Operation Concealment: A Chronicle Of UFO Wrecks In The USSR. Part Three - Alternative View

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Operation Concealment: A Chronicle Of UFO Wrecks In The USSR. Part Three - Alternative View
Operation Concealment: A Chronicle Of UFO Wrecks In The USSR. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: Operation Concealment: A Chronicle Of UFO Wrecks In The USSR. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: Operation Concealment: A Chronicle Of UFO Wrecks In The USSR. Part Three - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, July

- Part one - Part two - Part four -

UFO research sites by the military and the military-industrial complex

1) Moscow and Moscow region:

  • Military unit 67947, Mytishchi - GNII MO - Head Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense for metrology, was the head one in charge of military research of UFOs.
  • Military unit 25580.
  • Military unit 25840 (NII-50 - the head one in the military space forces) - Bolshevo, pos. Jubilee (military unit 73790 disbanded). The commander was General Eduard Alekseev, there in 1991 research work "Thread-3" (report No. 4163 of 18.07.1991, stamp "Secret") was carried out to study the propulsion systems of UFOs and the principles of their operation. We tried to restore and build such an installation.
  • SRI ERAT (SRI of operation and repair of aircraft) - wreckage of a UFO in the basement - Lyubertsy - parts from Kazakhstan 1976 and 5 small wreckage.
  • Military unit … - Vnukovo - near Vnukovo-2 airport - underground laboratory, disguised as a weather station (3 levels: level 1-biological laboratory; levels 2 and 3 - storage of debris and UFO fragments, laboratory of microexplosions and laser technologies) - 4 large debris plus a row small.
  • The military unit … - Kapotnya (in Moscow) - a new laboratory, 7 small fragments.
  • Protvino, Moscow Region (on the western outskirts of the city, about 600 meters) - experimental and experimental base of the IHEP Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now the State Scientific Center - IHEP RAS) - the Institute of High Energy Physics - the state scientific center of the Russian Federation - there were 4 (now - 3) large objects in two main Russian hangars-18 (since 1979 - Zhigansk - from Tomsk-7; in 1984 - from the Urals (1980 disc from Zhukovsky), from 1984 - Kazakhstan disc from a point near Akhtubinsk (fragment of 1960) and in 1987 - from Komi), plus wreckage. Special department of IHEP under the auspices of the military-industrial complex. He was engaged in work on the technology of "Star Wars". The largest UFO storage facility in Russia. The special department was controlled by the KGB (now the FSB).
  • Military unit 03444 - IKI-2 (NIKI-2) - Institute for Space Research, Tver (Kalinin), (IKI-1 is located in Moscow, this is a structure of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician R. Z. Sagdeev was the director for many years, and IKI -2 - MO structure).
  • Military units 26266 (Moscow region - Stupino), 31303 and 32103 were just studying UFOs.

2) Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok area, east of the Obskoye Sea station) - military unit - military laboratory (since 1957) - one disk since 1978 from the Amur Region. There was also another disc from Stepnogorsk, but in 1985 it was taken to Novaya Zemlya.

3) Kapustin Yar (GTSMP No. 4 - State Central Interspecific (for all types of armed forces) training ground), previously - GosNIIP-4 (State Scientific Testing Ground) - a military laboratory for UFOs and antigravity, a testing ground for an apparatus based on UFO technology (in the period 1985-1990) - at the Kapustin Yar airfield.

  1. One disk (its fragment) was stored in the first Soviet "hangar-18" from August-September 1959 to January 1984 at point (site) "4A" of test site No. 8 - about 17-18 km north-east of Akhtubinsk (test site No. 8, subordinate to military unit 15650), then taken to Protvino on a covered railway platform. Currently, there are no UFO wreckage at point 4A and conventional weapons are stored. Akhtubinsk - 929th GLITS RF named after I. V. P. Chkalov (military unit 15650, 29661 of the rear), former State Research Institute of the Air Force, Research Institute of the Air Force - 8th training ground (commander - Major General Yu. P. Klishin).
  2. Mothballing at point 31 (north of Kapustin Yar) - 22 small fragments and microfragments (there were 48, the rest were sent to Moscow). Basically, point 31 stores conventional missile weapons. The wreckage was cut from the Kazakhstan fragment.
  3. At present, the main and only storage place for intact UFOs on the territory of the Main Center for Marine Medicine No. 4 is located in an underground bunker at a point northeast of Kapustin Yar south of the Akhremkin settlement, east of the RS-12M Topol training center (about 32 33 km south of the now destroyed village of Zhitkur, but not in Zhitkur itself, where GS Belimov and ufologists Drozdovs from the UFO-Center "Genesis" were mistakenly looking for this place, distorting and discrediting the very fact in the bud!).

