The Boy Communicates Telepathically With The UFO - Alternative View

The Boy Communicates Telepathically With The UFO - Alternative View
The Boy Communicates Telepathically With The UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Communicates Telepathically With The UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Boy Communicates Telepathically With The UFO - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, June

An unusual boy lives in Japan, who is called "UFO Boy", his name is Haruya Ido and his peculiarity is that he can telepathically communicate with UFOs and even cause them to appear.

An unusual feature of a teenager was discovered by paranormal researcher Toshitaro Yamaguchi. After doing research, he told the media about Ido's unusual abilities. According to him, the boy communicates with the UFO and does it mentally with the help of telepathic contact.

During this communication, the creatures controlling the UFO tell him where and at what time he can see them, and at the specified hour, indeed, in this place in the sky, unidentified flying objects of various shapes and structures appear, which the boy photographs, since his unusual interlocutors do not forbid him to do this …

In support of his words, Yamaguchi provided reporters with several photographs taken by the contactee in which these UFOs are clearly visible. The photos were taken in different parts of Japan last year.


Why did those who control these unidentified vehicles choose this particular boy for contact and why they allow him to photograph their aircraft, this is a really interesting question.


This Japanese teenager is not the first and not the only one with whom these mysterious UFO pilots get in touch, and usually communication is carried out mentally.

Promotional video:

Who are these mysterious interlocutors - aliens, representatives of a parallel civilization, or maybe they are time travelers, because it is quite possible to admit such an incredible, but plausible option …