10 Incredible Theories About The Mysterious Saturn - Alternative View

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10 Incredible Theories About The Mysterious Saturn - Alternative View
10 Incredible Theories About The Mysterious Saturn - Alternative View

Video: 10 Incredible Theories About The Mysterious Saturn - Alternative View

Video: 10 Incredible Theories About The Mysterious Saturn - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Mysterious Artifacts That Likely Came From Space 2024, September

Saturn - the sixth planet from the Sun and the farthest of the planets that we can see from Earth with the naked eye - is known for its beautiful rings. And if you forget about Mars for a second, Saturn, perhaps more than others, has overgrown with mysterious theories of explanation and conspiracy on the topic of its purpose and real essence. They are often intertwined with long-forgotten ancient knowledge and recently discovered natural phenomena.

Saturn occupied the highest position in terms of importance in ancient times. As more and more space probes pass by the huge cosmic body in our time, its beauty and secrets deepen. As is the madness of conspiracy theories.

Saturn's giant hexagon

When the Voyager missions flew past Saturn in the 1980s, they discovered a bizarre hexagonal shape in the planet's polar regions. Moreover, this structure seemed completely artificial because of the precisely adjusted sides and almost perfect shape. However, photographs and theories followed, which matured for about 20 years until the Cassini spacecraft visited Saturn in the summer of 2004. The pictures he took were of high quality. But they also did not provide a clear explanation of the nature of the "big hexagon". Furthermore, they did not provide an alternative for people who simply did not want to go along with cloud formation proposed as an explanation by NASA.


Some people insist that this structure is proof of intelligent design from the distant past. Perhaps it is a tracking device or even some kind of space filling station. Hydrogen and helium-3 are abundant on Saturn and can be used for space travel.

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Natural radio waves

When NASA (using the Cassini probe) recorded radio waves that were indistinguishable to the human ear, the agency soon realized that these sounds were born in the atmosphere of Saturn - that is, the planet itself. NASA converted the sounds into audible range and presented it online. The agency said that these radio waves are born in nature, but there is no exact reason for their appearance yet.


And now digital audio expert Jost Van Dyck has changed the recording pitch. After listening to it again, he decided that he had caught certain patterns and patterns in the radio waves. In other words, these waves were not natural - they were artificial. Soon, many theories and translations were bombarding social media. In one of the interpretations it was said: "You people, we urge you to abandon the earthly impulse!" Understand how you want.

He could be the sun

In many ancient records, Saturn was referred to as the sun. For example, ancient Babylonian texts describe Saturn as "the ghost of the sun." The Maya believed that the sun we see today was different in earlier times.


In Saturn, The Ancient Sun God, author David Talbott notes the apparent mishmash between Saturn and the Sun in ancient times, and that this mishmash may not have been accidental. Talbott argues that different figures throughout history deliberately "distinguished Saturn from our sun, calling it the best sun, the original sun, the central sun."

According to some conspiracy theories, Saturn is closely associated with elite, secret societies that purportedly worship the Sun or the Sun God (on which, in turn, all major religions are supposedly built). If Saturn were indeed the star - and the central sun in antiquity - then the importance of Saturn to secret societies and their esoteric rituals becomes understandable.

Immanuel Velikovsky's double star theory

When Immanuel Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision was published in 1950, scientists, historians, and academics were furious with his theories and alternative approaches to interpreting world history. His work was literally rejected by everyone. But decades passed, and many of his theories, albeit in part, turned out to be correct.


A good example would be his prediction of how hot Venus really is. In his time, this statement was simply laughed at. But when the probes studied the planet years later, Velikovsky was right.

Among other interesting claims was that outer planets like Saturn and Jupiter could generate their own heat without relying on the heat of the Sun. This not only proved to be true, but led to the theory, albeit indirectly, that Saturn could one day be a star.

Velikovsky believed and argued that Jupiter and Saturn were most likely part of a binary system of stars. Due to Saturn's prominence in the ancient world, Velikovsky argued, Saturn was probably closer to Earth and larger than Jupiter at the time.

