How Many Millennia Are We? Did People Live In The Tertiary Period? - Alternative View

How Many Millennia Are We? Did People Live In The Tertiary Period? - Alternative View
How Many Millennia Are We? Did People Live In The Tertiary Period? - Alternative View

Video: How Many Millennia Are We? Did People Live In The Tertiary Period? - Alternative View

Video: How Many Millennia Are We? Did People Live In The Tertiary Period? - Alternative View
Video: As Above, So Below - What Our Gardens Say About Who We Are, and Where We Are Headed 2024, September

At the beginning of this century, near Lake Titicaca, which is located high in the Bolivian Andes, in the vicinity of the Tiahuanaco settlement, the remains of two small herbivorous dinosaurs, toxodonts, were found. This discovery would go unnoticed if the remains of human beings were not found next to one of the lizards. However, the find was still soon forgotten as an obvious anachronism and embodied "contradiction" of the official theory of the emergence of man on Earth …

How often historians reject some archaeological finds simply because their existence does not fit into the usual patterns that are attributed to man as a species of age 250 thousand years. This assumption is, of course, based on statistical processing of data, most of which does confirm that the most ancient human remains were found in layers with such dating. But statistics is not a science that pays attention to exceptions … and in this case there are.

Every educated person knows that thanks to the study and subsequent assignment of the found remains to a certain geological layer, a classical picture of the evolution of species arose, which determines their appearance and occurrence, including man as a species.

A holy, unshakable theory that, although taught as dogma, is today threatened with subversion thanks to new paleontological research carried out in recent years. They show significant discrepancies between what the geological strata data indicate and the main thesis of official anthropology; and the matter becomes quite serious when we turn to the question of the antiquity of the human race. All this is because so many finds of fossilized bone remains of hominids, which are considered to be our ancestors, by all indications chronologically refer to much more distant times than those indicated in the official classifications of paleontologists and anthropologists.

In January 1997, journalists from the Spanish monthly Enigmas had a chance to meet with Professor Alberte Mive, former president of the Bolivian Archaeological Society, and ask him: what does the find of toxodonts in Tiahuanaco mean? Why isn't there a serious debate in academia following such discoveries? Is it because they are capable of disturbing our almost generally accepted, well-established view. on the appearance of man on Earth and to transfer his "cradle" from Africa to America?

“It all started,” Meave said, “at the end of the 10s of this century, when the archaeologist Professor Poznanski decided to scout the waterway along the Desaguadero River, which flows from Lake Titicaca to Lake Poopo. He and his men sailed from Titicaki in a small motor boat and upon arrival in the city of Nazakara - which means "bald noses" - on the banks of the river found the skull and jaw of a small mammal. When these findings came to Professor Manuel Liendo Lasarte, director of the National Museum, it was established using very precise scientific methods that these remains belonged to an infant toxodont, who received the name "Posnanskyterium desaguadero" …

Professor Meave himself also met, much later, with this beast.

“Once,” he continued, “we dug ten pits in Tiahuanaco and its surroundings, and in all of them we discovered jewelry and other objects made by human hand. But in one of them we met the fossilized remains of a giant animal of the Tertiary period, which was attributed by paleontologists to the genus of Toxodonts.

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But not only that: Poznansky in the fourth volume of the book "Tiahuanaco: The Cradle of the American Man" claimed to have found a fossilized human skull next to the Akapana pyramid, at a depth of 4 meters from the surface of the earth: in the same layer where the remains of extinct animals such as already mentioned toxodont! The animal, which, according to the data of paleontology and geology, was a three-meter herbivorous mammal and lived in the Pliocene, that is, 25 million years ago, in the midst of the Cenozoic!

Today we know that the Toxodonts lived in the Tertiary period, and became extinct only at the beginning of the Quaternary. But the most amazing thing is that the skull from Tiahuanaco, found by Poznanski, has signs of a very developed creature! This thesis was confirmed by Professor Lushan, after personally conducting a new and very thorough study.

