UFO Chooses Crimea - Alternative View

UFO Chooses Crimea - Alternative View
UFO Chooses Crimea - Alternative View

Video: UFO Chooses Crimea - Alternative View

Video: UFO Chooses Crimea - Alternative View
Video: A Russian drone operator encounters a UFO, then must decide what is real and not. | The Occupant 2024, September

Yalta residents and vacationers witnessed an unusual phenomenon - in the evening a fireball flew over the city and scattered sparks over the sea. He moved silently. As always, the traditional UFO talk started. However, the Yalta branch of the Astronomical and Geodetic Society denied the rumors. Experts believe that it was ordinary space "debris", which is over our heads in abundance.

Nowadays there are 7,500 objects in space, each meeting with other celestial bodies generates thousands and thousands of fragments. It is said that even if all missile launches were stopped, the chain reaction would double the number of debris within a century. There is a serious threat to new flights in low orbits.

But this fact, most likely, does not interfere with flying saucers that have chosen Crimea. If everything is clear with Yalta, then the mystery of Alushta remains unsolved, where in the middle of the night, to the amazement of rare passers-by and lovers, a UFO hung over the station for an hour. And he was not going to crumble at all.

In Alushta, by the way, an expedition of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center for the Study of Anomalous Natural Phenomena worked, which became interested in the information of schoolchildren. Scientists were least of all worried about the stories of the guys - they could invent something, confuse something. But the plate, landing on the slope, left traces - the grass was burnt, the plants turned black. The composition of the plaque on greenery, which even numerous rains could not wash off, is now being investigated by chemists.

“The study of unknown natural phenomena has been banned for a long time,” says Ufologist VV Bobrov. - Now we started talking about the problem in full voice. Just don’t treat it as something fantastic. We are collecting material, analyzing it, in a word, serious work is underway."

Crimea is increasingly featured in UFO reports. And it didn't start yesterday. There is Plutarch's testimony of how the UFO scared the famous Bosporan king Mithridates. A few hours before the battle, “suddenly the sky opened up and a large body of fire appeared, which was sweeping down into the gap between the enemy troops. It resembled a barrel in appearance, and molten silver in color. The opponents, frightened by the sign, dispersed without a fight."

In the Dzhankoy region, worker Nikolai Konyukhov collided with a saucer when he was walking to his relatives in a neighboring village: “I just went down to the ravine, I see something getting dark ahead. It was a huge device with unknown creatures walking around it. At first I thought: they are shooting a movie. Then the spacecraft turned on the light and everything became in full view. I barely managed to escape."

The Feodosia engineer Gennady Somov has the following point of view: “I was on one of the flying saucers. I disappeared at night, practically without clothes, and returned in this form.

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The abduction of people from Earth has been going on for a long time. This is done for two reasons. An extraterrestrial civilization needs a supply of building material for the habitation of other galaxies and needs the energy contained in living beings to feed a special fund.

Extraterrestrial civilization believes that our planet is doomed. Due to the leakage of space information, we made a giant leap in discovering the secrets of the atom, which ultimately will lead us to death. A child should not be given a match if he does not understand what it is.

From the meetings I concluded that the selection of earthlings is not based on physical or mental abilities, but according to the energy supply of people, which can vary hundreds, or even thousands of times."

Mikhail Markov, who has a rest in the Crimean boarding house “Blue Bay”, says: “At night I woke up with a great desire to swim. Since the boarding house itself is on the Black Sea coast, there were no problems, but I wanted to go somewhere farther, and I headed to Frog Bay.

Still approaching this bay, I heard a strange hum, which I cannot compare with anything. At some 100-150 meters from the shore and at a distance of 3-4 meters from the water, there was something that looked very much like a cork helmet, but more rounded and flat. It didn't look like a new type of weapon (I understand a little about this - I was finishing MATI). I watched this “something” for 15 minutes. Then he decided to come closer and examine him. Fortunately for me, the night was not dark, from time to time the moon appeared from behind the clouds.

It seemed to me that I swam forever, and partly it was so - I swam very slowly, as I was even sick of fear. As they approached, a rumble was felt more and more clearly. When I swam to the body, it turned out that it was hanging 3 meters from the water. Even while I was swimming, I noticed that the surface of the water seemed to be phosphorescent. I don't know what caused this, but I was sure that I was being followed.

After swimming there for at least half an hour, I was about to swim to the shore, but I saw that in the center of the circle a cylinder began to move down. When he reached the surface of the water, he opened up, that is, one half went after the other. And then finally it dawned on me: I was invited to enter.

