Alien Slaves - Alternative View

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Alien Slaves - Alternative View
Alien Slaves - Alternative View

Video: Alien Slaves - Alternative View

Video: Alien Slaves - Alternative View
Video: Alien Slaves | Half-Life Resurgence 2024, September

This material is based on the modern linear theory of paleocontact and the theory of divine origin, synthesized in one information stream. Both of these theories are the same vision of people with different levels of worldview, both materialists and believers. People with different worldviews call the same things differently, although this does not change their essence.

The point in this issue was put by modern scientists, who came to the conclusion that all life on Earth did not come about by natural selection (Darwin's theory of evolution), but directly through genetic engineering.

So, the modern dogmatic theory of Darwin is being questioned, because a number of researchers and scientists have come to the same conclusion that man appeared on Earth immediately and on all continents at the same time, which does not agree with the version of a transitional form between man and a monkey.

In addition, the cells of humans and animals are identical and are the building blocks of which our bodies are composed. DNA is the defining key, the genome by which this cell can grow into absolutely any protein organism on this planet, from mice to humans. This is indicated by various sources, including modern research in the field of genetics of microorganisms, animals and humans.

Based on genetic studies, it has been established that half of human proteins have a similarity in amino acid sequences to proteins of the Drosophila fly, with a mouse we have 90% of common genes. And the protein composition of many specialized cells in mice, rats, and humans looks similar, although the genes themselves are scattered differently on the chromosomes. Geneticists believe that orangutans separated from an ancient ideal ancestor 14 million years ago and their DNA is 97% similar to that of humans, gorillas - 10 million years ago, and therefore the relationship is 98%, and chimpanzees - "only" 6 million years ago, and the relationship is 99%, although the difference between us is huge!

In fact, our bodies are a living bioconstructor consisting of many billions of living cells, by the way, each of these cells has its own consciousness, i.e. alive. In turn, these cells are building materials, and DNA serves as the determining program, it is she who is responsible for how these cells - "bricks" are built and take various forms of animals and people on our planet. Billions of body cells unite into a collective consciousness, thereby forming a false ego of a person, while not being us. The idea itself is as follows, as scientists found out, the cells of the human body are completely renewed in about 7 years, i.e. in fact, every 7 years we have a new body. So the question, who is I ?, the one who is aware of himself throughout life as one and the same individual remains open.

"The human body is completely renewed every seven years."

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An interesting fact, but even in the most ancient sources it is argued that man was created with the help of genetic engineering, there are such references in Sumerian, ancient Egyptian, ancient Chinese mythology, as well as in the mention of Abrahamic religions. All these sources are very similar to each other.

Sumerians "on the creation of man"

The most ancient sources telling about the origin of man on Earth are the Sumerian sources. It is they who are considered the primary source by many researchers and only then, on the basis of them, the Old Testament and the Torah were already written. In particular, Sumerian sources tell how some Anunnaki creatures who call themselves gods created a person through genetic experiments. They tell that man was bred by the gods as a result of a number of genetic experiments based on "local material", that is, perhaps on the basis of someone who we now consider our ancestors in the framework of evolutionary theory. Although most likely we are talking about the simplest organisms and cells.

Creation of man in Sumerian mythology. Ninhursag creates the first man from clay.

As described by Sumer, in the first experiments, lifelessly capable invalids and even perfect monsters were obtained. Then things went better, but the result still had certain drawbacks. In particular, in some texts it is reported that a person either could not speak or could not reproduce. Only the last series of experiments was successful, when it was decided to add the genes of the gods themselves to the “local procurement”. After that, a successful copy was “replicated” with the use of genetic engineering and surrogate motherhood, and the role of surrogate mothers was played by specially selected goddesses.

By the way, the assumption that the civilization of the gods possessed the technology of genetic engineering finds quite definite confirmation. The process was laborious and the gods obviously tried their best in the manufacture of man.