I would like to emphasize that it IS NOT WORTHY to hide an underground bunker with two UFOs on the territory of the State Medical Center # 4, since the entire Kapustin Yar training ground occupies two Luxembourg areas.

Monchegorsk (air defense airfield, in the former fuel and lubricants warehouse) - 1 object (1987, from near Vyborg - exploded);

4) Severodvinsk (Belomorsk naval base) - 1 object (since 1983 from near Kohtla-Järve, Estonia).

5) Novaya Zemlya - 55 km east of the Rogachevo airfield, in a mountainous isolated and carefully guarded area at the nuclear test site (State Central Test Site "Novaya Zemlya" - "GCP # 6 - NZ - Yuzhny") under the 12th GU GSh MO RF (The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is a top-secret underground facility where work is carried out with UFO technologies), outside there is a camouflaged platform for testing disks. The object is a series of tunnels and tunnels carved into the rock, five bunker boxes (hangars) for storing and studying UFOs (delivered to the surface by elevators). Each hangar can store two small disks (up to 8-10 meters in diameter). The total number of personnel working at the facility is about 120-130 people, including security - about 50 people, and the rest - scientific and technical personnel.

Promotional video:

Each box serves about 10 people. At the central command post (CKP) up to 15-20 people. The base is commanded by a general, among the personnel there are only officers with the ranks of no lower than major, the rest are lieutenant colonels, colonels and generals, a lot of candidates and doctors of military sciences. Triple control system at the entrance (entrance). The security system is provided with individual plastic cards, fingerprint scanners, along the perimeter and in the rooms of the TV cameras (TV cameras have a night mode in the infrared range) and so on, on the adjacent rocks - searchlights. Each employee of the base has an individual small-sized device-sensor on his chest (hung on the chest of a special suit, like a badge), which serves as a detector-identifier for an electronic security system and a dosimeter. The main block has 3 levels: level 1 - headquarters, command post,staff offices; level 2 - laboratories; level 3 - technical rooms, life support equipment. The base is completely autonomous, powered by nuclear-type energy sources (isotopic thermionic generators), each of the five boxes has an individual generator. The distance between the boxes is about 200-300 meters, entrance adits are located on the north and south sides. Each box has two elevators. Four blocks have UFO test water basins nearby. The base has its own air defense system in the form of radar stations, as well as surface-to-air missile systems. The base is also equipped with an electromagnetic camouflage system (it creates an optical screen with the help of emitters that disturb the atmosphere, as a result, from the reconnaissance satellites above this place, undulating ripples and interference are observed - like a blizzard,dust or snow). In the area of the object, as in Area 51 in Nevada, various UFOs are regularly observed.

Construction of the facility began in 1970, initially as a repository for nuclear warheads 12 GU GSh MO (object of the "C" series), and lasted about twenty years (until 1990) due to limited funding (for 10 years), then additional equipment was carried out base.

Currently, the base is being re-equipped with new satellite and laser communication systems, as well as holographic projectors at the command post. A significant amount of funds is allocated annually to maintain the base from the budget, since the base is considered strategic for defense research by the RF Ministry of Defense. Full additional equipment of the base was outlined in the long-term plan until 2010. By its nature, the object on Novaya Zemlya is the Russian analogue of the object S-4 / Area-51 in the state of Nevada (USA), but somewhat more modest in nature. Since 1985, the base on Novaya Zemlya has been re-profiled and re-equipped to store and study UFOs, to carry out work in the field of aerospace technologies. Currently, the GCP-6 facility contains FOUR disc-shaped objects, of which THREE are UFOs that have suffered disasters (in 1978 near Zhigansk,in 1972 and 1984 in Kazakhstan, and one aircraft was created under the Rus project using UFO technologies).