Saturn caused the great flood

Whether the Great Flood actually took place is an already open question for today. According to Velikovsky's research, it not only happened, but also because of Saturn and its giant space neighbor Jupiter.


In the aforementioned book Worlds in Collision, Velikovsky argued that Saturn and Jupiter came extremely close to each other, while on orbital paths that were different from the current ones. And then it was:

“Suppose two bodies, such as Jupiter and Saturn, come close to each other, causing violent perturbations and powerful tidal effects in the atmospheres. As a system of binary (binary) stars, they could interact to such an extent that they would lead to a stellar explosion."

Velikovsky suggested that such an event placed the planets in the places that we see today, and set off a chain of events that resulted in a flood on Earth.

If we consider this theory from the point of view of ancient astronauts and if we assume that Velikovsky was right, the Anunnaki (apparently, aliens who ruled the Earth in the distant past) should have known about the motions of planets or stars. Therefore, they were warned in advance about the consequences of these movements on Earth.

It's actually Nibiru

It is said that somewhere behind the sky is a secret planet, sometimes called "Planet X". One day she will make itself felt again. And there is also an opinion that this very mysterious Nibiru is better known to us as Saturn.


It is said that Nibiru manifests in the sky "with wings." In her book, The Chronicles of the Earth, Zecharia Sitchin claims that this is due to the clouds of oxides that have entered the planet's atmosphere. They created a winged appearance as Saturn moved in its orbit.

But what if these wings are actually the rings of Saturn? Can people mistake rings for wings?

Intense electrical activity in Saturn's rings

As Voyager 2 flew over Saturn and, more importantly, over its giant rings, it caught a steady crackle that turned out to be nothing more than bursts of energy. Further research described them as "crackling, lightning-fast discharges of electricity."


According to Joseph Romig, a member of Voyager's astronomical team, these charges were 10,000 times stronger than the lightning we are used to on Earth. The energy in each cod ranged from 100 to 1,000 megawatts, three times the typical output of a standard power plant at its peak.

Although no explanation has been proposed for this strange phenomenon, Romig argued that electrical charges could be due to "interaction with surrounding dust particles." Later, in 2016, one of the conspiracy theorists offered an even more non-standard explanation …

This is a broadcasting system

Scientist and writer David Icke is well known for controversial or outlandish claims. According to Icke, Saturn is actually a giant broadcasting system that sends electrical waves to Earth and creates a "matrix" in which we all live.


Our Moon acts as a searchlight that amplifies these signals and transmits them into the Earth's atmosphere. As you can imagine, most scientists and astronomers have rejected Icke's claims.

Ike considers many natural phenomena as derivatives of powerful electrical activity and radio waves generated by Saturn. He also claims that Earth's "elite" are aware of the importance of the ringed planet and its true history.

Many symbols of Saturn on Earth

Coincidentally or not, several well-known logos of no less famous corporations from around the world owned by elite families include Saturn. At least that's what many conspiracy theorists claim, including David Icke.


For example, the "e" in the Internet Explorer logo has a ring, just like Saturn. The same is true for the Boeing and Toyota logos. Even the Nike logo can be seen as part of the Saturn ring.

Another example would be Axis Media Group, whose logo contains a sphere with two “rings” around it. The exchange of wedding rings can also be considered to some extent a worship of Saturn from time immemorial.

What is the reason for such a reverent attitude towards Saturn and the symbols associated with it? Yes, everything is the same as usual - worship and occult deals.

Black cube conspiracy and connection with the occult

According to some conspiracy theorists, Saturn is associated with occult rituals and beliefs. Even the names Satan and Saturn, in their opinion, are very similar.


In ancient times, the deity El also symbolized and stood for Saturn. And that brings us to the next part of this theory, the veneration of the "black cube", which is said to be another symbol for Saturn / Satan, El or all together.

According to the theory, this system of knowledge and belief has been passed down over the centuries through secret societies that control religion, business, and politics in the modern world.

Conspiracy theorists claim that this explains why the black cube symbol can be found on the walls of many buildings belonging to the elites of this world. They say that this is not just a decoration, but a secret message known to few. In addition, the "black cube" is in some way the embodiment of the famous Saturn hexagon.

Ilya Khel