Thus, ancient legends and traditions of many peoples report that "the gods gave agriculture to people." The famous Soviet scientist Nikolai Vavilov, back in the 30s of the XX century, came to conclusions that indirectly confirm this statement of our ancestors. During his expeditions to various countries of the world, studying wild varieties and cultivated plants, Vavilov discovered that there are eight isolated foci of ancient agriculture, which arose here simultaneously and independently of each other about 10-12 thousand years ago. It is curious that it is in the places of these foci that we find the clearest and most distinct traces of highly developed technologies.

It is noteworthy that in the main grain crops Vavilov did not find any transitional forms from wild varieties to cultivated species. Cultural species in the centers of ancient agriculture seem to have appeared out of nowhere in ready-made form.

Creation of Adam in Kabbalah

The researchers concluded that Eve was not the first wife of Adam, since initially God created from clay not only the most famous man in religion, but also a woman - Lilith. Lilith did not obey Adam and believed that she had the right to do whatever she wanted. As a result, Adam and Lilith did not succeed as a couple for their wayward nature. For this behavior, she was expelled from Paradise. The first wife of Adam Lilith from the Bible became the girlfriend of the angel Lucifer, with whom she was later expelled from heaven to Hell.


It is known that the Old and New Testaments were rewritten several times with a change in the text. So that the Holy Scriptures did not contain any unnecessary information, a council of priests (synod) was assembled, who agreed on the text, so who Lilith is from the Bible cannot be read. Many researchers believe that information about this creation was in the old text of the forgotten Gospel.

In medieval demonology, she is presented as the personification of sexuality, so Lilith is described as a beautiful woman with appetizing forms. In more ancient sources, she is represented by a demoness with hair on her body, a snake's tail and animal paws with claws. In the Jewish tradition, Lilith's beautiful appearance is associated with her ability to transform.

Obviously, the story of Lilith tells how, in a certain laboratory called Eden, gene experiments were carried out to interbreed a person with a certain chimera, half-human, half-reptile, but the experiment failed, so we had to come to the source material. So in the Old Testament it is said that Eve was created by God from the rib of Adam, already taking into account past mistakes.

Egyptians on the creation of man

Khnum was revered as a god of fertility, a demiurge, who blinded people, gods and their Ka (doubles, i.e. the mental body of a person) on a potter's wheel from clay. This god was called "Lord of Cold Water", and his cult existed not only on Elephantine, but also in other places of Upper Egypt: Isnekh, Shas-hetep, Heracleopolis.

The Egyptian god Khnum, depicted with the head of a ram, was a potter and modeled people and animals from clay
The Egyptian god Khnum, depicted with the head of a ram, was a potter and modeled people and animals from clay

The Egyptian god Khnum, depicted with the head of a ram, was a potter and modeled people and animals from clay.

In the old version of the myth about the creation of the world from primordial chaos, the god Khnum with the head of a ram and his wife Heket with the head of a frog were proclaimed "the first gods who were at the beginning, who built people and made gods." Thus, "Khnum, as a" god-source ", was just a local version of Nun. Even in the era of the Old Kingdom, the idea of this pair of gods was transferred to Abydos and combined with the myth of Osiris. The divine couple was placed “at the source”, “at the birthplace (mes-khenet) of Abydos”, which completely transformed its original functions.

The primordial creative nature of Khnum and the creative principle inherent in it began to be explained on the basis of the etymology of the root "khonen" - "to create like a potter."

Ancient Greece

The myth of Prometheus describes the feat of a titan who was once a friend of Zeus, but then betrayed him. For a long time, the main character of the ancient Greek legend helped the Thunderer to gain power. After some time, he doubted the correct choice of the leader. Zeus mocked the gods and became a real tyrant. Prometheus began to descend to Earth, where he found happiness. He was struck by the beautiful nature and variety of animals. As a result, Prometheus decided to create people in the likeness of the gods from clay. Athena breathed souls into the hearts of the titan's creation.

Prometheus, known to everyone as the thief of fire, creates people and other living things by molding from clay
Prometheus, known to everyone as the thief of fire, creates people and other living things by molding from clay

Prometheus, known to everyone as the thief of fire, creates people and other living things by molding from clay.

Increasingly, Prometheus descended to Earth to teach people knowledge. He taught them writing, reading and language.