Currently, at the GCP # 6 facility on Novaya Zemlya, at least two top secret projects are being carried out to study and rehabilitate UFO disaster victims and to develop flying vehicles based on UFO technologies:

  1. Atlant project (1985-1990).
  2. The ORION project (from 1992-1993 to the present), based on technologies stored since 1978 at the UFO base (there are three disks - delivered to the base in 1985, 1991 and 1992, code names - Atlant-1 "/" ORION-1 "," ORION-2 "and" ORION-3 "). The aim is to fully re-engineer UFO crash victims. The date of the final implementation (the first test flight on one of the three disks) was scheduled for 2000. Promising space flights are planned from the base to near-earth space, and in the future to the Moon and Mars.
  3. The Rus project is based on the restoration engineering of reconstructed UFO technologies (based on the study of the experience of UFO research at facilities in Stepnogorsk, Protvino, Novosibirsk, Balashikha, Kapustin Yar and other places). On the basis of the Rus project, in the period from 1986 to 1991, at the Sokol aircraft plant (No.21) in Nizhny Novgorod, one disk-shaped aircraft Rus-1 was created (there is also the Rus-2 project). "Rus-1" has a diameter of about 5-6 meters and a height of about 2-3 meters, with a dome, matte gray with a greenish tint. At present, the cycle of its flight research tests has been practically completed. This aircraft (LA) is capable of reaching a ceiling of 40 kilometers and developing a speed several times higher than the sound one. The aircraft have a multi-layer body (6 layers), the outer coating is 0.02 cm thick,from an alloy of platinum and aluminum. Piloted by one pilot. An element based on a special type of mercury is used as fuel for the discs. The entire test cycle is carried out at the base on Novaya Zemlya (2-3 test flights over the range were performed annually).

Transuranium fuel cell 115 cannot be synthesized at an accelerator in the Russian Federation and therefore practically cannot be used, although they have more of it than in the USA. Robert Lazar significantly overestimated the number of TUE 115 located in the United States. TUE 115 is stored on the territory of the Russian Federation in two places: a small part - in the underground part of the hangar in Protvino, and everything else - on Novaya Zemlya.

In fact, the location of the base for the study of captured UFOs on Novaya Zemlya on the territory of GPC No. 6 provides the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with an ideal secrecy regime, since the Novaya Zemlya islands are actually a completely isolated military zone from the outside world - a special regime training ground. At the base, there are opportunities for receiving, storing and studying several UFOs from other objects (in the case, for example, of their declassification in the media).

Earlier - in Tomsk-7 (Seversk) - the Siberian Chemical Combine (SHK) - an underground bunker-laboratory, from 1976 to 1979 (one disk from near Zhigansk), in 1979 it was taken away by rail to Protvino.

Ukraine - military unit … - Kremenchug (small fragments).

Kazakhstan - military unit … - military laboratories:

  1. Semipalatinsk (55 km northeast - underground - UFO wreckage and bodies of biological beings since 1978); there is nothing there now; in 1984-1985 from there everything was taken to Vnukovo.
  2. Stepnogorsk (Akmola region - an underground airfield - four objects were stored under the Union - from 1972, 1978, 1981 and 1984, all were discovered in Kazakhstan), now there are two UFOs left with which they could not do anything. Two UFOs were taken away: one (the very first (1972) - to Novosibirsk, the second (1984) - to Moscow (to Balashikha). Many parts were rearranged from the 1978 disk to the 1972 disk (the first). All spare parts and valuable parts were taken away, left only hulls.
  3. … and also Alma-Ata, Astana, Kostanay, Suyunduk or Turgai, formerly military unit in Urjar (since 1978).

Humanoid Bodies

Humanoid bodies are stored in three top-secret underground bunker laboratories in Russia and one in Kazakhstan.

In Moscow:

  1. In the IBMP (special laboratory-bunker at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems: Moscow, Khoroshevskoe shosse, 76a, main building, left wing) - 7 (seven bodies) are stored. Below are the years and places of their discovery, a brief description of the humanoids:

    • 1959, port of Gdynia, Poland - height 1.6 meters, six-fingered limbs (6).
    • 1959, Kazakhstan - height 80 cm, four-fingered limbs (4).
    • 1980, Ural, two creatures - dwarf-reptoids (type "Gray" -Grace) 1.2 meters tall.
    • 1985, KBR, North Caucasus - two humanoids - reptoid dwarfs (type "Gray" -Grace) 1.2 meters tall, four-toed limbs (4), the third creature is about 2 meters tall, five-toed limbs (5), all creatures - bald.
    • In addition, two (2) biofragments are kept - a head and an arm (since 1981, Kazakhstan).
  2. In Vnukovo laboratory, level 1 - stored 4 (four bodies):

