Aliens Will Find Their Way To Earth By Previously Sent Messages - Alternative View

Aliens Will Find Their Way To Earth By Previously Sent Messages - Alternative View
Aliens Will Find Their Way To Earth By Previously Sent Messages - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Find Their Way To Earth By Previously Sent Messages - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Will Find Their Way To Earth By Previously Sent Messages - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

In order to find aliens as early as possible, in the last century, a number of scientific specialists launched messages with the coordinates of the Earth, installed on various spacecraft. Actually, the scientists hoped that if we ourselves did not find the aliens earlier, they would someday see these very messages, be able to somehow understand what is depicted on them, and so they will get to our planet.


Decades have passed, the spacecraft of the Voyager mission have already made it out of the solar system with gold plates on board, where there are the same coordinates - and the specialists were suddenly frightened. The Western scientific press notes that in the last century they were quite light on the topic of sending messages about where the Earth is, since they had little idea of something outside the solar system. However, detailed knowledge about many other star systems, galaxies, clusters and so on was formed, they began to directly determine and search with telescopes where aliens could hypothetically live, this is at the level of theory, but it is possible that the scientists thought, and it was not in vain that they sent messages …


The prospect that some alien race may indeed exist somewhere is alive not only in the arguments of ufologists, it is quite real, since our planet is not unique for the origin of life. No real traces of aliens have been found yet, however, it is assumed, because they may be located far away. Accordingly, the aliens, if any, simply did not reach the region of space where our solar system is located. In theory, they may one day be somewhere nearby and be interested in a record on one of the Voyagers.


They will look, study - and then it is not known what will happen. Scientists began to question whether such messages would pose a threat to people. Nothing is known about the aliens and their logic. You never know, suddenly they are more militant than terrestrial terrorists, and want to destroy our planet. What is not known always creates fear, and this is what happened to aliens. When the experts realized that the theory of their existence looms better, they thought that it would be better not to draw the coordinates on the plates and other messages. Some astronomers regretted that it was impossible to return the vehicles of the "Pioneer" mission - they have not yet flown out of the solar system, but they will also do it sometime, and they also have messages about the place where the Earth is located.

Scientifically, these fears, of course, have not been substantiated in any way, but only there are disputes that if in the future something else is sent so far, then it is better not to write any more signs on it about us. In general, one should hope that the aliens will not understand anything. The criticism regarding the decoding of pictures and data on the messages was quite large-scale. It is curious that even the specialists themselves, working in those structures where the messages were developed, could not pick up a completely accurate and correct interpretation of each of them. Accordingly, if it is difficult for terrestrial brains to understand, will aliens succeed? Learning any language, for that matter, in conditions where there are no ready-made dictionaries, begins with defining general concepts. Simply put, if there is anything similar, at least one definition, there is a chancethat you can try later and learn everything.

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However, how can we talk about the similarity of the concepts of earthlings and aliens, if it is not at all clear how the latter think? For example, many of the messages involved binary code in one way or another. However, who said that the hypothetical alien race is using it? Perhaps they, like the ancient Gauls, measure everything in twenty? Or are the numbers generally distributed in some other way? Or is there a binary system, but its interpretation is completely different? Accordingly, the likelihood that aliens will still find people by messages is, however, it is not high enough. Accordingly, the danger that aliens will harm us because of this decreases. There is, of course, a certain percentage in general, minimal, that a threat exists. Scientists who love to argue on this topic may still be right.

At least, terrestrial technologies so far record only the approach of asteroids and comets, but not extraterrestrial life. There are speculations about the signals received, but they also find a traditional explanation that has nothing to do with aliens. This dilemma in general will be resolved when at least some aliens are found.


It is believed that the latter existed in some system, but could disappear even earlier than life began to emerge on our planet. The solar system is on the edge of the galaxy, and the sun is a relatively young star. The universe is about 13 billion years old, and life on some planet could appear, say, and in a billion years from an older star. What happened next is not known. The ancient alien race could both evolve and begin to travel across the galaxy, or be destroyed by some local asteroid or comet that unexpectedly arranged a space bombardment. Either the star turned into a supernova or the nearest black hole there tried, stretching everything.

Thus, who knows if we are not alone in the Universe at the moment. Then the messages are definitely not dangerous, they are simply meaningless.

Irina Letinskaya