Pluto Temperature - Alternative View

Pluto Temperature - Alternative View
Pluto Temperature - Alternative View

Video: Pluto Temperature - Alternative View

Video: Pluto Temperature - Alternative View
Video: Mountains on Pluto 2024, September

Pluto's temperature makes it one of the coldest places in the solar system.

With such a distance from the Sun, Pluto is incredibly cold. But the temperature can change so much that the dwarf planet significantly changes its appearance. At the closest point of its orbit, the dwarf planet Pluto heats up so much that Pluto's nitrogen atmosphere sublimates and forms a diffuse cloud around this celestial body. When Pluto is farthest from the Sun, its atmosphere freezes over and falls like snow onto Pluto's surface.

First, let's define some values. The room temperature is 21 ° C. The freezing point of water is 0 ° С. But when you take temperature measurements on Pluto you need to use Kelvin.

0 Kelvin is absolute zero, the theoretical minimum point where no more energy can be extracted from the system. 0 Kelvin corresponds to -273 ° C.

Pluto's surface has a temperature range of 33 Kelvin (-240 ° C) to 55 Kelvin (-218 ° C). Pluto's average surface temperature is 44 Kelvin (-229 ° C).

Back in the days when Pluto was called a planet, it was the coldest planet in the Solar System. But now it is just a dwarf planet Pluto with normal temperatures. Neptune is now the coldest planet in the Solar System.