UFOs And Big Politics - Alternative View

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UFOs And Big Politics - Alternative View
UFOs And Big Politics - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Big Politics - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Big Politics - Alternative View
Video: Russell Crowe claims he spotted a UFO 2024, September

In recent years, more than enough information has been received about there, that the fact of communication with aliens is hidden from us.

Over the past couple of years, China has suddenly started leaking hitherto top secret information into the media. Who and what heard about a UFO over China in some 1985? Even professional ufologists did not have reliable information.

Now, please: in December 2008, Beijing released a record of a UFO flight, which had been kept in deep secrecy for 20 years. In Britain, the release of the so-called X-files is already on a grand scale, they are dumped in the press on a national scale. A folder with anomalous events recorded in the period 1978-1987 is already open for access.

Astronaut Apolio-14 said that NASA employees came into contact with aliens, but hid it for 60 years, The Daily Maii reported. According to 77-year-old astronaut Edgar Mitchell, he was aware of the many visits of aliens to Earth, each of which was classified by the government. In an interview with one of the radio stations, Mitchell said that NASA employees described the aliens as "strange creatures, similar to small people." They are not very different from the traditional idea of the appearance of aliens: they have a small body, large eyes and a head.

The astronaut also stated that alien technology is better developed than human technology. At the same time, Mitchell warned that if the aliens were hostile, then the future of earthlings would be in jeopardy. In turn, the representatives of NASA hastened to refute the statements of their former employee, who in 1971 made the longest walk on the moon {9 hours 17 minutes). “NASA does not track UFOs. Dr. Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his views on this issue, - said a spokesman for the space agency.

The next NASA retiree is former head of NASA's lunar laboratory photography, Ken Johnston. Last year, he held a whole press conference, showing the public some more than strange images of the moon taken by the Apollo expeditions. In the photographs, you can see something that resembles ancient high-tech ruins - many kilometers of towers, giant objects hanging above the surface.

According to Johnston, 40 years ago, during the lunar landing program, American astronauts discovered and photographed some "ancient ruins of artificial origin" on the lunar surface and discovered a previously unknown gravity control technology, but this data was completely classified by the US government.

Finally, the last of the "former" gentlemen from NASA - Mr. Christopher Kraft, in the past - neither more nor less - the director of NASA. He released the following entry, made in Houston during the Apollo 11 lunar mission:

Promotional video:

Astronauts (Neil Amstrong and Baz Aldrin):

- These are giant contraptions. No, no, no … This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about that!


“What… what… what?” What the hell is going on there? What happened?


“They're here below the surface.


- What is there?

Communication was interrupted … control center calls Apollo-11. Astronauts:

- We saw several guests. They were there for a while, checking the equipment.


- Repeat your last message.


“I say there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side

crater. Houston:

- Repeat… repeat!


“Let us probe this sphere … My hands are shaking so badly that I cannot do anything. Take it off? Oh my God, if these damn cameras get some footage … what then?


- Can you photograph something?


- I no longer have tape at hand. Three shots from the "plate", or whatever this thing is called, ruined the film.

Now let's try to answer the question: "What, in fact, does the UFO problem have to do with politics?"

Strange aerial threats

Here is a story that happened on December 6, 1950 - the day of a strange air raid. It took place at the time of the dramatic stage of the war in Korea for America, where the two hundred thousandth Chinese group counterattacked the troops of General MacArthur, throwing them over the 38th parallel with one blow, pushing them to the sea.

History repeated itself with the outbreak of the war, when the North Korean T-34 blitzkrieg pushed the Americans into the southernmost tip of the peninsula. In Washington, a mood close to panic reigned, and President Truman, in consultation with representatives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the highest command of all branches of the US armed forces), considered the possibility of a nuclear strike against both Korea and, most likely, the USSR.

The Makar-Tur group was in a difficult situation, on the verge of complete defeat. In this situation, President Truman had the decision to use his nuclear trump cards.

On the morning of December 6, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a warning to US commanders around the world about the likelihood of a world war.

At this moment, early warning radar stations recorded the approach to the United States from the north of about forty objects, declared as "Soviet bombers".

Flying at an altitude of about 10 thousand meters, according to calculations, in a few hours they should have been over the center of the United States. Here is what the primary sources write about these events.

The Wise Man by Walter Isaacson and Ivan Thomas, based on an interview with Acheson: “For a second on the morning of December 6, it seemed to him that his (world war) nightmares were coming true. At 10:30 am, Bob Lovett called him from the Pentagon and briefly informed him in his harsh voice:

- When we finish talking, you will not get through to me. All incoming calls are disconnected. A nationwide state of emergency will soon be declared. We were informed that at the moment a formation of Russian aircraft flying over Alaska, heading to the southeast. The President wants you to inform British Ambassador Attlee that he must take appropriate measures for his safety, whatever he sees fit. I relayed my message and end the conversation.

- Wait a minute, Bob, do you believe that? Acheson managed to interject.

“No,” Lovett replied, and hung up.

Acheson sat in his office and waited. The Air Force took to the air. One of the top officials burst into the office and asked permission to call his wife to leave the city, and also asked if it was necessary to start transferring documents to the basement. Acheson tried to calm him down. A few minutes later, Lovett called back in a calm voice. The radar markers were not Soviet bombers. They were flocks of geese."

