The Mystery Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View
Video: What Really Happened to Russia's Lost Cosmonauts? 2024, July

Let's start with Saturn. In his person, we, earthlings, have an example of a duplicate of the solar system. In addition to the rings, this amazing planet has eighteen satellites, the largest of which, Titan, has an atmosphere. Scientists believe it is composed of methane and nitrogen. If life is possible there, then on this particular satellite about the size of Mars, life may not be in the forms that it would seem to us to be life. And the temperature on Titan is not entirely suitable - minus 150 degrees. However, here's the incredible: just recently, a sea was discovered on this planet - yes, a sea, consisting of liquid hydrocarbons!

Could it be that Titan is being used as a storage refrigerator for storing organic "soup" from which life in the solar system is built by highly evolved aliens who claim to be called slave-owners of a human slave?..

Another message concerns the proto-ships found there, beyond the orbit of Saturn. Two interstellar ships are so large that I have doubts about the reliability of the information: one with a diameter of … our mother Earth, and the second even more - 50 thousand kilometers (wow!). I will not name the source of information, because I am afraid to let people down who believed in this (quite possibly) nonsense.

And here is a message from the USA. Newspaper "UFO" ј 4 for 1998. President of the American Computer Company Jack Shulman spoke on the radio with the message that his employees accidentally came across computer documentation regarding the existence of the Office of Alien Problems in the Pentagon for 50 years. This "firm" is abbreviated as "E-2". Schulman does not know the goals and objectives of this organization, but suggests that one of its tasks was the study of crashed UFOs. Note, "E-2" was created around the time of the Roswell disaster. Another, indirect, confirmation of the existence of the famous hangars with the corpses of UFO pilots frozen or floating in some blue liquid. But the director of the New York UFO Research Center Michael Luckman said at a press conference that the Pentagon,Despite his repeated statements that he does not study flying objects (moreover, the Pentagon does not know any landings or UFO sightings in general!), in fact, he continues to do this even more intensively and "prepares the population for a meeting with aliens." Luckman also does not deny the possibility that the aliens, in collusion with the military and the government, are already conducting intensive reconnaissance from among us. At the end of the speech, also devoted to concealing the facts of UFO accidents and freezing the corpses of aliens, the director of the center expressed the idea that the Egyptian hieroglyphs "represent the language of aliens from outer space."in fact, it continues to do so even more intensively and "prepares the population to meet the aliens." Luckman also does not deny the possibility that the aliens, in collusion with the military and the government, are already conducting intensive reconnaissance from among us. At the end of the speech, also devoted to concealing the facts of UFO accidents and freezing the corpses of aliens, the director of the center expressed the idea that the Egyptian hieroglyphs "represent the language of aliens from outer space."in fact, it continues to do so even more intensively and "prepares the population to meet the aliens." Luckman also does not deny the possibility that the aliens, in collusion with the military and the government, are already conducting intensive reconnaissance from among us. At the end of the speech, also devoted to concealing the facts of UFO accidents and freezing the corpses of aliens, the director of the center expressed the idea that the Egyptian hieroglyphs "represent the language of aliens from outer space."

Several years ago in Hungary a book by a certain N. Nemene "Gagarin - a space lie?" The author claims that on April 12, 1961, Gagarin did not complete his orbital flight at all. "Vostok" rose a few days earlier. On board was the son of a famous designer, no less famous test pilot Vladimir Ilyushin. Why were there such difficulties? - we will ask a reasonable question. It turns out that Ilyushin could not have been shown to the world as the first cosmonaut, because he looked very unimportant after the flight (ah, there was a flight after all!). It was required to remove the "famous test pilot" from the eyes altogether. Well, and … “in the same year V. Ilyushin got into a serious car accident”. And so that the secret remains a secret forever, and Gagarin, who was chosen for his charming smile for the role of the first cosmonaut,a few years later, the same fatal accident occurs. However, Gagarin, apparently, was born not only in Gzhatsk, but also in a shirt: he comes out of a car accident with a scar on his forehead. I had to donate the UTI MiG-15 aircraft …

However, not only fables are made up about our cosmonauts. Williams Kaysing published the book We Never Fled to the Moon, which claims that all the lunar episodes were filmed in Nevada, at a heavily guarded air base near the city of Mercury. A huge underground pavilion was allegedly used for filming!.. What difficulties! Wasn't it easier to spend money on flight safety than to build a gigantic hall somewhere underground, in which every single Apollo flight was “filmed”? And then the astronauts were supposedly thrown into the ocean by a special plane … And at this time, the Apollo were flying into space without crews! That is, the very facts of the flights of ships and Kaysing does not deny. What was the meaning of empty starts?

