The Scientist Gave His Reasons For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

The Scientist Gave His Reasons For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
The Scientist Gave His Reasons For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Gave His Reasons For The Existence Of God - Alternative View

Video: The Scientist Gave His Reasons For The Existence Of God - Alternative View
Video: How Science Could Prove the Existence of God | Michio Kaku | Google Zeitgeist 2024, June

Disputes over the existence of a certain divine entity have been going on for millennia. As is commonly believed by various world religions, it was the Creator who created our Universe, galaxies, planets and all living species. But what then was before the creation of the universe and where did God himself come from?

There is a version that when humanity comes closer to solving the mystery of the existence of God, then you and I will move to a completely different level and learn the secrets of the universe, but for now it remains to be content only with different versions and hypotheses of various scientists, religious leaders and other people who are interested in solving the mysteries of life …

According to most scientists, our universe was created as a result of a big bang, but who then set such a mechanism in action? Robert Jastrow is a scientist who tries to understand the secrets of the universe and explores the boundless space of the stars. The astronomer is sure that it was not without God's intervention.

Yastrov is sure that the Creator of the Universe exists, and science has ceased to reckon with the religious components of life at a certain moment in the development of our civilization. At some point, scientists decided that a more rational explanation of the creation of our Universe was needed and they abandoned the opportunity to consider the divine essence, but now the time has come when scientists return to such discussions and are ready to prove the existence of the human soul and the Creator of the Universe in a scientific way.

Why did scientists suddenly begin to change their point of view and return to discuss the Creator? Has not the time come when we are on the verge of an important discovery that will prove the existence of God and is humanity ready for this step?