    • 1978, Zhigansk - two humanoids, 1.6 meters tall, six-fingered limbs (6), Polish type.
    • 1978, Kazakhstan - height 1.2 meters, four-fingered limbs (4).
    • 1978, Kazakhstan - of a similar type.
  3. In Novosibirsk (Research Institute - Special Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, Akademgorodok area) - two (2) bodies are stored:

    • 1972, Kazakhstan - a special type, without lower limbs, a humanoid similar to a seahorse. Weight 73 kg, thick bluish skin, a pair of upper six-fingered limbs (6 fingers), oval, black, oblique eyes, hairless.
    • 1978, Amur Region - height 1.2 meters, dwarf-reptoid type ("Gray" -Grace), four-toed limbs (4 fingers), standard.

TOTAL in the Russian Federation is stored in three special laboratories 13 (thirteen WHOLE bodies), plus two biofragments.

Another body (a tall humanoid, five-toed limbs) has been stored since 1979 in an underground laboratory 55 km north-east of Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan.

In the Vnukovo laboratory (4 bodies), in the bunker (underground special laboratory). Two bodies - 1976 from Zhigansk and two more bodies from 1980 from the Urals.

In the Vnukovo laboratory, 4 bodies are stored at level 1. All initial autopsies were performed at the IBMP. Colonel Belov from Moscow (lives in the Konkovo-Belyaevo area) supervised biological research of creatures discovered at the sites of UFO disasters. The staff of the Vnukovo laboratory as of 1999 is 22 people, including 4 women (biologists). 5 people work in the biological sector (level 1), 6 people with laser and special equipment (level 3), the remaining 8 people - with UFO wreckage (level 2). There is evidence of one person whose acquaintance (she lived with him in the same yard) worked in the biological sector of the laboratory near Vnukovo-2 airport. She directly admitted that work is being carried out there with debris and UFO materials, technologies of extraterrestrial origin. Every time she was brought to work by a personal car,When she came to her house, she was accompanied by two healthy brutes-guards on either side. Moreover, the materials stored in this laboratory, delivered from the places of detection of crashed UFOs, humanoid bodies and debris were shown several times in the Vnukovo laboratory to high-ranking officials, including L. I. Brezhnev, Yu. V. Andropov and others, including some trusted foreign dignitaries. In Vnukovo, there are 4 large UFO wreckage with a maximum size of 3x1.5 meters, 1.5x2 meters, 1x1 meters and less.including some trusted foreign dignitaries. In Vnukovo, there are 4 large UFO wreckage with a maximum size of 3x1.5 meters, 1.5x2 meters, 1x1 meters and less.including some trusted foreign dignitaries. In Vnukovo, there are 4 large UFO wreckage with a maximum size of 3x1.5 meters, 1.5x2 meters, 1x1 meters and less.

The FSB special archive (Moscow) contains a document of at least 30 pages - a short report on the autopsies and studies of humanoid bodies. I personally know the person who saw this document.

Eastern Europe:

  1. Poland, Warsaw laboratory (Okhota region) - UFO wreckage since 1959, as well as a UFO fragment since 1987.
  2. Poland, a military training ground near Krakow, has stored one disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of about 5 meters since 1997.
  3. Germany, near Berlin - one object or its fragments since 1981?

The most reliable cases of significant "UFO catastrophes" by region

Region Number of cases, not less Years and places Number of VBS bodies condition Export locations
Poland 3

1937 - Chernitsa

1959 - Gdynia

1997 - Vegorzevo



Debris Debris

+ 1 VBS

Whole, Dr. 5m




Baltic (Estonia) 1 1983 - Kohtla-Järve 0 Whole "Dolphin" Severodvinsk
Kola Peninsula 1 1958 - north of Kandalaksha 0 Wreckage
Arhangelsk region 1 1987 - Bolshezemelskaya tundra 0 Badly damaged disc Naryan-Mar-Ukhta-Protvino
Northwestern part of the USSR and Karelia 3

1928 - Vedlozero

1961 - Korb-lake

1987 - Vyborg


Didn't find

Didn't find

Whole rocket dl. 13m

Ural 3

1989 - north of Perm

1980 - Sverdlovsk

+ Nizhny Tagil


Whole disc Dr. 12m

Disc Dr. 26m, h. 5m


Sverdlovsk-Zhukovsky-Protvino was not taken out


Far East 2-3

1978 - Khabarovsk

1978 - Urkan (Amur region)

1986 - Dalnegorsk




marks Disc

Small fragments



Studied in Tomsk, etc.