Ancient chinese mythology

The Chinese goddess Nuiwa also turned to this material: she immersed the vine in clay and shook it, and people emerged from the scattered lumps.


Even the name of the first man Adam is translated from Hebrew as "red clay".

The Creation of Man in the Abrahamic Religions

According to the second narrative (Gen. 2: 7-25; 3: 1-24), God fashioned man (Adam) from the “dust of the earth” (Adam), breathed the “breath of life” into his nostrils and placed him in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2: 7).

Creation of man in the Abrahamic religions
Creation of man in the Abrahamic religions

Creation of man in the Abrahamic religions.

It is noteworthy that not water was used to knead clay when creating the first people, but blood, and the blood of the gods. In ancient times, it was believed that a person's soul is in his blood. This brought people closer to the deities. At the same time, the Egyptians believed that the gods created people for a reason, but as their slaves.

Note that the “clay” mentioned in all the texts also has a slightly different meaning from our usual meaning. This is not natural clay at all, but a kind of "mixture used for modeling" - "what is molded (or created) from", the initial biomaterial, more likely a "cell". Those. in all the cases described above, and we are talking about the mythology of many cultures and religions, it is told about how man was created with the help of gene experiments. In a laboratory way, through a lot of trial and error in a laboratory called Eden.


What does the servant of God mean? When the word "slave" is mentioned, associations arise with inequality, cruelty, lack of freedom, poverty, and injustice. But this refers to the social slavery that society has created by fighting it over the centuries. Apparently when the roles of the slave and the master in the relationship between man and God were painted, this speaks of another slavery and has a different connotation.


Our slavish position is told both in the religions of antiquity and in the Abrahamic religions of our time. Among the Sumerians, the reason for the creation of man was the rebellion of their own Anunnaki, for which it was necessary to bring a new race of slaves to work in the mines.

The Egyptians also believed that the gods created people for a reason, but as their slaves.

In the Abrahamic religions, the role of a person is also determined not by chance, similar to the Sumerian as a slave. Throughout the history of the church, Christians have called themselves servants of God. One of the definitions of the word "slave" means a person who has completely surrendered to something. Therefore, a servant of God means a Christian who seeks to completely surrender to the will of God. And also the observance of his commandments, the struggle with their own passions.

In the Holy Scripture, in particular, the following is mentioned about the relationship between man and God:


40:17. All nations are before Him as nothing - less insignificance and emptiness are considered by Him.

This is not the only such mention in the relationship between man and God; there are a lot of similar sayings in the Old Testament. They emphasize in every possible way the superiority of God over man and indicate the slavish position of people.

Legends throughout Africa also say that the gods came from beyond the heavens and made us their slaves, and they made us slaves in such a way that we never knew we were slaves.

A strange coincidence, whatever one may say, but in Satanism, the relationship between the Master of this world, Satan and man is spelled out in the same way as in the main religions, master and slave.

So, let's try to figure out what forces we faced? And what other ancient sources told about the "gods":

It turns out that in more ancient sources (gnostic), on the contrary, it is argued that not God created man, but the devil (Demiurge). At the source of the cosmological singularity were two active emanations (forces). Two forces emerged from the cosmic egg, one embodying Light, the other - Darkness. God created light and spirit, Satan created darkness and matter. Satan created a "product" (prototypes of animals and people) and lured the spirit (souls), the immortal particle of God into his products, in order to use it for his own purposes. In the Bible, this process is described as the fall, in more ancient sources about how Satan tricked the divine spark into the fetters of the body. While Satan had to control the human body, the soul remained in the possession of God.

The Gnostics warned that the Demiurge (a dark highly developed parasitic civilization) penetrated deeply into the human psyche, and also manipulated us on the physical level through their protégés of the archons.

In the Zoroastrian religion (ancient Iran) there was a legend about the creation of the world in which it was argued that Satan would be given 9000 years to rule over humanity. Satan is a person with 1000 names. More often he appears to people as a god or devil, misleading them.

In February 1977, the Pope, speaking on the occasion of the beginning of Lent, admitted that the demon is the ruler of the world and the world is ruled by a powerful evil force.


