Alien Transshipment Base - Alternative View

Alien Transshipment Base - Alternative View
Alien Transshipment Base - Alternative View

Video: Alien Transshipment Base - Alternative View

Video: Alien Transshipment Base - Alternative View
Video: Transshipment Concept in Logistics & Distribution 2024, July

In 1871, the English astronomer Birt compiled a report of his observations. This report is currently on file with the Royal Astronomical Society of England. It contains observations, many of which still remain a mystery.

So, for example, Birt observed moving bodies of regular geometric shape and incomprehensible light signals on the Moon in Plato's crater.

Almost a hundred years later, more precisely in 1968, a detailed catalog of lunar anomalies was published by the HACA (National Agency of Space Aviation) publishing house. This catalog covers observations over four centuries. It contains 579 examples that have not yet been explained. Something: moving glowing objects; geometric figures; disappearing craters; colored trenches lengthening at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour; the appearance and disappearance of some "walls"; giant domes that change their color; finally, a large luminous object observed on November 26, 1956, called the "Maltese Cross"; etc.

Exactly two years after observing the "Maltese Cross", astronomers from different countries and independently from each other discovered another mysterious object in near-earth orbit, called the "Black Prince". It happened on November 26, 1958. On this occasion, there was a lot of talk, and even suggestions were made that this is not a mystery, but the Russians fly on this very "Black Prince". This, of course, does credit to Russian science, but, nevertheless, the Russians did not confirm this. (- Although, who knows ?! In Moscow, for example, there were persistent rumors that before Yuri Gagarin there were already flights into space with a man on board. But since these flights ended unsuccessfully, they were not reported).

In 1963, astronomers at the Flagstaff Observatory in Arizona observed gigantic luminous moving objects on the moon 5 kilometers long and 300 meters wide. There were 31 such objects in total. They were moving in a strict geometric construction, and between them were moving objects smaller, about 150 meters in diameter. This was reported by the observer Dr. James Greenacre. (By the way, Dr. Greenacre himself is an opponent of the UFO reality). The riddles do not end there.

Back in the early 60s, the famous astronomer K. Sagan reported that huge caves were discovered under the lunar surface with special instruments, in which conditions could be favorable for life. The largest of these caves was estimated by him at 100 cubic kilometers. The same hypothesis was then expressed by the director of the USSR Main Observatory in Pulkovo, Professor Alexander Deich.

As you can see, there are plenty of mysteries on the moon. And one should not think that if a human foot touched the moon dust, then we have already cognized the Moon. We have not even known our Earth, on which we have been walking and wandering for thousands of years. If thousands of people watched unidentified objects approaching or descending on Earth, then when it comes to observing UFOs in near-Earth space or on the Moon, the circle of witnesses sharply narrows. In this case, we can only rely on the testimony of astronomers and cosmonauts. Of course, the very fact of a flight into space does not yet guarantee an encounter with a UFO, but nevertheless, the chances increase significantly. What did the astronauts see?

With Soviet cosmonauts, things are both simple and complex at the same time. Simply because none of them have ever publicly stated that they have met a UFO. It is difficult - because it is not clear whether this is really so or whether it is not said about it, because “there is no need to speak”. At least we know the general, sharply negative attitude of "Soviet ideology" to this incomprehensible phenomenon. Based on this, it can be assumed that if the Soviet cosmonauts met with UFOs, then they will not report this to the press. And since many American astronauts have met with UFOs in space, the likelihood that Soviet cosmonauts also met increases. At the same time, some Soviet cosmonauts believe in the reality of the existence of UFOs and declare this in a "semi-private" manner.

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For example, in September 1976, when the UFO appeared over Tehran, the following message was published in Tehranskaya Gazeta: “Soviet cosmonauts, members of the joint operation Soyuz-Apollo, yesterday, in an interview with correspondents, spoke in favor of the“wait and watch”position on relation to unidentified flying objects. “We have a lot of facts that prove the existence of UFOs, and on the basis of these facts, plus a little imagination, we can assume that there are spaceships from other solar systems, but they do not enter the earth's atmosphere,” said Valery Kubasov at the Imperial House club at the Mehrabat airport”.

As you can see, although no facts are given, but nevertheless the statement is very specific - "we have a lot of facts." But on the other hand, it is not clear who this "we" is? "We" are people in general, or "we" are cosmonauts. With American astronauts, things are no easier, albeit for a different reason. Here, on the contrary, the press has so much fancy that it is no longer clear where the truth is and where it is not.

Here is what B. Shurinov writes about this in his work "The Paradox of the 20th Century": … Very often the question is asked - "Is it true that American astronauts saw UFOs?" One must be very careful here, since only those who were directly associated with the American space research program or the astronauts themselves can answer this question. Let us turn to Maurice Chatelain, one of the creators of Apollo, who was in charge of the communications system, for an answer.

In the book "Our ancestors who came from space", he writes that one gets the impression of the observation carried out by unidentified objects for all flights made according to the American program … Chatelain writes that Walter Schirra was the first to use the code name "Santa Claus" to designate the observed UFO. (Orbital flight "Mercury-8").

