Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View

Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View
Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View

Video: Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View
Video: Elongated Head DNA Discovery… Interplanetary Beings or Another Species of Humans? 2024, September

Australian author and researcher Danielle Fenton published her new book Hybrid People in mid-April 2018. Millions of people around the world believe that in the distant past of the Earth there were visits by alien spaceships. Perhaps these creatures left evidence of their existence, but what evidence could there be?

Recent evidence suggests that such evidence can now be identified, in the form of numerous ancient artifacts, monuments and high-tech artifacts, and secondly, now detectable genetic interference with the human genome. The traditions of the Mayans, Egyptians and even the Sumerians speak of gods who came from heaven and passed on their civilization and their knowledge to the peoples of the earth. In her book, Danielle Fenton writes about one of the most important discoveries in human history, and she compares it to the discovery of the "black monolith" in Stanley Kubrick's classic 2001 film. This indicates that extraterrestrial civilization interfered with human development. Fenton is convinced that such evidence is indeed in our genes and in our DNA!


Research on this topic began in a rather unconventional way: there were many sessions of spiritual research of 20 people who claimed to have incarnated in a past life in the distant past on Earth. All these people, under hypnosis, said that aliens visited the Earth in prehistoric times. This all coincides with the birth of Homo sapiens, and Daniel Fenton sees evidence of extraterrestrial influences as new DNA studies now show “fingerprints” of these stellar aliens. If you believe the testimony given in the book, then this happened 700,000 - 800,000 years ago. The book describes that ancient spaceships came through wormholes from the constellation of the Pleiades into our solar system. These creatures could not put up with the environmental conditions of Plantin Erde and therefore decided to genetically modify the existing early humans of Earth and make them smarter. Proof of this is the fusion of human chromosome-2, which has a unique lineage and is the fusion of two medium-sized chromosomes into a new, very large chromosome. Chromosome 2 consists of approximately 243 million base pairs that are currently being decoded. This fusion is believed to have occurred about 780,000 years ago, and chromosome 2 is surprisingly found in Neanderthals and recently discovered humans from Denisova Cave, but not in primates!Chromosome 2 consists of approximately 243 million base pairs that are currently being decoded. This fusion is believed to have occurred about 780,000 years ago, and chromosome 2 is surprisingly found in Neanderthals and recently discovered humans from Denisova Cave, but not in primates!Chromosome 2 consists of approximately 243 million base pairs that are currently being decoded. This fusion is believed to have occurred about 780,000 years ago, and chromosome 2 is surprisingly found in Neanderthals and recently discovered humans from Denisova Cave, but not in primates!

According to Danielle Fenton, chromosome-2 is responsible for the fact that a modified modern man can develop a civilization with art, culture and sophisticated technology. In the first sequencing of chromosome-2 in 2005, a total of 1,346 active coding genes and 1,239 presumably inactive pseudogenes were found - the inactive genes are now known to perform important functions. This chromosome has a great influence on the structure of the human brain and its complexity, immune functions and reproductive functions, which are important prerequisites for improving the human species. Inactive DNA was commonly called "junk DNA" because they did not understand how it worked. Therefore, the author believes that chromosome-2 contains regions with genes that look like they were copied,and then inserted there - just like in a text program!

The fusion of two "original chromosomes" on chromosome-2 completely changed the human species on Earth, and since then humans have 46 chromosomes, previously there were obviously 48. In fact, only thanks to the new chromosome-2 it became possible for humans to become the dominant form of life on Earth - the dramatic increase in the size of our brains has long been an unsolved mystery for anthropologists. It should be absolutely clear that only then can a person's abilities for active decision-making, long-term planning and language formation be formed! Monkeys do not have the anatomical requirements for speech, as humans do. If, as evolutionary theorists claim, it was a random mutation, then it would be isolated and would not be common for humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans - this mutation should disappear only with the first generation of mutants,nevertheless it is still present after 780,000 years …

Danielle Fenton makes it clear in her book that, in her opinion, they are clearly signatures of aliens who have interfered with human genetics. The Australian Journal of Paleontology Alhering also published a theory that is now being accepted by more and more alternative researchers. According to this theory, an extraterrestrial spacecraft exploded in the Earth's atmosphere hundreds of thousands of years ago, the passengers of this spacecraft could not survive on Earth without their intact motherhood, and with their advanced technology, they created Homo sapiens for various reasons.

Fenton further states in his book that glass objects found in Australia, the so-called "Australians", may come from the impact of this crashed spacecraft, which was previously thought to be a meteorite impact. According to a NASA study, individual fragments of this mass then formed circular letters in zero gravity about 780,000 years ago, then immediately froze and thus entered the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, they reheated and then fused into a curious form today - these fragments are scattered throughout Australia, Southeast Asia and China.

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Fenton's Hybrid Human Theory says that space aliens came from the Pleiades constellation further from a star called HD 23514. Fenton points out that many ancient cultures of the world report aliens from the Pleiades constellation, often also reporting portals that connect different planets and star systems with each other. Blood types are another sign of a person's possible extraterrestrial origin: each person has a blood type of 0, A, B, or AB. But there are also subgroups with a positive or negative Rh factor. It is not known where the Rh-negative blood groups came from, which is present in about 15% of the world's population.


Lara Starr, another alternative researcher, argues in an article on The Spiritscience that not all primate humans have evolved because they all need the same blood type. Each population can only have genetics that should be present in their ancestors, with the exception of mutations. But mutations never seem to have a positive effect. So, if all modern humans and apes evolved from a common and still unknown ancestor, then their blood would evolve in the same way, and that would be compatible - but it isn't! Rh negative blood is not found in primates, nor is it known in the rest of the animal kingdom! Lara Starr believes that at least those people who have Rh negative are clearly descendants of aliens or members of an unknown ancient civilization such as Atlantis. Basque people today have the highest proportion of people with Rh negative blood, and alternative researchers argue that they are most likely descendants of Atlantis and that their language is the original human language of biblical creativity. Even Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet", confirmed this.

As you can see, completely new scientific dimensions are opening up here, and these theories may be completely correct! Informants of the secret space program can tell even more amazing stories, namely, that alien civilizations are still conducting genetic testing on Earth. The legacy of ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial civilizations still remains on the moon, even from a broken giant spaceship we are talking about whose remains are today under the ice of Antarctica. Ancient traditions all over the world do report Many millennia ago, human aliens from the Pleiades settled on earth, and in space between human civilizations and reptilian breeds or artificial intelligence (AI), there has been a battle since time immemorial.