As the chen say and many esotericists assert, the Earth is supervised by a highly developed technogenic civilization that calls itself gods. Having collected all the versions into one, the following turns out; this civilization was introduced to the Sumerians as the Annunaki from the planet Nibiru located in another dimension. According to another version, they are Selenites or Reptilians who are also in another dimension, but already on the Moon, from where they control their experiment. For earthlings in ancient times, who called themselves Ellohim - gods, Anunnaki - which means the chosen or the great. In the modern sense, aliens from other star systems. In general, all these concepts denote the same entities and at the same time, not one of the above concepts does not fully reflect their essence.

Also, modern sources claim that they came from the constellation Orion, and many cults who worship them in ancient times refer to this constellation. It turned out that many modern religions were created with their direct participation. Despite the fact that the cults of worshiping them as gods were created a long time ago, for example, ancient Sumer, nevertheless, they always changed, transforming, and without changing their essence have survived to our days. The cults of the moon gods work to this day, feeding their masters through an egregorial system of enslavement. Lunar control, through a system of religious beliefs, enslaves souls out of their own ignorance. In the original Universe, all souls were equal to each other, later some were able to enslave others with the help of their own invented dogmas, so some became food for others.

Worship is needed to pump out human metaphysical energy through the arcana (addressees) to transmit and transport it to another dimension. In addition, not many people know that after the so-called physical death, suffering for many will not end, but will only begin. Dark entities crave self-worship, for by enslaving our souls in this world, we become their captives in another world beyond the grave, which is as real as this earthly world.

Modern esotericists are convinced that the Earth is a global factory for pumping out Gavvakh. Gavvakh is the subtle-material radiation of human suffering, emitted by our being both during life and in descending after death. According to some esoteric theories, gavvah makes up for the loss of vitality for many categories of demonic beings and Gagtungr himself (Satan according to Andreev).

The term gavvakh, introduced into use by Daniil Andreev in his book "The Rose of the World", is now widely used by esotericists, he himself means, not only the suffering radiated by human beings, but also the whole range of negative emotions, such as hatred, pain, envy, anger, fear, etc. According to some esoteric theories, gavvakh compensates for the loss of vitality for many categories of demonic beings, including Satan himself.

Our Earthly sufferings are necessary only for him, i.e. the energy of pain and suffering, negative emotions, incessant wars throughout the history of mankind - this is what he feeds on, keeping us all here on Earth in the prison of the body.

Hence the answer to all our questions, that is why wars, discrimination and suffering do not stop on Earth, but everything just means someone needs it. We can talk as much as we like about our sinfulness and cause everyone to feel guilty, but many processes taking place on our planet simply do not depend on us. All of humanity is represented in the role of experimental subjects participating in an experiment where no tasks or goals of this experiment are known to us.


The gods of antiquity and the aliens of today are one and the same phenomenon. They have always been with us, throughout the entire existence of mankind. They did not fly anywhere and did not come from anywhere, all this time they were on Earth. While people were engaged in their various affairs, they were investigated and studied, just as a person himself studies under a microscope insignificant creatures that swarm and breed in a drop of water. With boundless self-righteousness, people walked across the globe, convinced of their dominance over this world. Meanwhile, through the abyss of time and space, our planet was examined and studied by beings much superior to us, in spiritual and intellectual development.


In connection with technical progress and linear dogmas of development imposed on all of us, they began to call them in a new way, but the essence of things, this does not change.

At all times there has been a lot of evidence of the mention of mysterious flying objects in the sky. So on the walls of ancient caves, in particular, in Ireland and France (caves La Plata, No, Karo Looma), scientists find drawings with images of disc-shaped objects. Similar images were also found in Altair, in the province of Santander (Spain).

In Japan, in the province of Kyushu in the tomb of Chin San, an image of the king was found, raising his hands to the sky and greeting seven flying discs. According to experts, this image dates from 2000 BC.

UFOs are also mentioned in the literature of ancient Tibet. They talk about the fact that incomprehensible celestial bodies appeared in the sky, flying machines that shone in the sky like pearls, died away, and then suddenly disappeared.