During the Apollo 6 flight (December 21-27, 1968 F. Borman, D. Lowell, W. Anders), James Lowell, while in lunar orbit, said: “We have just been informed that Santa Claus really exists . And although this happened on December 25, i.e. on Christmas, when the reminder of Santa Claus is most appropriate, many have interpreted Lowell's words as evidence of something out of the ordinary, especially since Lowell just flew over the invisible side of the moon. Don't you think that in a different interpretation Lowell's phrase loses its meaning?

The first to photograph an unidentified flying object was James McDewitt (Gemini 4, June 4, 1956) … * (* - McDewitt's answer to the question - did he see a UFO - we have already quoted in the foreword to this book. magazine "Science and Life", No 8, 1978).

On December 4, 1956, F. Borman and D. Lowell (Gemini 7) saw two UFOs and took pictures of the mushroom-shaped UFOs. Later, F. Borman said that "flying saucers" did not exist, but … the photographs remained.

May 22, 1969 T. Stafford and D. Young ("Apollo 19") filmed a UFO while in lunar orbit and during their return to Earth. On the eve of the first landing ("Apollo 11") Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of two UFOs. These pictures were published in Modern People magazine (June 1975).

The fate of Gordon Cooper is interesting. Well proven in the flights of "Mercury-9" (1963) and "Jiminy-5" (1965), he did not participate in flights under the Apollo program. Chatelain writes that G. Cooper is not only an astronaut, but also a scientist convinced of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting the earth now and visiting it before.

In a letter from Gordon Cooper, read out to a special political committee of the United Nations on November 27, 1978, "the astronaut confirms his conviction in visiting our planet by extraterrestrial ships and their crews." According to Cooper, back in 1951, as a US Air Force pilot, he met with UFOs of various sizes over Europe for two days. * (* - The author of the quote writes in this paragraph: “The fate of Gordon Cooper is interesting.” This phrase contains what What makes Cooper's fate especially interesting?

Apparently, in the opinion of the author of the quote, the fact that Cooper, who had proved himself well in previous flights, nevertheless, for some reason, did not participate in other space programs. The author, it seems to me, hints at the fact that Cooper was suspended from further flights due to the fact that he was an ardent supporter of the reality of UFOs. To me personally, these considerations seem unconvincing).

Further I would like to cite an excerpt from V. Azhazhi's lecture concerning American astronauts. You should immediately warn that this passage is very emotional, especially since this is not a recording on paper, which can then be corrected, but a living speech. But since the whole UFO problem is mysterious and emotional, it is quite possible to understand the excitement of the lecturer, who was first allowed to make a report on this topic. * (* - The lecture was given in 1978). There are some differences in this passage from what was said above. For example, earlier we said that the code name UFO was introduced during Walter Schirr's flight on Mercury-8, and Azhazha says that it was introduced after McDewitt's flight on Jiminy-4. But ultimately this is a trifle that does not matter in principle.

As already mentioned in the preface to this book, I do not agree with all the statements of V. Azhazha, and the source of such categorical information that Azhazha cites is not always clear to me, but nevertheless I quote the passage in full:

“… The Apollo experiments were successful and we did not receive any super-sensational information. But, relatively recently, NASA has either removed the secrecy label, or simply retired former members of NASA started talking, but in any case, in the past and the year before last, a number of materials appeared, hitherto unknown to a wide range of people. Two monographs have been published. One of them was written by the famous space designer Maurice Chatelain, by the way the co-author of the Apollo-Soyuz communication system. He called his monograph "Our ancestors who arrived from outer space."

The second monograph was written by Academician Berger and Professor Balle. Both of them have worked in American space for many years. They called their book “The Book of Mysteries”. Moreover, a number of special magazines have appeared. reports of UFO sightings by American astronauts. In particular, the magazine "Space World" for the last year, the February issue, is almost entirely devoted to this issue. Moreover, the editorial board that prepared this material tried to maintain a balance. First, they gave material about the observations of UFOs made by American astronauts, then they explained all this with earthly analogies, and then summed up the results by interviewing five Apollo commanders.

They all agreed on one thing - yes, we have encountered extraterrestrial civilizations. HASA has never published a single refutation on this matter! What do they write about in these documents? We know that Americans always advertise extensively for flight preparation, especially the Apollo 11 flight, which landed humans on the moon for the first time. Journalists reported everything from the color of the astronauts' suspenders to which croutons they would eat the day after tomorrow. But the press did not mention that the astronauts would be given a small capsule, the size of a chronometer, with them on the flight, into which a silver plaque would be inserted, on which the following data would be electrolytically applied: an appeal to alien civilizations in 74 languages; excerpt from the Declaration on Human Rights; an extract from the Eisenhower Code of Air and Space Navigation;radio wave and call signs of the American president; radio wave and HASA call signs. (This attempt to establish contact was unsuccessful, and in February 1976 by the decision of the American Senate, a 12-member commission was created, under the leadership of Dr. John Blindham, which was ordered to develop a methodology for contact with alien civilizations for 34 years). However, the firm, which was instructed to urgently produce this sign, blabbed it to a journalist.who was instructed to urgently make this plate, blabbed about it to a journalist.who was instructed to urgently make this plate, blabbed about it to a journalist.

