Riddles Of Strange, Unusual Skulls - Alternative View

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Riddles Of Strange, Unusual Skulls - Alternative View
Riddles Of Strange, Unusual Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Strange, Unusual Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Strange, Unusual Skulls - Alternative View
Video: 9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve 2024, September

Found the remains of a Cyclops?

Until the end of the 20th century, no one could have imagined that the mythical Cyclops existed in reality. But the sensational find in Texas (America) shocked the scientific world. This is because paleontologists Victor Pacheco and Martin Fried, while on vacation in Big Bent Country, decided to combine business with pleasure and conducted a survey of one of the caves, where they found the remains of a creature about 2.5 m tall and weighing 300 kg, in whose skull there was only one eye socket in the middle of the forehead. The bones are about 10 thousand years old. Scientists were able to recreate the appearance of the creature from the skeleton. It should be noted that his appearance fully matched the description of the mythical Cyclops.

The authors of the unusual find more than once had a chance to regret that curiosity had brought them into that unfortunate cave - after all, the message about their discovery was initially perceived as a stupid joke. It was only after careful examination of the bones and skull that the experts recognized that they undoubtedly belonged to the Cyclops. However, how could a creature from Greek mythology end up in Texas? Well, either the Greeks even before our era managed to visit America, or the Cyclops lived both overseas and in Europe. Recall: Homer portrayed the Cyclops (they were also called Cyclops) as cruel giants and pointed out that they live in caves, breeding cattle.

Of course, it was a long way to get to the American Cyclops for the heroes of Greek myths, but they could visit the Rhodope Mountains in neighboring Bulgaria without much effort. If the Cyclops turned out to be a completely real creature, then why not make the assumption that the Minotaur, a half-bull, half-man, also once trampled on this land?

And here is a new discovery, which provides the basis for just this kind of assumption.

Find - mystical skull

2001, May 21 - a strange skull was found in the Rhodope Mountains, which the Bulgarian media soon dubbed "mystical skull". According to the author of the unusual find, he first dreamed about it … It turned out that Roman Genchev, an avid collector of meteorites, had the same dream for almost a month: he was sent on a business trip, on a weekend he went to the mountains and found the skull of a strange creature. It all happened.

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The skull was immediately examined by scientists. First of all, they were able to determine his age using the radiocarbon method and performed a DNA analysis. As you can see, the data obtained were so intriguing that they were classified … But in the Internet era, it is quite problematic to hide information about such an unusual find, reports about it first appeared on the Internet, and then in a number of print media.

Cyclops skulls
Cyclops skulls

Cyclops skulls

Unfortunately, I could not find data on the age of the skull, but if we take into account that only its front part was discovered, carefully cut down by someone in time immemorial, the mysterious creature clearly fell from the hand of man. Perhaps the unknown monster hunter was Theseus - the legendary Athenian king who defeated the Minotaur?

Cover the skull discovered by Genchev with flesh, imagine bloodshot eyes, and you will have a very creepy creature resembling a hybrid of a man and a bull. True, the victory over this particular monster does not attract myth: presumably, the creature was small in stature. But it cannot be ruled out that the skull did not belong to an adult. It should be borne in mind that we do not know anything about the fighting qualities of the monster. Perhaps it had the ability to telepathically affect a person, spit poison or wielded under cover of night, attacking from an ambush?

Bulgarian ufologists believe, referring to a DNA test, that the skull clearly belonged to an extraterrestrial creature. They even put forward a hypothesis that it belongs to a biorobot. Of course, there are also less incredible hypotheses, for example, some of the scientists believe that this is the skull of a prehistoric animal, not yet known to science.

Strange Skull Discovered

1995 - in South America, archaeologists also found a strange skull of an unusual elongated shape, which is now kept in the Peruvian Museum of Peracas. Scientists believe that it is at least 10 thousand years old. Many consider it to be undeniable proof of alien visits to Earth.

Some of the researchers tend to think that the cause of this kind of skull shape is a genetic mutation, but the most popular hypothesis is that the lengthening is artificial. For some, possibly religious, reasons in this area of the planet, the ancient people practiced changing the shape of the skull, for which a newborn baby could tightly bandage the head, sometimes achieving incredible results. Similar specimens are found among the skulls of the Incas. So, most likely, no long-headed aliens came to us.

