Scientists Are Confident In The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Scientists Are Confident In The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
Scientists Are Confident In The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Are Confident In The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Are Confident In The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: NASA reports seeing the 1st confirmed alien object to enter Earth's solar system 2024, September

The Milky Way Galaxy is so huge that there is no doubt that aliens exist - this is the opinion of the famous theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.

The scientist firmly defends his position, answering the question about the presence of extraterrestrial life.

“Some respected professors and ministers of science say that in all likelihood we are the only life form in the universe. But wait, give me a break! Just think - how many stars are there, if only the Hubble Space Telescope allows you to see about a hundred billion galaxies. But this is only the visible Universe,”the theoretical physicist argues.

“Each galaxy consists of hundreds of billions of stars. In this outer space, there are definitely unknown forms of life,”says Michio Kaku.

Recent planetary discoveries made with the Kepler telescope confirm the existence of a huge number of planets in our galactic vicinity, including Earth-like worlds on which life may have also evolved.

“We have discovered a whole zoo of exotic planets. Many of them are completely different from the planets located in the solar system. Some of them have deep oceans, perhaps hundreds of kilometers deep, and life in these aquatic worlds may look quite recognizable, says astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell. "I think the power mechanisms that affect the development of alien fish are very similar to those on Earth."

Recent advances in astronomy - the discovery of other planets in the Milky Way galaxy - allows scientists to put forward a variety of hypotheses about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. So, Michio Kaku even describes the structure of possible aliens.

“For the formation of a developed civilization, there must be three ingredients. First, the stereo eyes are the eyes of the hunter, because the predator is smarter than the prey. This is why we say "sly fox" and "stupid as a rabbit". If you are a predator, you will catch prey by being stealthy and cunning.

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Secondly, they must have hands, fingers, claws or tentacles, that is, limbs with which you can build machines and ultimately starships.

And thirdly, the language: they need to be able to communicate in order to transfer the accumulated knowledge from generation to generation,”the famous physicist concludes.

Anna Romantseva