So, at first, it became the property of the press, and then all this was repeated in all the publications and magazines mentioned above. * (* - This phrase may confuse the reader, because he remembers that he read about this "capsule" The lecturer says that preliminary advertisements about this “capsule” were not mentioned. The press reported about it only at the last moment before the flight, when, according to Azhazha, rumors about it were leaked to the press against NASA's wishes. In other words, the NASA employees themselves did not exclude the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations).

The first American astronaut to encounter a UFO in space was Walter Schirra during his orbital flight around the Earth. The first astronaut to photograph a UFO in space during the Gemini 4 mission was McDivitt. It happened over the Hawaiian Islands. By the way, after McDivitt, the term "Saint Nicholas" was introduced into the table of conditional signals during negotiations with Houston, ie. UFO. The first Apollo to take people to the moon was Apollo 11. The team included Armstrong, Aldrin, Collens. The same Aldrin, about whom our Literaturnaya Gazeta wrote some time ago that, they say, all astronauts are like people, who are engaged in business, who are engaged in scientific research, and Aldrin is completely decomposed, in the evenings he sits and looks out of a dark window, washed down bitter and in general with him some kind of disagreement. * (* - One can assumethat here the lecturer is hinting that after what Aldrin saw on the moon, his nerves lost).

When Apollo 11 took its place in circumlunar orbit, Collens remained in the apparatus, and Armstrong and Aldrin descended on the lunar surface in the Orion lander. There were two waves of communication, two communication channels. One main, which accompanied the television transmission, and the second spare, which received only HACA signals. Then these signals were simultaneously received by radio amateurs in Australia and Switzerland. And so, as soon as the Orion landed on the lunar surface, Armstrong screamed into the microphone. He was in great emotional excitement and the only thing he managed to do was switch to a backup communication channel. It was a breakdown in transmission on the main television channel. And on the spare, he shouted: “Damn it, I would like to know what this is ?! Directly in front of us, on the other side of the crater, sit other spaceships, huge, and watch us. "Then he literally croaked into the microphone: "Please give the command to Collens to be ready." Then Aldrin, a man, apparently more balanced, less emotional, led the transmission on the main channel. The same Aldrin who delivered the invaluable cargo to the earth - he shot a 16 mm color film, which reflects all these revelations. Aldrin was transmitting on the main channel, from time to time switching to a backup channel.

On the spare, he said the following: "I see separate blocks that glow from the inside." Then, after a while: "I see St. Nicholas, gives little light." Since “Saint Nicholas” gave little light, that is, did not show aggressiveness, after five hours, after holding the astronauts for five hours, like in a tin can, in this module, Houston gave the command to leave the Orion on the lunar surface, and they began their work. During the Apollo 12 flight, the crew noticed that the last stage of the Saturn rocket was following them on the way to the Moon, which put them into orbit. (So they then thought). Then Houston gave a course correction, the ship turned towards the Moon, the "last step" turned too. Then an entry appeared in the ship's logbook that, apparently, "Saint Nicholas" was following us, but we still do not know whether this is our friend or our enemy.

The UFO flew very close near the ship, the ship was bathed in warmth and light, as recorded in the logbook, and the ship flew on. During the Apollo 13 flight, the Americans planned to detonate a "mininuclear" device on the lunar surface in order to arrange a small moonquake and obtain data on the lunar infrastructure. The experiment was already prepared, there was a lively radio exchange between the ship and Houston, and at that moment an explosion occurred on the ship. An oxygen tank exploded without causing any harm to anyone, but the experiment was thwarted. The UFO was nearby.

The authors of the monographs say that, apparently, it was not profitable for the aliens that the Moon was destroyed * by our nuclear device, because, according to astronaut Syrnan, who circled the Moon low from the opposite side, "They are sitting there like bees on a honeycomb." Apparently, the aliens did not need this explosion, since the moon, apparently, is their transfer base. (* - The lecturer uses the word "destroyed", of course, in a figurative sense).

The last Apollo to fly to the moon was Apollo 16. According to the conditions of the experiment, at the end of work on the Moon, the Orion module was supposed to take two astronauts, dock with the main ship, and the last astronaut who passed from the module to the spacecraft had to press the separator button and the accelerator button. Orion was supposed to fall to the lunar surface and crash. He worked his way. This was the technology of the experiment. It so happened that astronaut Young, who had performed this operation on the ground dozens, maybe hundreds of times, forgot to press the accelerator button. And "Orion", instead of falling on the Moon, remained in the lunar orbit, ie. became a satellite of the moon.

As the authors of the monographs write, it remained a visual aid for those who needed it. I repeat, all of the above has never been refuted by the official bodies of NASA. (Excerpt from tape.)

In addition to what Azhazhey said, I would like to add two more facts. American astronauts, flying low around the moon, noticed on its surface two clear parallel tracks of unknown origin. And the second thing. During the flights of "Apollo 10" and "Apollo 11" over the lunar crater of Aristarchus, incomprehensible repetitive light phenomena were observed with each orbit. The same light phenomena were observed from the Earth.