The Voyager 2 Probe, Captured By Aliens, Enters The Interstellar Space - Alternative View

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The Voyager 2 Probe, Captured By Aliens, Enters The Interstellar Space - Alternative View
The Voyager 2 Probe, Captured By Aliens, Enters The Interstellar Space - Alternative View

The second earth apparatus leaves the solar system.

On the border of two worlds

NASA reported a dramatic change in the environment surrounding the Voyager 2 probe, which they believe indicates that it is leaving the solar system.

“There’s no doubt that something is happening around the probe,” says Ed Stone, the mission's chief scientist at the Caltech in Pasadena.

The devices operating on Voyager-2 record the following: every week the power of the flow of energy particles coming from the outer space increases. And vice versa, the solar wind dies down - a stream of particles generated by our star. All this testifies to the fact that the apparatus is about to cross the border of our world - it will leave the outer regions of the so-called heliosphere and find itself in interstellar space.

The probe is approaching the edge of the solar system
The probe is approaching the edge of the solar system

The probe is approaching the edge of the solar system.

The heliosphere is a kind of bubble formed by particles of solar matter. The bubble resists cosmic radiation, restraining its flows. Where the outer stream of particles meets the inner stream, the heliosphere boundary passes. It is now crossed by Voyager 2, which has flown 17.7 billion kilometers from the Earth - this is 118 times farther than from us to the Sun.

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The Germans sensed the attack of alien hackers

Voyager 2 has been on the road for 41 years. They launched it not only in the hope of "touching" the mysterious interstellar space, but also in the hope of meeting with brothers in mind. It is to them that the information recorded on the gold plates on board is addressed.

And in 2010, the impression was that the aliens received our message, familiarized themselves with it and took control of Voyager 2. The probe began to transmit some coded messages that NASA could not understand in any way. Specialists from the American Aerospace Agency themselves reported mysterious problems that began on April 22, 2010.

“No one will tell the truth, but it looks like someone reprogrammed or captured the probe,” a certain Hartwig Hausdorf, who was presented as a “German academician” by the Bild newspaper, made this assumption. It is not surprising that his statement was liked by the world press and was actively reproduced.

For more than a month, the proposal of the "academician" - to try to decipher the gibberish sent by the probe, and thereby respond to the message of the aliens - seemed quite reasonable. But on May 24, 2010, NASA removed the suspicion from the brothers in mind, saying that it figured out the cause of the anomaly without them. The malfunction was allegedly caused by cosmic rays, which slightly damaged the on-board computer - specifically one of the memory cells and the data formatting system. It was they who "encrypted" the transmitted scientific information.

The computer was able to restart. The flow of abracadabra has stopped. The data began to come in normal form.

However, the authoritative "refutation" and its result did not satisfy everyone - first of all, the "academician" himself, who turned out to be a ufologist - quite well known - the author of numerous books.

The anomaly was not forgotten. And after 10 years, there are enough enthusiasts who believe that alien hackers intervened in the operation of the probe. And ufologists do not exclude that Voyager 2 is still under control.

Voyager 2 before being sent to the space abyss
Voyager 2 before being sent to the space abyss

Voyager 2 before being sent to the space abyss.


To distant distances and even further

Voyager 2 has a twin brother - Voyager 1, launched in the same 1977, but a little later and in the other direction.

Voyager 1 left the solar system in 2012. At least that's how it is considered. In any case, this probe is the most distant human-made object from us.

Messages to extraterrestrial civilizations are carried on board by both devices. They are the same. It is a copper plated disc. On one side there are inscriptions, drawings and diagrams, from which one can understand that their authors are intelligent beings.

There is an indication of where to look for us. What not everyone is happy about.

Another disc is a gramophone record with human speech - short greetings in 55 languages, sounds of earthly nature and fragments of musical works.

The LP is accompanied by a gramophone with a needle and instructions understandable by brothers in mind.

A message to the aliens aboard the Voyagers
A message to the aliens aboard the Voyagers

A message to the aliens aboard the Voyagers.

Voyager 1 is approximately 21 billion kilometers away. Light travels this distance in 19 hours.

Scientists believe Voyagers will travel forever. Therefore, the chances that someday someone will find them is by no means zero.

You can find out where and how far both probes are on a special NASA website.


Humanity has its own bubble

Astronomers proposed to consider the "bubble of humanity" a sphere, the border of which is the first radio transmission.

Radio was invented in 1895. Since then, artificial electromagnetic signals have been flying into space - in all its directions at the speed of light. The sphere filled with these signals is expanding at the same rate. Occupies areas where their - signals - can be heard by someone. And understand that they are catching something artificial. If, of course, there - in the worlds within the sphere - they listen to the radio. And they acquired powerful radio telescopes.

The bubble of humanity
The bubble of humanity

The bubble of humanity.

The "Bubble of Humanity" has already inflated by 246 light years, capturing more than 6 thousand star systems. And it continues to swell - every day the first radio signals of human civilization reach some other star system.

And the signals of the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", broadcasting since 2009, scattered already within a radius of 9 light years. Have washed at least 5 star systems., Then in the worlds located further, they hardly know about our intelligent existence.

The immediate vicinity of the Sun
The immediate vicinity of the Sun

The immediate vicinity of the Sun.