Literary references are also present in the writings of Ancient Egypt. So, on its territory, a papyrus was discovered, containing a retelling of observations of mysterious flying objects of an undefined nature. Scientists date this written source approximately to the 15th century BC and attribute it to the period of the reign of Pharaoh Tumos V. Currently, the papyrus is in the collection of the director of the Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum, Professor A. Tully. The papyrus contains very interesting references to how the scribes of the ancient university saw a circle of fire in the sky. A few days later, they noticed several such circles, their number gradually increased, and the lights became brighter. The scribes reported their observations to the pharaoh, and he, together with the army, watched how events developed further. By the end of the day, these circles rose high into the sky, after which one of the circles fell to the ground, and the rest flew southward. This event so amazed the pharaoh that he ordered to immediately enter the details of all observations in the state chronicle called "Annals".

Description of ancient flying extraterrestrial objects is also available in the chronicles of military campaigns of Alexander the Great. So, for example, in the chronicle for 332 BC a very interesting fact is described: during the time when the troops of Alexander the Great stormed Tire, so-called flying shields suddenly appeared in the sky. They moved in a wedge shape. Moreover, the first of the shields was twice as large as the rest. These objects with the help of lightning destroyed the walls of the fortress, and the soldiers easily took the city. Then the shields flew away.

In ancient Greece, you can also find a lot of interesting things about UFOs. Many ancient Greek philosophers saw large "logs" in the sky, which for several days were in one place and shone brightly. Seneca, Plutarch described cases when mysterious objects appeared in the sky that resembled shields and huge darts. At first they flew separately, and then merged into a single whole.

In 73 BC, in the Dardanelles region, the troops under the command of Lucullus and Mithridates saw a huge fiery barrel in the sky, which suddenly appeared and began to rapidly fall down. The troops fled in horror, and the commanders took the appearance of the object as a sign from above and stopped the battle.

In addition, references to the appearance of UFOs are found in the works of Aristotle, Titus Livy, Cicero, Pliny the Elder.

Ancient Christian treatises also contain data on flying objects. So, for example, the prophet Zechariah said that he observed a spherical flying object in the sky, as well as a "flying barrel" and "fiery wheels".

North American Indians also have references to observation of circular objects in their legends. So, in one of these legends it is said how a huge wheel descended to the top of a mountain. It soon flew away. And in other legends it is said that in ancient times, long before the appearance of Europeans, chariots flew in the sky that could land on water.


Ezekiel, Jehovah's priest in Jerusalem, saw the famous vision of the heavenly chariot. Being an educated priest, he wrote down the place and date of this event: the fifth day of the fourth month of the fifth year of captivity - in 594/593 BC. e., - "when I was among the settlers at the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God." So says Ezekiel at the very beginning of his prophecies; he saw a celestial chariot appear in a whirlwind, the flashing of lightning and the radiance of light, and inside it was "like a man's likeness", and he heard a voice that addressed him "the son of man" and announced his prophetic mission. Thus, any disappearance or appearance of the gods anticipates the beginning of a new era and the sunset of another, as it was with Sumer, Egypt, Christianity and other religious cults.

Usually the end of the first line of Ezekiel's story is translated as "visions of God." The term Elohim, which has a plural, is usually translated as "God" in the singular, although the Bible itself recognizes the plurality of gods, for example, as in Genesis (1:26): "Let us make man in Our image in Our likeness."

The aircraft that Ezekiel saw is described by him in the first and subsequent chapters as ("something heavy") - this is the term used in the Book of Exodus to describe the divine vehicle that landed on Mount Sinai. Ezekiel's story has inspired generations of scientists and artists, and the images they create have changed over time as our aircraft technology has evolved.


Scholars have compared the records of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Sumerians and Assyrians. In these records one and the same images were encountered: fiery ships descending to earth from heaven, iron birds, whose wings thundered like a thunderstorm, sparkling shields, pillars of fire, etc.

In all likelihood, with the development of writing, the ancient people began to record strange phenomena that they witnessed. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Mesopotamian name of Egypt "Magan" is translated as "land of shields", and many ancient texts described Sinai, an area belonging to Egypt, as a place "from where the greats rise to heaven."

