Quicksand - Mortal Danger To Humans? - Alternative View

Quicksand - Mortal Danger To Humans? - Alternative View
Quicksand - Mortal Danger To Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Quicksand - Mortal Danger To Humans? - Alternative View

Video: Quicksand - Mortal Danger To Humans? - Alternative View
Video: What Happens If You Fall Into Quicksand? 2024, September

Numerous feature films and books describe quicksand as an insidious trap that lurks unsuspecting travelers in the most unexpected places. The unfortunate man who fell into this trap, after a while, is doomed to disappear without a trace under a layer of sand. But what if the idea of the damaging capabilities of quicksand is just a myth, and for humans it is safe? To find out, you need to understand how the quicksand works.

Quicksand is nothing more than completely ordinary sand with so much moisture and air that every single grain of sand is literally enveloped in a thin film of water.


Most often, quicksands are formed under the influence of underground sources, so they can be found not only in the desert, but literally anywhere on the planet where conditions are suitable for them. In addition, quicksand can also form as a result of earthquakes when the water table rises sharply. As a result, the grains of sand lose their adhesion to each other, and literally any external influence affects his state of calm.

The danger of quicksand to humans is greatly exaggerated. Your body has a density of 1 gram per cm3, and the density of water is 0.998 grams per cm3, while people can swim in water. The density of quicksand is twice the density of water, which means that a person can easily stay on it. The main rule is not to panic. Once on quicksand on two legs, you create strong pressure at the points of support, so your limbs will begin to sink into the water. There is only one way out - to lie on the sand with your whole body, distributing the pressure, and then the quicksand cannot harm you. Making smooth movements, you need to slowly crawl forward to a safe zone. If you stand in an upright position for a long time, then you will indeed slowly plunge into the sandy slurry, but you still cannot completely plunge into it. However, pulling a stuck limb out of the quicksand on your own will be extremely difficult - in fact, you have to fight with the vacuum that forms after your foot movement. It is argued that in order to pull a leg out of quicksand at a speed of 1 cm / s, it is necessary to apply a force equivalent to the force to lift a light car. Ultimately, it will be impossible to do it yourself, and if a person does not wait for help, he will be in danger due to many factors: hunger, dehydration, weather conditions, etc. Ultimately, it will be impossible to do it yourself, and if a person does not wait for help, he will be in danger due to many factors: hunger, dehydration, weather conditions, etc. Ultimately, it will be impossible to do it yourself, and if a person does not wait for help, he will be in danger due to many factors: hunger, dehydration, weather conditions, etc.

Be that as it may, knowledge of the nature of quicksand and the correct behavior will help you to escape from the sand trap without any problems.