The Reality Of Illusion In The Universe - Alternative View

The Reality Of Illusion In The Universe - Alternative View
The Reality Of Illusion In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Reality Of Illusion In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Reality Of Illusion In The Universe - Alternative View
Video: If Earth Was Destroyed What Would The Simulation Do? 2024, June

Since then, as man began to penetrate further and further into the immense distances of the Cosmos, the mystery of the structure and creation of the Universe is acquiring more and more new assumptions and guesses. Edwin Hubble was the first person to radically change mankind's understanding of the Universe.


He was the first to seriously engage in the study of nebulae, which eventually led him to the correct assumption that nebulae are clusters of a huge number of stars, galaxies, of which there are countless numbers in the Universe. In the course of further research, Hubble found that galaxies are constantly moving away from the Earth, which means that the universe is capable of expanding!


Along the way, these studies revealed an interesting detail: galaxies located very far away are moving away at a higher speed, and this phenomenon is called Hubble's law. Based on this law, two important postulates were derived: the formation of the Universe had an initial point, and each of its constituent objects inside at the same time is its center.

After the promulgation of his law by Hubble, most specialists switched to the concept of the Big Bang, which explains the origin of the Universe by its formation from a hot superdense substance. Subsequently, the idea was formed that in the "gaps" between the scattering galaxies the formation of new matter takes place, and this allows the Universe to maintain its density, i.e. stay stationary. But the theory of a stationary universe did not last long, due to a number of visible contradictions. Therefore, the thought of humanity has been clinging to half of this version for a long time, namely, the hypothesis of the Big Bang.

But in 1982, the French physicist Alain Aspect established that under certain circumstances electrons can contact each other with lightning speed, and it does not matter where one of the electrons is located: at the other end of the universe or 1 cm from the other. In a mysterious way, each of the particles "knows" what the other is doing. However, under such circumstances, it was embarrassing that Einstein's postulate was violated, which said that the limiting speed of interaction is equal to the speed of light, and in fact the particles would have to exceed it, and therefore, overcome the time barrier.


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Nevertheless, a way to resolve this contradiction was found by one of Einstein's associates, namely physicist David Bohm, who suggested that particles can interact with each other not because they emit certain signals, but because in reality the distance separating them is just an illusion … And therefore, our Universe is nothing more than a hologram, in the smallest particle of which information about the "complete image" is stored.

For clarity, an example was given with a fish in an aquarium, which is filmed on video tape at the same time, but from different angles. If you later look at such records side by side, it may seem that we are talking about two different fish, and only then comes the realization that there is something in common between them: synchronization of movement, simultaneous change of direction. Therefore, the observer looking at the fish has the impression that two different individuals are somehow "connected" with each other. Bohm came to this conclusion after the basic laws of quantum mechanics were discovered, where the processes proceed in a completely different way, and sometimes even contrary to the known laws of physics.


The holographic theory of the Universe can explain many paranormal phenomena: telepathy, clairvoyance, teleportation of objects. Recently, some experts have become seriously interested in this theory, and are gradually leaning towards the idea of its plausibility, but even in the last century, the famous professor - psychiatrist Stanislav Grof wrote that the inconsistency of modern theories of neurophysiology does not allow an explanation of those phenomena, the phenomena of which are easily explained by holographic hypothesis.

Recent studies in the field of black holes using the holographic theory successfully explain the process of their evaporation, since otherwise all data on the "inner content" of holes would simply disappear, which is impossible according to the principle of information preservation. And if information from black holes is translated into a two-dimensional hologram, this is a perfectly acceptable option.


Also, astronomers make attempts to "find the" illusion "of the Universe with the help of instruments. For example, using a gravitational telescope in Germany, research is underway aimed at detecting fluctuations in time - space and gravitational waves. But for several years, not a single wave has been caught, since one of the reasons is strange noise interference in the range from 300 to 1500 Hz, which has been recorded by the detector for quite a long time and create big problems for its operation.


According to the assumption of Craig Hogan, director of the Fermi Center for Astrophysical Research, this happens because time - space does not represent a certain continuous line, but is a collection of quantum "granules" of space - time. Synchronisms can serve as a confirmation of the holographic structure of the Universe - the same events occurring at a certain interval in time, and with the help of this method, clinical death and the same dreams in completely different people can be explained. This phenomenon, by the way, is not so rare.


Since the discovery of the method of creating holograms, people have been constantly improving this method. Recently, specialists from Japan have developed a technique for creating a full-color hologram based on special particles - plasmons, which are joint vibrations of a free electron gas. Therefore, the creation of holographic monitors is not far off, in addition to everything, specialists are determined to create tangible holograms in the near future. So shaking hands in person with friends on another continent will soon be possible with a perfect “real illusion”.