For a long time, scientists assumed that the Universe was not the only one and theoretically several of them could arise during the Big Bang.
And perhaps our universe could be part of an ever-expanding much larger entity.
Until recently, it was believed that before the Big Bang, all matter was in an infinitely small and infinitely dense point. After the explosion, the matter scattered, and began to transform to its present state.
The question arises: how can this be verified with the present possibilities of science.
After the Big Bang - a powerful burst of energy, a relic background remained after it, which is currently being recorded by instruments.
Also, a model of the early Universe was created using a supercomputer.
According to it, the first heavy elements were formed in space as a result of explosions of the first hydrogen-helium stars.
This model, generally accepted by the scientific community, describes the enrichment of the Universe with heavy elements.
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This is what concerns the physical aspect, the emergence of the generally recognized big World.
However, some scientists go further with their fantasies. In their opinion, the Universe turned out to be a computer game of the Absolute.
This hypothesis was put forward by a number of international scientists, astronomers, physicists and, oddly enough, experts in game theory.
Why did such a seemingly implausible theory appear?
First, the world turned out to be arranged like this, our sun is an extremely stable star.
Secondly, it is surprising that the solar system over the past couple of billion years has not been close to a single supernova that could easily destroy all life on Earth.
Therefore, by analogy with computer games, the conclusion suggests itself that our Universe is a kind of "toy" of an intelligent Universe.
And, perhaps, the “game” is built in such a way that we are the only mind in the Universe, and moreover, maybe there is no life anywhere except on Earth?