Harry S. Truman, Years of Challenge and Hope. 1946-1952 ":" Shortly before the morning meeting, Deputy Defense Secretary Lovegg called from the Pentagon and reported that large formations of approaching unidentified aircraft had appeared on some radar screens of the defense system in the far north. Fighters were sent to reconnaissance, and New England air units were raised on alert. But about an hour later - during a meeting with (Clement) Attlee - Lovett reported that the report was a mistake. Some unusual disturbances in the Arctic atmosphere have deflected the radar beams."

Such a "flock of geese" put the whole of America on the ears. Or, as another version explained, "radar disturbances." By the way, there was more than one radar in Alaska. The "flock of geese" hovering at an altitude of 10 thousand meters (that is, covered with a half-meter ice crust) from Soviet bombers could be distinguished by air defense officers. And the question is not even that geese do not fly so high.

The question is that in 1950 the USSR did not even have supersonic bombers anywhere near. Naturally, the question arises: if the calculations of fools were sitting at the early warning stations, then was Mr. Truman a fool? Was Bob Lovett a fool to declare a state of emergency? Or maybe both the head of the White House and the head of the Pentagon knew something and made everyone else a fool?

And know in the White House, and the Pentagon, and the CIA could do a lot of things. For example, about the incident in Roswell, where a UFO with a crew was rumored to have crashed. Or, for example, about the incident off the coast of Antarctica, where the Americans sent an aircraft carrier, accompanied by a whole squadron of warships, to “investigate the penguins”.

Far from all of them returned from the "scientific expedition", and those who returned suffered terrible injuries caused by completely incomprehensible weapons. It is possible that both Roswell and the famous 1947 incident in Antarctica are all myths. Let's admit. But this myth very well explains both the strange "flock of geese" over Alaska, and the strange humanism of the Pentagon, which in the early days of the Cold War could easily and without straining to beat the USSR - so that there would be no stone unturned. But for some reason he pulled.

And in Korea the atomic bomb was never used. And even the later Cuban missile crisis was somehow so strangely and peacefully resolved - either Khrushchev threw down the sandal and took the pipe in his hand, or Kennedy called him and settled everything - it is incomprehensible. But once you add other pieces to the chessboard, everything falls into place right away.

Why did everything stop

Suppose that ufologists are right - aliens (or guests from other slices of reality) exist. Suppose astronaut Edgar Mitchell, speaking about 60 years of US government contact with aliens, is telling the truth. Then the logic of the events of December 6, 1950 just sticks together and everything falls into place.

Suppose that a narrow group of people in the United States (presumably the military) makes contact with the UFO hosts, more precisely, aliens establish contact. This happens during the presidency of Truman - who arranged the most complex system of access to state secrets. Even under the next President Eisenhower, the President of the United States was really the first person who knew everything and everyone. No one, even the most military from the military, could deny him access to this or that information.

However, after Mr. Eisenhower, not just people appear in the military departments, but entire departments, which can politely refuse all inquiries from the president. A system of admissions is being developed, which is still in force today, under which the president does not receive the highest admission to classified information. It has several people who can actually make decisions.

They are closed in themselves and if they obey anyone, then only "brothers in mind" who have chosen these gentlemen of the day of contact.

Suppose further that President Harry Truman decides to start a third world nuclear war. The level of development of earthlings and aliens, according to the most pessimistic estimates, differs as the level of development of the Papuans' tribe and the level of development of modern post-industrial civilization. The US President decides to arrange a big bad boom for the enemy, the USSR, as it happened in Hiroshima. Aliens don't like this. It was in Alaska that warnings were organized - radar spots from Soviet bombers.

Who does the Situation Room protect from?

We think that a similar scenario took place during the Cuban missile crisis, when the ardor of President Kennedy was very sharply cooled. Kennedy himself, according to the testimony of his contemporaries, later spoke about aliens, about what the American people have a right to know.

We also see that after this crisis, one very interesting object arose in the US top management called the Situation Room. Roughly - this is such a large transparent box in which there is a long table, several chairs and - important persons sit, each of whom is tested for the presence of electronics, because there is none in the Situation room, none! Such a real room will not be shown to anyone, and it is located underground. That is, a bunker was dug in the mountain, and another isolated room inside the bunker. The question arises: from whom are they encrypted in the 1960s? From the USSR? After all, even in the USA then there was no technology from which the information in the Situation Room was protected.

However, everything looks logical if we assume that the Situation Room appeared in the United States as a protection of information from UFOs. Probably, Mr. Kennedy was shocked that the secret meeting with the military, where the possibility of using nuclear weapons was considered, was not secret for representatives of another mind. There, in some incomprehensible way, they read all the information, and they clearly knew where, when and who needed to be followed. And therefore, situational rooms appeared, that is, places where the top leadership of the United States could calmly discuss important matters and not be afraid that someone would find out about it.

We emphasize once again: all of the above is just a theory that helps explain things that seem inexplicable at first glance. Alas, the conspiracy theory around the alien presence explains many things, ranging from a nuclear war, which was inevitable - but never happened, to questions about the strange breakthrough of the United States in microelectronics and the strange freezing of space programs there.

Author: M. Saltan

Source: “Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown"
