Urban Legends: The Horrors Of The Samara "amityville" - Alternative View

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Urban Legends: The Horrors Of The Samara "amityville" - Alternative View
Urban Legends: The Horrors Of The Samara "amityville" - Alternative View

Video: Urban Legends: The Horrors Of The Samara "amityville" - Alternative View

Video: Urban Legends: The Horrors Of The Samara
Video: The Conjuring Universe | A Life in Demonology | Warner Bros. Entertainment 2024, September

Ghosts live in the estate on Galaktionovskaya Street in Samara. At least, this is stated by its owner Vera Zakrzhevskaya. According to the woman, a murder took place here at the beginning of the last century. Since then, devilry has been constantly happening in the house - furniture moved, strange sounds were heard. I even had to call a psychic. The owner of the estate told 63.ru about the horrors of the Samara "amityville" ("The Horror of Amityville" is the title of a film about the house in which the spirits lived after the death of the owners).

Our conversation with Vera Zakrzhevskaya began at the walls of a wooden house at 91 Galaktionovskaya Street. Its first owner was priest Yevgeny Tychinin. Then the house passed from one merchant to another. From an architectural point of view, it is unique in its French Stroganoff style. There are only two such buildings left in Russia - in Samara and Yekaterinburg.

The building has a unique architecture
The building has a unique architecture

The building has a unique architecture

Next to the house there is a brick shop, which used to sell fish. Behind the wooden house was a kitchen with a separate entrance. Servants and cooks lived there. Instead of sheds, there was an old house where workers lived. The main three-story annex was built in 1900. The third floor was built in 2001 by the new owner of the house, Vera Zakrzhevskaya.

In the arch there is an art object of the artist Andrey Syaylev
In the arch there is an art object of the artist Andrey Syaylev

In the arch there is an art object of the artist Andrey Syaylev

The most famous owner of the estate was the merchant Govsha Kogan, who lived there before the revolution. He was engaged in the manufacture of coconut and toilet soaps. The merchant provided this product not only to Samara and the Samara region, but also to other cities. It is to this period that one of the most terrible stories of the estate belongs.

The main building is built of red brick and looks very impressive
The main building is built of red brick and looks very impressive

The main building is built of red brick and looks very impressive.

We pass inside the building. On the ground floor there is a workshop - there are many antiques, sewing machines, furniture and mirrors. Vera got an oak cabinet from her neighbors, which fell several times. Surprisingly, this massive furniture somehow ended up on the floor several times. The previous owners did not even sell it, frightened by some supernatural forces.

Promotional video:

Workshop of the hostess
Workshop of the hostess

Workshop of the hostess

Then we go to the creepiest part of the house - the basement. Here, guests of the estate see very strange things. Either it seems to them that a translucent veil is flying in the air, or that someone is watching them intently from dark corners, then some faces appear in the mirrors. Even more oddities can be seen in the photographs that were taken in the basement. Many of the images show white spots and stripes, and one shows the outline of a black creature with a red collar. Those who saw this photo say it's the devil.

There are mirrors in a dark basement
There are mirrors in a dark basement

There are mirrors in a dark basement

Killing the master

Perhaps the most shocking story of the estate is dedicated to the spirit of the murdered master from the soap workshop. This man had a bad temper. He didn’t love people, and they didn’t love him. Once the master was killed. According to legend, his body was hidden somewhere in the basement. Since then, terrible things began to happen in the house: objects moved by themselves, things disappeared, various sounds were heard. The tenants quarreled endlessly. As a result, the locals came to the conclusion that otherworldly forces live in the house. And 30 years ago they decided to expel this evil.

- My parents had a very good friend who told me that her daughter had discovered the gift of clairvoyance. She was called into the house. The girl went down to the basement, performed rituals, cleaned the room with holy water, - said her neighbor Natalya Dolganovskaya.