And what is the point of spending both the USSR and the United States huge funds on space research: to deceive each other?

We also talked about Gagarin's death. Take at least the very first (or one of the first). Drunk Gagarin (can you imagine the cynicism of the authors of the version?) At two o'clock in the morning rushes in to the pilot Vladimir Seregin (he is a flight instructor):

Promotional video:

- Let's fly!

- Yura, but you're drunk …

- I am Gagarin, and who are you?..

So we ate the flight …

Surprisingly "round", developed according to the same principle as anecdotes are composed, history. And you can't wash off such "evidence": after all, the story was told in scientific circles close to space exploration. This "duck" walks to this day, in spite of everything. Therefore, I would like to cite the true story of the death of the First Cosmonaut of the Earth, which, however, has its own unresolved secrets.

The pilots call this aircraft "twin": MiG-15 for two. So the "spark" of Gagarin and Seregin collided with the ground at 10 hours 31 minutes. The broken watch on Gagarin's wrist showed exactly this time.

Initial. The flight was supposed to last 20 minutes. However, ten minutes after takeoff, Gagarin announced on the radio that he was returning to the ground. In forty-five seconds he was gone …

Before the flight the day before, the mechanics flushed the oxygen system with liquid nitrogen. This is how it should be, this is technology. But the question is: was the system filled with oxygen?..

The instruments on the plane were working. But the question is: was the generator connected?..

An experienced pilot, instructor Seregin, was seven minutes late for the start. It turned out that he was arguing with his superiors (the commander of the Chkalovsky airfield, General Pushko). Question: was Seregin able to control his nerves during the flight?..

Seregin suffered from stomach pains. Everyone knew about this, but they were silent: an unwritten law, when the pilots do not betray their comrade who still wants to fly. But the commission, and then a thorough examination, as a rule, even if, from the point of view of the patient himself, the disease is insignificant, the pilot is written off … Losing your favorite pastime, favorite job for an aviator means losing yourself. Everyone solves this difficult life question alone. But the question is: did the state of health of Vladimir Seregin correspond to the difficult flight conditions, could it be the cause of the catastrophe?..

It was not for nothing that Seregin quarreled with his superiors: this was not the first conversation about the inadequacy of the machines to the flight requirements. Many parts are worn out, and some aircraft engines have been rebuilt several times. Question: could the technical condition of the aircraft affect the outcome of the flight?..

None of the questions listed above have a definite answer. The government commission, headed by General Belotserkovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, made a conclusion, according to which three versions of the death of the Gagarin MiG were proposed. Here they are. Attention: will the commission touch upon at least one of the above issues?..

1st. "Perhaps the pilots mistook the language of the clouds for an unexpected obstacle" - a balloon-probe or an airplane …

2nd. “The MiG-15 probably got caught in the trail of a passing airship” …

3rd. “The force of the updraft was so strong that it caused the plane to increase its angle of attack and stall …

The quotation marks on all these three "conclusions" are not put because the text of the commission's conclusion is quoted according to the protocol: this is a quote from an article by Alexander Rokhlin, published in Moskovsky Komsomolets on April 12, 1997 (the article is called "Gagarin was put to sleep before his death," by the way, the name has very little to do with reality). Rokhlin wrote it based on the results of a conversation with the 1st class test pilot, 101-time world record holder Marina Lavrentievna Popovich, who was at the airfield that day.

Returning to the text of the commission's conclusion, let's say: probably M. Popovich, a high-class specialist, quoted the protocol with a sufficient degree, if not verbal accuracy, then intelligibility specified in its paragraphs.

Let's try from the point of view of Marina Lavrentievna to analyze each of the above points.

First, she declares that she hardly knows any pilots who would agree with the conclusions of the commission. And she herself adheres to the point of view of the famous "corkscrew" Pyshnov, who was then a member of the commission as a consultant. He was one hundred percent sure that the plane of Gagarin and Seregin crashed when it was taken out of a spin.