In the Vedic texts, you can also find information about how ancient people communicated with the gods and even could see them. The texts describe how they helped in many questions for people. This relationship is attributed to antediluvian civilization that existed before us. In particular, many sources indicate that people have achieved such high achievements that they have become equal to the gods. The greatness of people and the envy of the gods, the gods could not allow this, which ultimately led to the degradation of civilization, and then to its destruction. The war between gods and people is described in detail in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, in the Vedic text Satapata Brahman, Vayu Purana, Ramayana, Skanda Purana, as well as in Titanomachy and Theogony of Hesiod.

After the destruction of the previous civilization, the gods made a decision to restrict communication with people, so that people would have a stable illusion that they are the masters on Earth. In reality, the Earth never belonged to us, and they skillfully disposed of it, but through a group of their agents, initiated into the secret. All this time, information about the finding of highly developed curators on Earth was hidden in every possible way, forgery, manipulation and hiding information went into action.

They entered the mass planetary consciousness as extraterrestrials thanks to the stuffing that took place called the Roswell incident. Since then, information about aliens has increasingly begun to appear in the media. A little time passed and on this fertile soil many profanities and fakes grew up. So one of the fakes that had to be, was the conclusion of a secret treaty between an alien civilization and the US government in 1954. In fact, the very creation of the United States was conceived by its founders by its founders as a project of a new Atlantis, a powerful state ruled by the whole world, nothing more than a project of secret societies, in turn, led by the dark supreme.

Many researchers, scientists, esotericists are convinced that the planet is supervised by a highly developed technogenic civilization, which has not stopped its research in the field of genetics.


A group of creatures called the gray "grace" are dark biorobots, controlled by the principle of avatars. Orions, there is no need to visit our reality, since they are in another dimension in more subtle densities of matter, they do this with the help of their avatars, i.e. Grace.

In the secret doctrine of E. Blavatsky, in particular, it was told how the great spirits of the world rulers created life on Earth, and each of these higher ones had a strictly defined role. Some moved the planets, others were responsible for the flora, others for the development of protein organisms and the creation of humanoid life forms, etc.

If you can call it that, the Department of Genetic Research of Protein Life Forms is grace, it was they who were more often convicted of carrying out inhuman operations conducted on both animals and humans.

One of the conversations recorded with the Great Zulu Shaman and Elder Credo Mutwa about abductions and reptilians. 1999-30-09


We believe, sir, that the Mantindane (tormentors), the Grays, are indeed servants of the Chitauli (Orions) And that they, contrary to what White people think - White people think wrong about many things, sir - that the Mantindane are experimenting with us. They don't experiment. I repeat, they are not experimenting.

Anyone who has gone through the hell of these beings will tell you that there is nothing of experimentation in what they do. There is cold, cold, cold-blooded actions, and they do all this with us not for themselves, they do it for beings higher than them.

So, sir, I guess these so-called aliens are not from afar at all. I believe they are here with us, and I believe they need substances from us, just like some of us humans use certain things from wild animals, such as the monkey gland, for certain selfish purposes of their own.

I believe, sir, that we should study this dangerous phenomenon very, very, clearly and with an objective opinion.

From the above it becomes clear that the experiments of extraterrestrials have been taking place on Earth without stopping from ancient times to the present day.

Many abducted people claim to have seen UFO compartments filled with hundreds of transparent containers in which the embryos were located. But what is their specific purpose? Here you can only speculate. Most likely, the aliens continue to carry out their genetic experiments further.


There is an assumption that aliens are breeding a new type of intelligent creatures, the next race. Earth women carry children from aliens, then they are abducted and embryos are removed from the bodies of their mothers. After that, the embryos continue their development in flasks. Researcher David Jacob writes: “The alien genetic program is not about reproduction, but production. They are not here to help us in anything, they are doing their job known only to them. They have their own interests, and they do not initiate earthlings in them. Therefore, we can only guess about the true essence of the experiments of aliens.

