A Feat Of Loyalty - Alternative View

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A Feat Of Loyalty - Alternative View
A Feat Of Loyalty - Alternative View

Video: A Feat Of Loyalty - Alternative View

Video: A Feat Of Loyalty - Alternative View
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What do we mean by human superpowers? Can anyone develop skills that exceed any materialistic expectations, and what does he need for this? To be born into a family of hereditary sorcerers or to join the ancient mysterious knowledge? As the history of the development of our civilization shows, sometimes it is enough to be true to yourself and your ideals.


Much has been written and said about Saint Tatiana the Martyr. One of the most famous Orthodox saints who suffered for her faith in pagan Rome - Christians celebrate the day of her memory on January 25. Her life is full of various miracles, as befits an Orthodox saint, but, in my opinion, the most powerful of them that defies rational analysis is her feat of faith. What character did a young fragile girl need to have in order to maintain her adherence to monotheism, having gone through physical torture, and this despite the fact that the Romans called on the Christian not to renounce her faith, but only to recognize the existence of other gods. Not to betray her - no, not to defile and not humiliate, but just make a small indulgence, a little, just step back from the postulates, but what did it cost her - after all, her God is the most forgiving spirit in the world, according to her own statements. And they beat her, and stabbed her, and they brought her to the wild animals - the young Orthodox woman stands her ground. And the Roman pagans, who daily concluded treaties in the form of a sacrifice to the celestials of Olympus, did not realize that in front of them was one that could not be broken, because there is no power in our world, stronger than female loyalty.

The trials that the Romans subjected the young Christian to, had as their goal only one thing - to make her honor the gods of the pagan pantheon, therefore, tightening up from day to day, they still did not take Tatyana's life. The events that have come down to us were recorded in the ancient monument of Roman writing - special protocols that were kept in Latin on special waxed tablets. On the first day, Tatiana, who refused to make a sacrifice to Apollo, was beaten and deprived of her sight. On the second, they cut her body with knives, on the third, apparently, deciding that since it did not work out with God-man, perhaps the spirit of the wise goddess Diana would help break the stubborn stubbornness of the wicked stubborn - Tatyana was brought to her temple, and after refusal, and there, they were brutally beaten and threw it to be devoured by a lion. It did not help - the lion did not frighten the obstinate Christian. The enchantment of the villain is hidden in her curls - the pagans decided. They cut the girl short and locked her for the night in the temple of Zeus, but even the main ruler of Olympus could not inspire respect - when the doors of the temple opened in the morning, Tatyana was found praying for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. And only then, four days after the arrest, deciding that they had tried all the means of persuasion available to them, the Romans decapitated the martyr.


What helped the young daughter of the Roman consul, who was secretly baptized and also secretly led his children to Christianity, to endure such severe suffering? What special superpowers did this girl have, who did not even know the usual for many women - she renounced marriage and childbirth - labor pain? There were, scientists-psychologists assure us - and it was with the prefix "over", that is, far beyond the norm, and the reason for such skills is faith. Faith in one God - the Creator of all things, the strongest of all existing, it is baseless, that is, it is its own foundation. It is absolutely irrational and is not based on feelings or reason, therefore it is impossible to convince a true believer. He does not wait for signs and confirmation of his convictions, he believes in what the eye did not see, and the ear did not hear, and what did not come into his heart. Children,brought up from infancy in such an environment, absorbed with mother's milk the postulate that a follower of Jesus Christ, a true Christian has everything, i.e. has everything necessary for the salvation of the only value - the human soul, subsequently accept all circumstances that fall to their lot as good, knowing that without God nothing happens. At the physiological level, such humility acts as a special kind of pain reliever, because there is no fear, fear of death, including, no anger, no desire for revenge on offenders. There is not everything that makes up half the spectrum of emotional sensations of any person when they get into a situation of violence. Perhaps, with such an ideological self-hypnosis, the pain threshold is even reduced.has everything necessary for the salvation of the only value - the human soul, subsequently accept all circumstances that fall to their lot as good, knowing that without God nothing happens. At the physiological level, such humility acts as a special kind of pain reliever, because there is no fear, fear of death, including, no anger, no desire for revenge on offenders. There is not everything that makes up half the spectrum of emotional sensations of any person when they get into a situation of violence. Perhaps, with such an ideological self-hypnosis, the pain threshold is even reduced.has everything necessary for the salvation of the only value - the human soul, subsequently accept all circumstances that fall to their lot as good, knowing that without God nothing happens. At the physiological level, such humility acts as a special kind of pain reliever, because there is no fear, fear of death, including, no anger, no desire for revenge on offenders. There is not everything that makes up half the spectrum of emotional sensations of any person when they get into a situation of violence. Perhaps, with such an ideological self-hypnosis, the pain threshold is even reduced.for there is no fear, fear of death including, no anger, no desire for revenge on the offenders. There is not everything that makes up half the spectrum of emotional sensations of any person when they get into a situation of violence. Perhaps, with such an ideological self-hypnosis, the pain threshold is even reduced.for there is no fear, fear of death including, no anger, no desire for revenge on the offenders. There is not everything that makes up half the spectrum of emotional sensations of any person when they get into a situation of violence. Perhaps, with such an ideological self-hypnosis, the pain threshold is even reduced.

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Perhaps the future saint had physical strength to endure torture: both when she was cut and when her eyes were gouged out. But how did she convince the hungry lion not to eat her? Yes, everything is very simple - she did not behave like a victim: she did not run away, did not shrink, her body did not release the fear hormone - cortisol, by the smell of which a big cat was used to finding food. The predator, languishing in captivity, in this guise saw only his jailers, so he did not recognize the dinner in the girl. And, as the Life of the saint says, indeed, instead of Tatiana, he could well have attacked the overseer, seeing danger in him - after all, he urged him to attack what, according to his animal ideas, was not food.

The holy right hand of the holy martyr is kept in the church of the Archangel of God Michael of the Pskov-Pechersky monastery (Pechora) on the right side of the royal gates. In the Orthodox tradition, Saint Tatiana the Great Martyr is considered the patron saint of all pupils and students - prayers addressed to her help to gain faith in yourself during difficult exams and entrance examinations.


Be that as it may, history will not allow us to deny the feat of masculinity, loyalty and faith. Respect and worship deserves Tatiana of Rome, who lived in pagan Rome, surrounded by polytheistic views alien to her, who met every day on her way neighbors with gifts for Artemis and Diana, and carried this loyalty to herself, her soul and her faith through the hardest trials. Is this not a role model, even if not faith in one God, but the power of this faith - so for sure. You can do a miracle with your own hands and you need to start with yourself, with your inner world. His main secret is not to betray himself, to remain faithful to what he once chose and pass it on to his children, despite the difficulties. Unfortunately, this quality these days is less and less common, and gradually turns into the category of superpowers.

Prayer to Saint Tatiana for everyone:

O holy martyr Tatiana, accept now us, who pray and fall to your holy icon. Pray for us, servants of God (names), may we get rid of all sorrows and illnesses, mental and physical, and live more piously in this life and in the next century. Grant us with all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Valentina Rogozhina