By the way, a detail that we did not give, but it is important for understanding the conclusions of the commission and Pyshnov's opinion. The plane entered the ground at an angle of 60 degrees.

Secondly, says Marina Popovich, even at the airport, technicians could have forgotten to turn on the generator. It sounds ridiculous for aviation, as an industry, but for our "informal" country - in the order of things. Remember the movie "The Places Are Quiet"? - the plane died in combat conditions, and the hero of Sergei Nikonenko suffers, because he forgot a screwdriver in the cockpit, and she could, having fallen over, jam the steering … So what about the generator? It turns out that if the generator is not connected and the plane "sits" on the battery, the onboard instruments begin to lie about twenty-five minutes later. And twenty-three minutes passed from the moment the engine was started until the disaster. Therefore, the option is not ruled out. The artificial horizon, of course, deserves special attention. If there really was no generator, the instrument was showing the wrong altitude. That is, you can imaginewhat is altitude for a pilot in the sky on a jet plane.

Thirdly, Marina Lavrentyevna agrees that the MiG could get into the afterburner of an aircraft that flew a few minutes ago. Like this? - you ask? And so. It's our way again. In the same zone and in the same corridor - you give a five-year plan in three years! - could well have pushed several planes (at the same time). Nobody cares about everything … Now, if the MiG really got into someone else's (or maybe, into its own?) Trail, it could really lead it into a tailspin or any other unpleasant situation. “It is practically impossible to cope with the effect of the swirling air flow” (quoted by M. Popovich).

Finally, if the pilots mistook the edge of the cloud for a ball or other figure similar to a probe or an airplane, then Gagarin (he controlled the airplane, and Seregin controlled him as an instructor) abruptly took the control stick over himself, and this led to the stall of the airplane.

Now let us return to those questions that the commission left unanswered, instead suggesting to solve their "theoretical" ones, which were just as hypothetical, because none of the conclusions was proven, which led to a mass of subsequent misinterpretations.

Marina Lavrentievna is based on logic based on her rich flying experience. It seems to her that the at first glance incomprehensible statement by Gagarin that he is returning from the flight can be explained … by the state of Seregin's health. Seregin felt so bad that they decided to end the flight, says M. Popovich. “I do not exclude that Seregin even fainted from pain. And then there were two options: either he fell directly onto the steering wheel, or, on the contrary, fell onto his back and … pulled the steering wheel towards himself. Less experienced Gagarin could not cope with the car going into a tailspin on his own. He simply did not have the physical strength to pull out the jammed steering wheel alone. " And Gagarin could not inform the earth about this because of "false shyness":

“Otherwise he would have framed Seregin” … For the same reason, Gagarin could not eject: leave the unconscious commander in the dying plane … Comments are unnecessary.

“These are all my assumptions, but sometimes it seems to me that only one person knows the true cause of death … the technician who prepared Gagarin's plane for departure. But, unfortunately, he won't be able to say anything. He is dead….

Now about oxygen. If the system was not filled with oxygen, then Gagarin, putting on an oxygen mask, which he often neglected, this time inhaled … “a sleeping pill - nitrous oxide. And to fall asleep at the wheel of an airplane even for a moment …"

Alexander Rokhlin found a technique! Alive. This is Aleksey Aleksandrovich Levitskikh.

Levitskikh answered direct questions from the MK correspondent very calmly and confidently. Everything was fine! - Rokhlin received an unambiguous answer. But in life Aleksey Aleksandrovich, after the deaths of Gagarin and Seregin, fell into the "afterburner": he was fiddled with by the KGB for two years until the technician quit his job and left Chkalovsky.

Another technician, Vladimir Nikonov, who had no direct relation to the flight of Gagarin's "twin", but had a wealth of experience in servicing the MiG-15, said that by the nature of the incident, it is possible to judge with a high degree of probability that in fact there was a power outage of the aircraft, that is after all, the generator was not turned on. And he cited a case from his own practice, when the same MiG, which turned out to have a disconnected generator, rushed over the airfield, not seeing it, but then the plane was intercepted by more experienced pilots and landed. A cadet was at the helm, and the artificial horizon showed the wrong altitude, and the radio station worked only for reception …

Gagarin's little experience is evidenced by the fact that by the time of his death he had only 250 hours of flying practice. And on the MiG-15 - one and a half months of training flights with an instructor (two days a week).