Caucasus 2

1985 - Kabardino-Balkaria, ridge Arik

1995 - Itum-Kale (CHIR)


Whole Disc


Kapustin Yar

Buried illegal armed groups


1959 - Sarybulak

1972 - to the southwest of Lake Tengiz

1978, end - Sary-Shagan

1978 - Burli

1978 - Bakhty

1981 - Krasnogorka

1981 - Lake Zaysan

1984 - Koshkar

1987 - Emba



Fragment of a disc, l. 6m

Whole disc


Whole (damaged)




Whole disk

Whole disk

Square 4A (GCP # 4) near Akhtubinsk - Protvino


B 4 Research Institute






Balashikha-Kapustin Yar

middle Asia 3 small inc.

1987 - Caspian Sea

1989 - Dushanbe

1990 - Uchkuduk






Volga region 1 1980 - Pugachev 0 Whole ellipsoid 5m long Balashikha
Siberia 2

1978 - Zhigansk

1982 - Vyatka



Disc Dr. 6,2 m, h. 3.8m

Small debris

Tomsk-7 (SKhK) -Novosibirsk-Protvino

V 5 seats

Moscow suburbs 1 1979 - Dubna (not supposed to be a UFO, but man-made "space debris" from the USA) 0 Debris of an incomprehensible nature ?

Whole UFOs or their fragments

Total, including, in 14 cases, whole UFOs or their fragments were captured and taken out by the military (indicating the methods of evacuation):

  1. 1959 - Kazakhstan, Sarybulak - a fragment of a damaged disk 6 meters in size (by a Mi-4 helicopter to a "point" near Kapustin Yar - Akhtubinsk, since January 1984 - by rail to Protvino). The first major UFO disaster in the USSR.
  2. 1972 - Kazakhstan, southwest of Lake Tengiz - disk, was transported to Arkalyk and then to Stepnogorsk. The second major UFO disaster in the USSR. In 1985 he was taken to Novaya Zemlya.

    1974 - Ukraine, a UFO explosion near Donetsk, took away a lot of small debris (mostly local residents, but some of them got to the military).

    1975 - Ukraine, Chernihiv region - a small ball was discovered, taken out for study (according to V. V. Rubtsov).

  3. 1978 - Zhigansk - a disc with a diameter of 6 and a height of 6-8 meters (in Tomsk-7 (SKhK) by helicopter, then in 1979 - in Protvino).

    * 1976 - wreckage on the Vashka River in the Komi Republic near the village of Yortom (taken for UFO wreckage). According to A. B. Petukhova - the wreckage of a stage or booster rocket launched from Plesetsk, but the conclusion is controversial. In addition to the well-known case of the discovery of one wreck, representatives of the AY commission found several more wreckage there.

  4. 1978 - Far East, settlement Urkan, Amur region - drive to Tynda-Novosibirsk. Crash disk detected. We were taken to Novosibirsk (in the Akademgorodok area).

    1978 - Kazakhstan, Sary-Shagan - wreckage (shot down) - taken to different research institutes.

  5. 1978 - Kazakhstan, Burli, Kostanay region - a drive to Stepnogorsk, a humanoid body - to Semipalatinsk, in 1984 or 1985 - to Moscow (IBMP - Vnukovo-2).

    1979 - Dubna - disk fragments (by land transport to Moscow - NPO Molniya, Tushino, Novoposelkovaya st., 6), an anti-gravity aircraft was created on the basis of these debris, which has been tested since the spring of 1982 at the Zhukovsky airfield (Ramenskoe).

    1978 - Kazakhstan, on the Chinese border - wreckage and one body of the VBS - in Urjar, and then - in Semipalatinsk, since 1984 or 1985 - in Vnukovo. The wreckage and body of a humanoid - to Semipalatinsk, to the underground bunker-laboratory.

  6. 1980 - Ural - the disk was "shot down" (to Sverdlovsk, then to Zhukovsky, in 1984 it was transported to Protvino).
  7. 1980 - Pugachev - an ellipsoid (by helicopter to the Syzran airfield, from there by An-12 aircraft to the Moscow region, Chkalovskaya airfield, they did not have time to take it out).
  8. 1981 - Kazakhstan, Krasnogorka, Kokchetav region. UFO - to Stepnogorsk.

    1982 - Vyatka, Novosibirsk region. Small debris.