According to her, a demon lived in the master, who did not pass away into another world, but defiled the residents. He very strongly resisted and wanted to move into the human body. The clairvoyant said that in no case should men be allowed into the basement. However, a drunken neighbor rushed there with frantic strength. Terrified women stopped him at the very last moment.

The figure of the demon was made by the hands of a Samara artist specially for the exhibition in the basement
The figure of the demon was made by the hands of a Samara artist specially for the exhibition in the basement

The figure of the demon was made by the hands of a Samara artist specially for the exhibition in the basement

“Creepy screams came from the basement,” recalls Natalya. - The woman consecrated the place and asked the spirit of the master: "Bury you?" And he answered her that he would be in the house. On that day, I heard eerie sounds from the stove chimney. There was no wind at all, it was summer outside. The sounds were as if someone were scratching with claws. This demon was trying to stay in the house. Hair stood on end all night.

Dead Bride Spirit

Another story involves two friends. At the end of the last century, young girls lived in this house. One of them got married, bought a dress, prepared a table, paid for all the troubles, and the groom fled from under the aisle. Around this time, her friend died, as they say, of jaundice. The mother of the deceased asked her daughter's friend for a wedding dress to bury the body in it. The girl gave it away. But after that, for many years she could not get married. The woman turned to the sorcerers. She was told that she needed to burn the very dress that she gave to her dead friend. Rumor has it that she really took out the outfit, burned it and then got married.

Veil and face of a dead bride
Veil and face of a dead bride

Veil and face of a dead bride

This story is usually told in a whisper because the memories are still fresh in people's minds. Periodically, local residents dream that the naked, half-decayed body of a bride who is looking for her dress is wandering around the house.

- In some photographs taken by guests, you can see a dusty cloud that looks like a veil. People often find interesting things in pictures, says Vera.


Locals are sure that several entities live in the house. There is even a real brownie. He loves to misbehave: he steals things, and then returns them to their place. Vera's husband once told her a story about strange steps on the stairs. That night he was left alone on the top floor. The man clearly heard that someone was climbing, and when he went out onto the stairs to check, he did not see anyone. None of the neighbors were surprised by this, because such cases are the norm for them.

Top floor of the house where Vera's husband spent the night
Top floor of the house where Vera's husband spent the night

Top floor of the house where Vera's husband spent the night

Another brownie once stole a sheet with measurements from the studio on the first floor. Vera and her friends searched everything. And suddenly, right before their eyes, this leaf slowly fell from the ceiling. But that's not the worst part. It is much more terrifying when a brownie can appear in the form of a man.

- I slept in my room when I first moved into the house. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a dark silhouette, a male body on the bed next to me. I could not understand who he was. And then I realize that the clock is ticking, and there are no more sounds, no puffing or breathing is heard. I was in shock. She turned on the light - no one is there, - Vera shared.

Vera Zakrzhevskaya
Vera Zakrzhevskaya

Vera Zakrzhevskaya

The residents of the house have a lot of such stories. Everyone can tell something chilling. And the mistress of the house herself has repeatedly encountered unexplained phenomena. This is what prompted Vera to create a museum of urban legends in the estate.

The stove on the roof of a pre-revolutionary building
The stove on the roof of a pre-revolutionary building

The stove on the roof of a pre-revolutionary building

- I want to collect all the most interesting urban legends in my house, create various installations. Each museum lives its own life, there is mysticism in everything, says Vera.

There is already a sign on the gate that attracts the townspeople
There is already a sign on the gate that attracts the townspeople

There is already a sign on the gate that attracts the townspeople

Vera has lived here since 1994. For more than 20 years, she bought, added to and renovated the house. She owns four floors. On the first - a workshop, on the second - a tenement house with apartments that she rents, on the third - an apartment, on the fourth floor - a veranda and a summer house.

But the basement became an ideal place for a museum. There are already several installations that one Samara street art artist made for Vera. In the future, the collection will be replenished with new exhibits. Even the figure of a demon from the movie "Dogma" will appear in one of the basements.

Zhanna Skokova