What does the Bible say about Adam and Eve? The fact that God created him (well, these are the Nifilim-Anunnaki themselves so called before the herd being created). That this "God" created him from the dust of the earth. Well, this is just a fairy tale for the herd. Experimental scientists will not tell experimental mice or chimpanzees about how and what they do with them in the course of their genetic experiments and for what. Just as we grow chickens in chicken coops, so they also breed people in humankind, in order to feed on us.

It seems that the Earth is a large genetic laboratory, a kind of branch of hell, where after the next experiment, who has come to the final stage, it will be cleaned, and laboratory test subjects will be killed in order to continue a new experiment in which everything will start anew.



They, the dark entities who chose the side of serving themselves, their goal is to enslave civilizations and drain their psychophysical energy.


Through their proteges on Earth from secret societies, they impose on us the path of development of civilization, create conditions for burdening our karma, and the impossibility of further leaving the wheel of Samsara's reincarnations.

Hiding the basic principles of the Universe, they skillfully manipulate civilizations, engaging them in constant conflicts and provoking bloody feuds, while receiving food for themselves in the form of the secreted negativity of enslaved civilizations.

Despite the fact that they are at the next level of development of civilization (the astral of the higher - the level of collective consciousness), this does not prevent them from being the Masters of the material Universe. This technologically highly developed civilization of insidious and cunning entities has almost perfectly comprehended all the secrets of matter and the material Universe now (and not only) uses these secrets only for its own sake.

They have the right to claim that they are our creators, but this is partly because this statement hides a deception behind it. They created archetypes (bodies of people, animals, plants) through genetic engineering, similar to how people now experiment with cells and DNA. The only thing is that we are not really a body, we, soul or spirit, whatever, but not the body.

They imprisoned us in cage bodies and skillfully milked us for many millennia. The whole focus of the illusion lies in the fact that absolutely everything that surrounds us has consciousness, the smallest cell of our body has its own consciousness (soul or spirit) despite the fact that it is negligible in general, the collective consciousness of body cells creates a false ego, which asserts to us that we are it, giving us pure consciousness for ourselves. We are enslaved by the collective consciousness of the cells of our bodies, and what in reality can be called us (the true I), we began to call the subconscious. We are forced to constantly reincarnate on Earth, since we do not know the basic principles by which the Universe works, our level and our consciousness are constantly limited and do not allow us to break out of the vicious circle of materiality. We are like squirrels in the wheel of Samsara (the wheel of reincarnation) from which there is no way out. After controlling our consciousness through the media, religion, science, history, various propaganda of the material, we have nothing not to get out of this cage for reason. They have absolutely nothing to do with our true creation, since spirit - the soul is eternal (eternal), no one created it, it has always been. Therefore, now we can confidently assert that such a concept as Satan or the Devil is a specific person or a group of personalities, skillfully manipulating civilizations that are at the individual level of consciousness development, in the physical plane of being. They have absolutely nothing to do with our true creation, since spirit - the soul is eternal (eternal), no one created it, it has always been. Therefore, now we can confidently assert that such a concept as Satan or the Devil is a specific person or a group of personalities who skillfully manipulate civilizations that are at the individual level of consciousness development, in the physical plane of being. They have absolutely nothing to do with our true creation, since spirit - the soul is eternal (eternal), no one created it, it has always been. Therefore, now we can confidently assert that such a concept as Satan or the Devil is a specific person or a group of individuals who skillfully manipulate civilizations that are at the individual level of consciousness development, in the physical plane of being.

Satan is a polysyllabic concept that includes both the material Universe (matter as a whole, i.e. energy) and a group of entities that are interested in tying us to the material plane holding this planet captive in order to feed on our energy, our main task is here and now, to get out of their submission and thereby break out of the circle of reincarnations and go further, comprehending the next levels of being of the multidimensional Universe.


Ask how is this possible? It's very simple, we are kept here by karma and attachment to matter. We need to stop civil strife, understand that we are all One and only together in a single impulse can we resist our enslavers. Changing your mind and attitude towards others, giving them positive thinking and love. Understanding and knowing that everything does not end with material life, but on the contrary, abandoning material fetters, we will be able to acquire freedom of unthinkable proportions, of which many now cannot even dream of. We will gain freedom and receive the same power as the dark gods who enslaved us before.