  9. 1983 - Kohtla-Järve (“Dolphin” was taken to Severodvinsk in a container by rail).
  10. 1984 - Kazakhstan, Koshkar, Dzhezkazgan region - drive to Stepnogorsk, from there to Balashikha, and in 1992 - to Novaya Zemlya.
  11. 1985 - UFO was "shot down" by a fighter in the North Caucasus, bodies of three biological creatures were found in the wreckage, one of them was still alive, but soon died. The bodies and debris were taken away.

    1986 - Dalnegorsk - UFO explosion, a small number of microfragments.

  12. 1987 - Vyborg - rocket (to the Veschevo airfield, from there by the Il-76 VTA aircraft to the Monchegorsk airfield).
  13. 1987 - Komi (northern circumpolar Ural) - fragments of a disk (taken to Ukhta by a Mi-10K helicopter from the Ukhta aviation enterprise, then to Protvino).
  14. 1987 - Kazakhstan - drive to Kapustin Yar (to an underground bunker).

The list is given without taking into account a minor incident in 1958, when the Kola UFO wreckage was found in small quantities and taken to Moscow by ground transport.

Of this number, 4 UFOs were shot down, as it was believed, by air defense (apparently due to a coincidence of certain circumstances, but in reality all UFOs were shot down by other UFOs):

  1. 1978 in Sary-Shagan - S-75 air defense system (small box of debris) - in various research institutes (4 research institutes) - it was an imitation by aliens (in real conditions it is almost impossible to shoot down UFOs with terrestrial air defense systems).
  2. 1979 near Dubna - taken to NPO Molniya (badly damaged disk in the wreckage).
  3. 1980 in the Urals - with a MiG-25 (disk) fighter - taken to Sverdlovsk, now stored in Protvino.
  4. 1985 in the North Caucasus - with a MiG-25 (disk) fighter - taken to Kapustin Yar.

Storage locations of intact UFOs and debris

  1. Severodvinsk - 1 "Dolphin" (since 1983 - from near Kohtla-Jarve).
  2. Monchegorsk - was 1 (since 1987, exploded).
  3. Moscow and Moscow region:

    • Protvino - IHEP (experimental base, special department of the military-industrial complex) - the location of the two main Russian "hangars-18" (the largest objects are stored) - now there are 3 UFOs (until 1991 there were 4) in the hangar (from 1979 to 1991 - Zhigan disk, which was taken to Novaya Zemlya; since 1987 - from the Northern Urals, and 1 large disk fragment from 1984 - Kazakhstan (1960) + a number of shapeless fragments); Ural disc 1980 in another hangar. The Zhiganskiy disk was brought to a working condition, however, due to lack of funding (the high cost of charging with a transuranic fuel cell), it was not tested. The only test flight in Protvino (jump of 5 meters) on the Zhiganskiy disk was carried out in 1988 at the IHEP SEB site. Now these works and tests are continuing on Novaya Zemlya.
    • Vnukovo-2 (underground level 2) - 4 large UFO wreckage (no more than 3 meters in size), plus small ones.
    • Lyubertsy (NIIERAT). Basement - 5 small pieces:

      • Kapotnya - 7 small fragments. Small fragments are also found in a number of other places.
      • NPO Molniya (Tushino) - UFO wreckage from near Dubna since 1979.
      • Kapustin Yar is an underground government bunker (depth 20 meters), located 4 km south of the Akhremkin settlement and 32 km south of Zhitkur, two discs are stored: 1985 from the Caucasus and 1987 from Kazakhstan.
    • In the same area. Small fragments (preserved). One fragment of a damaged disk (from 1959-60 to 1984) was kept at a "point" east of Kapustin Yar-Akhtubinsk. This piece has been cut into a number of smaller pieces. In addition, one more disk was tested at the Kapustin Yar airfield.
  4. Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok area) - the Kazakh disk (from 1972 from Stepnogorsk) and the debris from near Vyatka were stored, then (in 1985) this disk was taken to Novaya Zemlya. It was the first UFO transported to Novaya Zemlya. Now in Novosibirsk there is one disc (since 1978, brought from the Amur Region).
  5. Estonian “Object M” near Tallinn (underground) - repeater. One more object, similar to the Tallinn one, is in Armenia near Yerevan, and another one is in Altai in the mountains. There are other similar objects. A number of them have not yet been discovered.
  6. For the accuracy of all the facts, details and details, the author guarantees in full!

    - Part one - Part two - Part four -