A Very Unusual UFO Was Filmed In The USA - Alternative View

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A Very Unusual UFO Was Filmed In The USA - Alternative View
A Very Unusual UFO Was Filmed In The USA - Alternative View

Video: A Very Unusual UFO Was Filmed In The USA - Alternative View

Video: A Very Unusual UFO Was Filmed In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

The day after the assault on Area 51, a WDAY News viewer sent us a video that can only be described as very strange.

Todd Mitchell, who sent us the video, and his wife own and operate a suburban campground south of the Detroit Lakes.


On Friday, September 20, Mitchell attempted to film a video with lighting from the storms, however, while viewing the footage, he noticed that the camera captured a strange black figure seemingly flying through the sky before it disappeared into thin air.

Initially, you may think that this is just a recording error, but the figure is completely real and, if you look closely, it looks like it is flying through a cloud.

Mitchell also told us that after going back a couple of minutes in the recording, he saw this object again in other images. And now completely puzzled, he sent the video to television, hoping that someone would help him understand: what did he shoot?

Mitchell also added that the reference to Area 51 (marked 51 on the map) is slightly ironic, and he is joking, although he is not completely sure about it, so if you know what it might be, let us know!

Promotional video:

Editorial comment

The Great Lakes is a long-known anomalous ufological zone and UFOs are observed there so often that YouTube will soon crack from the insane number of videos from there:


However, flying balls and even “flying saucers” are more or less understandable objects, the principle of movement of which can be somehow explained, at the same time the object registered by Mr. Mitchell does not fit into any explanations and gives the impression of something alive.

It is possible that some new alien species have appeared in Minnesota, the movement of which does not even require a spacecraft. Nevertheless, it is too early to draw any conclusions: for now, you just need to wait for the appearance of other similar videos - that is, follow the development of events.