel To The Information Field - Alternative View

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Travel To The Information Field - Alternative View
Travel To The Information Field - Alternative View

Video: Travel To The Information Field - Alternative View

Video: Travel To The Information Field - Alternative View
Video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu 2024, July

I will not name this person. I will only say that during the hostilities in Afghanistan he served in intelligence, was engaged in identifying the intentions of the Mujahideen detachments. There was in his arsenal an interesting method of obtaining information, which cannot be called otherwise than mystical.

Outwardly, it looked simple to the point of banality. He sat down in front of a large wall-to-wall map of Afghanistan and began to gaze intently at it. And after some time he reported: at such and such a site after such and such a time, the "spirits" will attempt to invade, the number of the detachment is approximately such and such.

In most cases, predictions came true, and the "spirits" ran into a well-arranged ambush … This is the strange way of obtaining information and I would like to talk today.

The states of consciousness in which a person suddenly begins to grasp information that is inaccessible to our senses have been known for a long time. But only recently they have become the subject of close attention of scientists. More and more often they are attracted by those rare moments when the environment suddenly becomes uninteresting, unimportant for a person. This happens when he is completely absorbed in one thing: solving a vital problem, a creative task, contemplation of the beautiful … At these moments, consciousness often goes into a special mode of work. Usually a clear line between a person and what his attention was focused on, suddenly disappears, disappears. It is worth wanting to know something - and he becomes this "other": be it a molecule, a living cell or the Universe.

Those who have experienced such an experience tell that in these “blessed moments” ideas, images, words come effortlessly, by themselves, as if pouring from some unknown source. In one of his letters, Mozart admitted that in those moments when he was "condescended to inspiration", he just had to write down finished works. “How and where do they come from? I don’t know and I have nothing to do with this … The composition comes to me … in its entirety, immediately. So that my imagination allows me to hear it in its entirety. " The same thing, albeit in different words, was said by our contemporary Alfred Schnittke.

Likewise, many scientific ideas have been received. Insights of Descartes, Edison, Helmholtz, Mendeleev. Psychologists note that discoveries in mathematics are made in the form of insights, where neither words nor the actual mathematical symbols are involved. Only later, when everything is already understood, the scientist translates the new knowledge into the familiar sign system.

The famous German mathematician Karl Gauss (1777-1855) told about his insight, about how, after many years of failures, the proof of the theorem of integers suddenly dawned on him: “The solution flashed through my brain like a sudden flash of lightning. I cannot say what was the connecting thread that connected my past knowledge with the thought that prompted me to make the right decision."

In the memory of people, there is a stunning impression of immersion in some kind of abyss of meanings. And also - shock from inexplicable delight, bliss. “In comparison with this State, even the most pleasant pleasure is unhappiness,” the American professor of mathematics and philosophy Franklin Merrell-Wolff shares his experience.

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It is these states that allow people who are far from science to learn what scientists have not yet thought of. So, in 1984, the famous English theoretical physicist Paul Davies came to the conclusion: "In addition to the three spatial dimensions and one temporal, which we perceive in everyday life, there are seven more dimensions that have not been noticed by anyone until now." This announcement was a sensation. However, the scientist was wrong: a quarter of a century before him, the six-dimensional space of the Earth had already been described in the Rose of the World by the Russian poet Daniil Andreev. And this was not the only "pre-knowledge" of the Russian seer. Perhaps he was one of the first to talk about the multidimensionality of time.


This is how the scout, with whom we began the story, describes his technique. “From staring at a map you get so tired that your eyes start to water. And after a while, the map suddenly begins to "come to life": its individual sections seem to float, shift, transparent energy clots appear against the background of painted deserts and mountain reliefs, they pulsate, move … I know these are clusters of armed people. I can see where they are going. Somehow with a sixth sense I understand what their number is, how they are armed when their invasion occurs … I reconfigure my brain a little and see if there are our units nearby, if they can resist the impending action …"

In this case, a completely conscious reading of information occurs. But most often, such connections occur spontaneously and a person is not at all aware of: it seems to him that he is the sole author of his idea. History knows a lot of examples of how people in different parts of the world came to the same decision at the same time. The litigation of two radio inventors is well known: Alexander Stepanovich Popov and Guglielmo Marconi. And the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, was only a few hours ahead of his competitors in 1876. In parallel, a steam locomotive, a telegraph, a jet engine, an atomic reactor were invented … Truly, "ideas are in the air."

But it can also be an unconscious "peeping" of future events. Or penetration into someone's well-thought-out plans. Here is what a well-known clairvoyant who successfully helped investigators to find criminals told me: “There was a case when it was possible to quite clearly“see”a robbery of a savings bank, examine the appearance of the criminal and find out his whereabouts. The uniqueness of the situation was that the robbery had not yet happened: it was planned for tomorrow. The perpetrator thought it through for a long time and carefully, visited that savings bank several times, repeatedly mentally replayed all the details …"

Where does our scout and other visionaries get this unique information from?

Perhaps this is the very information field of the Earth (noosphere, the "thin" world), which very respectable scientists are increasingly talking about today. This informational world of our planet in modern language can be called virtual. And in the truest sense of the word. After all, “virtual” is literally from the Latin “possible”, that is, containing various options for the development of situations, including those that are never realized. In this sense, our physical world is that section of the unified energy-informational field of the Universe, where the implementation of one or another option takes place.