On this day, March 27, 1968, there was a low, partly cloudy sky - 400-450 meters. That is, for the MiG-15 this practically meant: when leaving the clouds - immediately the earth …

The ambiguity of the conclusions of the government commission made it possible to be born in the years of perestroika (when the conclusions were published) a mass of all kinds of versions, rumors, and incredible statements. Suffice it to recall the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda of that time (about 1988), where it was written that someone really wanted to kill the first cosmonaut, since at the same moment there were six more planes in the same zone. We have already mentioned this "fact" as quite possible in our country. This is the question of the "afterburner".

Rokhlin already in 1997 believes that “Gagarin was put to sleep” … The version is new, but from the same category of assumptions (it is said, as you see, softly).

Let us recall once again that wild "anecdote" that was told in the near-space circles (about Gagarin's night visit to Seregin). The result is known. But why then did Seregin not save the first cosmonaut? Why did you agree to fly? There is no answer to this question, fictional by the special services. This is more believable. Had the answer been, they would have suspected a "linden" The fact that the version, in fact, denigrates the glorious name of Gagarin, no one seriously thought. Or maybe someone should have denigrated this name?

Finally, a wonderful story about how Gagarin and Seregin collided with a UFO. This option arose quite recently and suggests that, perhaps, there was a real collision of an aircraft with an unidentified flying object. True, it is very similar to the first point of the commission's conclusion … But for objectivity it should also be cited.

Allegedly, the orange ball was seen by several eyewitnesses in the area of the fall of the MiG. One of the testimonies directly says that they noticed first the plane, and then the orange ball approaching it. After that, the balloon, for a moment merged with the plane, flew away abruptly and dissolved …

The remains of Vladimir Seregin and Yuri Gagarin were found late in the evening on March 27, 65 kilometers from the Chkalovsky airfield, near the village of Novoselovo.

Is it so? Maybe again a fantasy about the conclusions of the 1968 commission?

Who knows!

But the incredible space stories don't end there. At one time, in the early 1990s, the newspaper of St. Petersburg ufologists "Anomaly" made a report that a spacecraft with three astronauts on board splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean region. It seems to be nothing surprising … except that the astronauts turned out to be … Germans, citizens of the Third Reich! They were sent into low-earth orbit on an improved V-2 rocket back in 1943 !!!

Where and why the Hitlerite astronauts have now gone is unknown. But one of the inhabitants of the former GDR, who in 1991 considered himself free from the obligation to keep state secrets given to the former regime, declared to the whole world that he was the first astronaut of the planet. And he also spoke about 1943! However, as it turned out later, this strange citizen had already made the same statement - and also after he considered himself free from the obligation to keep the secret of the Third Reich - to the authorities of the GDR. It was then that they treated him quite logically (according to the laws of the socialist time): the citizen was placed in a psychiatric hospital …

After the war was over, we shared the "trophies". So the Americans in their occupation zone got the V-drawings. And for us - a missile warehouse …

SPKorolev and VVPilguy, of course, studied the German "Fau" in detail, and the applied principle was used in the first flight of the satellite. True, many people say that on October 4, 1957, a bunch of four "Fau" was simply launched, hastily united by common automation. But here, apparently, it is much more difficult to find out the real truth than to catch a German "astronaut": in the same year and in the same month, the King's rocket carrier got its life, then it launched into orbit both satellites and "Vostoki".

However, the statement of a citizen of the GDR still sounds more plausible than the information of the Anomaly newspaper: Hitler was planning to bomb New York in his time and was recruiting people who wanted to pilot controlled V-Fau (German kamikaze). A test flight of a rocket, piloted by someone from the recruited group (and they recruited 500 people), could have come true. True, the very first start ended in failure, and it was not in 1943, but on January 8, 1945. And not on the "V", but on the A-9 cruise missile. The rocket exploded at the start. Then its designer Wernher von Braun worked in the USA.

That is, perhaps, all about cosmic improbabilities. Let's move on to purely earthly affairs.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.