Taung's baby skull

But the so-called Taung baby skull, found in 1924 in northwestern South Africa, resembles a pumpkin in shape. For many years it was believed that it belonged to an ape-like creature at the age of 3 years. But relatively recently, Lee Berger and Ron Clarke from the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) suggested that the skull belonged not to an earthly creature, but to a humanoid that died when falling on sharp stones.


Star Boy Skull

We should also mention the skull of the so-called star boy, found in Mexico in the 1920s, but only relatively recently into the hands of scientists. It clearly belonged to a child, but very strange. For example, it is believed that it could contain three frontal lobes of the brain, and not two, as in ordinary people. The brain volume is also too large for a child - 1600 cm3 (for an adult, on average - 1400 cm3). The shape and location of the eye sockets are also unusual.


Crystal skull

If we talk about anomalous finds, then one cannot but recall the famous crystal turtles. Found in South America and other parts of the world, they still pose an insoluble mystery to scientists. For what purposes were these unique products intended? How could they be made?

1927 - The most famous of them, later called the Mitchell Hedges Skull, or the Rock of Rock, was found during the excavation of an ancient Mayan temple in British Honduras (now Belize). According to the stories of Anna, the adopted daughter of the famous British archaeologist Mitchell-Hedges, who discovered him, in the very first days after "communicating" with her unusual find, she began to have amazing visions.


She seemed to be transported to the times of the ancient Mayans, watched their life, rituals, saw blooming cities. Already in 1927, it was suggested that the skull in some incomprehensible way could store information about the times when this masterpiece was created.

In the 60s. In the 19th century, a crystal skull was discovered in Mexico, kept since 1898 in the British Museum, which researchers consider a simplified copy of the Mitchell-Hedges skull. Unlike the Doom Skull, which has a separate lower jaw, it is monolithic.

Both skulls, according to experts, are female and in their parameters are almost commensurate with the real ones. Attempts were made to recreate the appearance of those mysterious ladies who served as models for the creation of these unique objects. Although facial reconstructions from the skull were performed at two different institutions, they produced similar portraits of a Native American girl. Who was she? The young queen who died in the abyss of Atlantis or the daughter of the ruler of the Maya Indians?

The main secret of crystal skulls is the delicacy of their execution. According to some experts, it is simply impossible to make such masterpieces without the use of modern technologies. For example, a specialist from the well-known firm "Hewlett-Packard", who investigated the Skull of Rock, said that according to all the laws of crystallography, the skull should have split even at the initial stage of processing the source material.

One of the scientists calculated that making such a skull took at least 7 million hours. Of course, after such statements by experts, a hypothesis arose that the skulls were the work of aliens (as you can see, they had nothing else to do on our planet).

I personally prefer the opinion that a highly developed earthly civilization, which perished in some kind of global cataclysm, is related to the manufacture of crystal skulls. The fact that it existed (probably not even one!) Is evidenced by the stones of Ica, pyramids discovered in the Crimea, a unique stone map found in the Urals, and many other artifacts.

Abnormal curiosities

Do not forget that the history of civilization on Earth knows many examples of various anomalous curiosities. For example, Robert Ripley, who opened a network of his museums around the world, in 1930 in Manchuria photographed a Chinese with a horn on the top of his head, and the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty once published a picture of a grandmother with horns, in Botswana there is a tribe of “people - ostriches , which have only two toes on their feet (claw syndrome).

Many representatives of the human race to this day skillfully mutilate themselves. Think of Burmese women who use rings to lengthen their necks. Finally, let's take a look at the Kunstkamera, where far from aliens are in alcohol.

We still know very little about the history of our planet and life on it. Recently, I increasingly come to the conclusion that much of what myths, legends and fairy tales tell us about existed on our planet. Giants, cyclops, gnomes, dragons (surviving dinosaurs) - they all once lived on Earth, but were exterminated by man. Perhaps, in 10 thousand years, the skull of a cow found by our descendants will also seem very unusual, strange to them …

N. Nepomniachtchi