The mysteries of Tiahuanaco do not end there, as Professor Meave claimed that during his excavations he once met "fragments of metal figures depicting four-fingered creatures."

I must say that in the local folklore tradition there are stories about creatures with four fingers, which were recorded by the chronicler Garcillaso de la Vega from the words of his doctor's nephew: “One day a fiery ship arrived from the island of the Sun; a creature that looked like a very tall woman, two meters, descended from the ship. Her feet were like flippers, and her head was elongated and pointed at the end, her arms about four fingers, and huge ears; it was impossible to talk to this creature, since it used a different language. It came to found a monastery, from which three black stones remained, which are now kept in the museum. These stones are made of a substance that cannot be found anywhere in the world. Then the woman boarded her ship and sailed away."

Meave, recalling these stories, could not resist and told about another find in the same area:

“In one of the Tiahuanaki pits, we found a small piece of jewelry - it has survived to this day - of a metal that is neither silver nor lead. The decoration is made in the form of a figurine, very similar to the Egyptian head, with four fingers on the hands and very large ears. Immediately after finding this little thing, I went to an experienced jeweler who could not identify the material and told me that it was some unknown metal. As it turned out, the figurine is hollow, as if made from one piece, and has no joints.

The mention of Egypt is not accidental here. It is known that Meeve was near Poznanski when he discovered the pyramid.

“When I,” Meave said, “worked with Poznanski, forty years ago, in Tiahuanaco, he got up in the morning, saying that he dreamed that the hill was not really a hill. He grabbed a pick, and the other workers and I ran to dig on the slope. On one side, we stumbled upon the foundation of a building, and on the other, we went to its corner. Then all four corners of the structure were discovered, which is today known as the Akapana pyramid, which, we assume, consists of three steps.

In addition to the finds of human and animal bones of the Tertiary period in the same geological layer, the version of the underestimated antiquity of the human race is supported by the discovery of traces of a human foot, along with fossilized dinosaur prints. For example, in Nevada (USA), a beautifully imprinted footprint of a shoe was discovered, with stitching and other things, on top of a block of limestone, whose antiquity is 400 million years old. On the other hand, a fossilized footprint of another sandal was discovered in Utah: apparently, its carrier crushed a trilobite, a fossilized crustacean that became extinct 200 million years ago, in the middle of the Paleozoic era.

From Turkmenistan, information has reached us about the discovery of human tracks along with dinosaur tracks - in the mountains and plateaus of Central Asia. The latter are 60 to 80 centimeters long and belong to dinosaurs that reached 8 to 12 meters in length. But there is another problem: Peruvian mummies of red-skinned people, whose brains have partially turned into bitumen. Indeed, according to the results of analyzes carried out by the University of Lima on three specimens of these mummies, discovered in the coastal town of Chansei, a laconic and very mysterious conclusion was made: "The samples showed that 75 percent of the brain matter was transformed into bituminized matter." It's like saying that these 700-year-old mummy brains have turned into oil. A process that, according to the laws of geology and chemistry, takes thousands, if not millions, of years. How can this be explained?

The magazine "Masaya" published an article by Dr. Fernando Jimenez del Oso on the possibility of the existence of an intelligent civilization in the Mesozoic, that is, during the heyday of the iguanodonts and tyrannosaurs, a civilization that, among other things, possessed amazing technology.

Jimenez del Oso bases his hypothesis mainly on two facts: one is the authenticity of the "Ica stones" questioned by other archaeologists. Another is a discovery made by an expedition in the Okukahe Desert, in western Peru. There, in addition to "evidence of an era distant from us for 10 million years", such as the calcified teeth of an ichthyosaur and nests with huge fossilized eggs, the members of the expedition, led by one famous psychiatrist, stumbled upon the remains of a person or "prehominid", a creature whose residence, According to Jimenez del Oso, "in this place and at this time (we will talk about the Mesozoic), it destabilizes the entire current paleontology so much that it becomes necessary to rewrite the history of the distant past of our planet."