Today, many scientists proceed from the assumption that the virtual (thin) world really exists and contains colossal amounts of information: about the past and the present, about possible options for the future, about ideas, creative designs, secret plans … They believe that this thin world can be penetrated … And how tempting it would be to master perfectly the methods of conscious and "targeted" penetration there!


It is premature to say that the ISS has already been sorted out, but something is gradually being revealed. For example, that ASC is not such a rare occurrence. Research conducted by Professor V. V. Nalimov revealed that 80-85 percent of people, under certain conditions, enter the ISS. In the experiments of Dr. Charles McGreary (Institute for Psychological Research, Oxford University), when all sensory stimuli were blocked, 80 out of 100 people were immersed in ASC.

A number of regularities characteristic of such states of consciousness have already been identified and described: the so-called "out of the body", shift of perception thresholds, spontaneous appearance of visual images, altered perception of time and other transpersonal (literally "transcending personality boundaries") phenomena.

The head of the International Center for Consciousness Research Academician O. I. Koyokina says: “We have identified those general signs of ASC, in which there was a vivid, no less obvious than in ordinary reality, perception of images of“other”worlds,“other”space-time relationships, as a rule, with telepathic communication with "other" entities.

In some cases, "travel" in the ISS was limited, as it were, to spatial movements several kilometers from the research site, for example, within Moscow. And sometimes it was "flights" to other cities located at a distance of thousands of kilometers. In other versions, "excursions in time" were made to historical events that took place several centuries ago, which were reproduced in memory and in subsequent reports in the same way as the current reality …

All the participants in the study, upon returning to their normal state of consciousness, claimed that they were not in a state of ordinary sleep and that they actually observed other realities, communicated with the entities of other worlds."

Of course, conscientious researchers still have many questions, because not all information received in the ISS can be double-checked. What if the stories of visionaries are just a figment of their fantasy, and their states are subjective sensations? Now, if ISS were confirmed by objective data.

OI Koyokina put the biorhythms of the brain and the points of the acupuncture meridians under dispassionate control. With the help of supersensitive equipment and the latest computer methods for processing electroencephalograms, it was found that at the moment of immersion of a person in ASC, unusual electrical waves appear in the deep structures of his brain. And at the points of acupuncture, there is a rapid abrupt change in indicators, which speaks of "a sharp shift in the physiological processes of almost all organs and systems." The results confirming the reality of ISS, however, by different methods, were obtained by other Russian scientists.

But this is only the beginning of the journey. Researchers have a ton of questions to answer. Where is the source of information that a person gets from ISS?

In what form is it stored, how is it encoded? How does a person, without the participation of the usual sense organs, perceive it and decipher it? There are no answers yet, there are already hypotheses. Most of them boil down to the fact that the mechanism of consciousness is based on field interaction with certain information structures. It is believed that these field phantoms - carriers of thought images, ideas - after their emergence are able to persist for a long time in a physical vacuum.

Doctor of Medical Sciences A. M. Stepanov believes that the peculiarity of these structures is their extraordinary information capacity, as well as the fact that they can be extremely quickly perceived and processed by our consciousness. From these positions, our consciousness looks like a field formation, which not only receives information from the outside, but also generates and translates it into the surrounding world. And the neural networks of the brain are the "hardware part" of this transceiver, constantly changing its configuration, dynamic …


Practical issues are already on the agenda. First, it is the development of reliable methods for connecting to the information field. After all, there are not so many people who know how to consciously do this. And these nuggets, as a rule, are not experts in the area of knowledge from which you want to get information. Even if they "spy" something, they will not be able to understand the meaning of what they saw: text, scheme, formula, construction. Methods are needed to penetrate information "caches" not only for selected unique people, but also for ordinary specialists.

The big problem is tuning accuracy. “Drop” into the information field is often similar to the saying: “Go there, I don't know where. Bring that, I don't know what. " They bring. True, the "spied" events are often impossible to tie either to time or to a specific place. And therefore their information value is often close to zero.

There are other problems as well. In particular, noise immunity and assessment of the reliability of the information received. After all, it is not difficult to launch "misinformation" into the information field. It is important to very correctly interpret the symbols perceived by the visionary from the "bank of meanings".

There is another snag. Even when a person was able to understand the meaning of what he saw, he does not always manage to translate it into a form that is understandable to other people. Knowledge gained in “other worlds” is of a special kind. This is knowledge-experience. It cannot be accurately translated into verbal form, even by those who have a literary gift. As Viktor Shklovsky once said, "It is difficult to explain to a person the taste of melon if he chewed shoe laces all his life …"

And one more obstacle facing ISS researchers. Despite the fact that science no longer considers transpersonal states of consciousness as something pathological and even considers it a necessary condition for creativity, a wary attitude towards "mystical" forms of cognition remains. It has historical, almost genetic roots.

But if it is possible to understand how a person captures inaccessible information and processes it, cardinal breakthroughs can occur in all areas of life. And, of course, in computer technology. In addition, it would be possible to foresee natural and man-made cataclysms, to penetrate the secret designs of the enemy. This is important for today's world.

Vitaly Pravdivtsev, candidate of technical sciences