At the first moment I wanted to dash, to swim away, but suddenly, as if someone had subdued me to their will, I entered the cylinder, the second half closed, the water instantly left, and I felt that I was rising up. After a few seconds, the ascent ended, the cylinder was opened, and I saw that I was in a room that least of all resembled an aircraft.

Having walked a little around the core, I found myself in a room, illuminated from who knows what and from where, in which there were two armchairs, and something like one large seat along the wall. The chairs were quite unusual in shape, inside them the rumble was heard in a soft, almost imperceptible form.

At that moment, when I was desperate to understand anything, a voice rang out from nowhere. They asked me not to be afraid, they assured me that they would not harm me. I didn't have to tell about myself - everything was known about me. Most of the questions were asked by me.

As I understand it, they are not from this galaxy, from some constellation … Naturally, the consciousness was somewhat clouded … What they showed me does not fit into the framework of our cinema. It was as if in reality, that is, it had volume, made sounds, etc.

I realized that they can control the field of gravity and much, much more. That this body is a robotic machine that is sent here to perform certain tasks. When I asked why they do not directly contact us, I was told that at the level at which we are, it is impossible, that it will bring us big trouble.

When much was clarified, I was asked the question - do I want to leave the Earth and enter a higher civilization? They said that they have enough inhabitants of the Earth.

I refused and thanked them, and then still said that with a return - with pleasure. But it turned out that this is impossible.

I was very kindly taken into the water in the same way, and I swam to the shore. When I was already on the shore, a dazzling bright light illuminated everything around, and I was able to calmly get out of there."

Believe or not believe these stories? Who knows … But there is no reason not to trust the military test pilot Lev Vyatkin: “The rendezvous took place in the air during night flights in Crimea. I flew in a fighter-interceptor for a training flight. It was 23 hours and minutes. I clarified my location, reported it to the flight director and smoothly brought the car into a left turn.

It was a moonless night. My plane had completed half the turn and was now looking with the tip of the cockpit towards the sea. A fiery Yalta shimmered far below, a curved horseshoe. I routinely control the readings of flight instruments. The noise of a working engine behind the armored seat.

And at that moment I saw something that then bothered me for a long time, forced me to look again and again for an explanation of what had happened. I saw THIS when, taking my eyes off the instruments, I looked ahead: a large bright object in the form of a luminous oval "clung" to my left.

Finding such a close proximity, I immediately asked the flight director: "Who is in the zone?" He said that there was no one in the zone except me, all the planes had already landed.

Trying not to lose sight of the UFO, I turned the car into a right turn. While dodging a dangerous approach, I tried to determine where the object was going. However, after a few seconds it began to "go out", and as if it was done from the inside, with the help of a rheostat.

After completing the turn, my plane returned to the starting point. After some thought, I finally decided to complete the flight mission. At the same time I tried to be extremely attentive. The latter turned out to be very useful.

As soon as I had set a given course, speed and added turbine rpm, a white light flashed from somewhere above, and immediately after it a slightly inclined milky white beam appeared in front of it. He was quickly approaching and if I had not removed the roll in time, I would certainly have poked my nose or, more correctly, the plane's cabin.

And yet I hit the beam with my left wing. At the same time, despite the high speed of approach, I clearly saw and felt something strange. The white ray, as soon as it touched the wing, instantly disintegrated into small sparkles, reminiscent of flickering placers of festive fireworks. My plane shook violently. The devices began to alternately go off scale now to the left and then to the right with the frequency of the metronome, after a few seconds everything disappeared - the light, the beam, and the UFO.

From the sensation of the blow that I experienced upon contact with the beam, and the way the arrows on the dashboard began to go off scale, one can make the assumption that it was not a beam of light, but a glowing gas, magnetized rod.

It is curious that my story was always taken calmly among the pilots. At the same time, some offered quite sensible premises. For example: UFO extends its magnetic gas probe beam. By directing it towards the ground, it probes and reads out extensive information about the surface, biomass, temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation energy and other parameters, which then enter the memory units of the device.

I would like to note that UFOs appear over the Crimea quite often, and over the sea near Sevastopol another ball with a ray effect was recorded."

So what is UFO - myth or reality? One way or another, this phenomenon needs careful study, which is facilitated by ufological centers and laboratories. And there, not a single fact is left without attention. The mystery of the cosmos is like a mosaic in which every stone is important.