What Are Aliens Talking To Humans About? - Alternative View

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What Are Aliens Talking To Humans About? - Alternative View
What Are Aliens Talking To Humans About? - Alternative View

Video: What Are Aliens Talking To Humans About? - Alternative View

Video: What Are Aliens Talking To Humans About? - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Recently, British ufologists, on the basis of evidence accumulated around the world, tried to find out what aliens talk about with people during contacts. It turned out that guests from outer space touch upon such topics that are of the greatest concern to the planet's population at the moment …

Tatiana N. had to be responsible for all of humanity

In the 60s and 80s, the most common topic of conversation between aliens and humans was "anti-nuclear". There are dozens of episodes of meetings with UFO pilots, when they convinced earthlings that nuclear weapons were an evil that would destroy humanity, and demanded that they be abandoned. Moreover, the aliens, apparently, did not care that they were communicating not with representatives of the authorities, but with the most ordinary people, on whom nothing depended.

In June 1989, Tatiana M., a 40-year-old employee from Ashgabat, spent the night alone at the house of her parents, who had left for Central Russia for the summer. In the middle of the night she was awakened by the shouts of boys from the street: “UFO! UFO is flying! Tatyana jumped out of bed and ran to the window, but, not taking even three steps, she stopped dead. Two people appeared in the room: a man and a woman. They had elongated necks and elongated heads like cucumbers. They were dressed in dark suits that looked like ski suits.

“We are aliens,” the woman introduced herself. "Do you want to contact us?"

“Of course,” Tatiana stammered, stunned. - I greet you on behalf of the people …"

Without finishing, she lost consciousness, and when she woke up, she found herself lying on the floor in the middle of the large hall. Around her amphitheater sat a lot of aliens, mostly men. One of them approached her and loudly, to the entire audience, said: “We are very worried that you are building up your arsenals of nuclear missiles! It will end in collective suicide for you!"

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Tatiana began to say that an agreement had been concluded with the United States on the reduction of armaments and there was nothing to be afraid of, but the man interrupted her with incredulous remarks. Tatyana got excited, tried to convince him that the earthlings would not use nuclear weapons. But he clearly did not believe her. The audience did not believe either. Soon the whole audience was shouting that the earthlings were suicides.

How the meeting ended - she does not remember. She was revived by passers-by who found her lying on the doorstep of her house. Her whole body ached, she could hardly stand up. The pain subsided only after three days, but a distinct memory of the alien visit and the conversation in the hall remained forever.

Nuclear Armageddon

An interesting case is the 58-year-old Mexican Antonia Colomer.

In 2009, in the evening, she was driving along a deserted highway. The engine suddenly stalled. She stopped at the side of the road and two men approached her. They looked like people and dressed quite earthly. On bald heads - baseball caps. The strangers announced that they had flown in from another planet to prevent a nuclear war that could break out on Earth at any moment. They know practically everything about terrestrial nuclear missiles, their location, how and by whom they are controlled. The targets at which the missiles are directed are also known.

“Come on, we'll show you everything,” said one of them.

The frightened woman could not resist. Together with them, she left the highway and went deep into the thickets. Without noticing how, she ended up on some kind of hill. A blinding flash suddenly flashed in front of her. Then there was the sound of an explosion and a huge dusty "mushroom" rose into the sky.

The rest was like the pictures of Dante's hell. The witness moved rapidly across the planet, stopping nowhere, and saw the same thing: roar, fire, growing atomic "mushrooms", destruction and fires. At the same time, she knew for sure that this did not seem to her, but was actually happening.

Several times she was knocked down by the shock wave. During one of the explosions in some city, flying stones hit her, injuring her chest and legs. She could hardly walk. Nevertheless, the terrible performance continued. She saw thousands of charred corpses lying among the ruins, and many more wounded, writhing in their death throes.

"Now do you understand what it is?" - came the voice of an alien in her ears. A minute later, she found herself lying on the side of the highway not far from her car.

The passing driver took her to. hospital. Doctors did not believe her story, attributing everything to the upset psyche. But then it turned out that Antonia's clothes and shoes were stained with radioactive dust, and the nature of the wounds corresponded to her story. The secret services became interested in Antonia. She was transferred to a closed hospital, then transferred to the United States. Antonia Colomer died in 2009 from leukemia. Her body was not given to her relatives.

Ufologists became interested in this case too late. A thick veil of secrecy already lay on it. But they found, for example, that only Antonia was stained with radioactive dust, her car was clean. The episode with A. Kolomer is considered one of the most mysterious in the history of ufology.

Aliens lecture and kidnap people

Aliens love to talk on scientific, technical and cosmological topics. During other contacts (the initiators of which were often the newcomers themselves), whole lectures were read to earthlings who became dull with surprise. At the same time, it seems that the guests from outer space did not ask themselves who was standing in front of them - a scientist who can understand something, or a shepherd who does not understand anything at all.

A curious incident occurred with a collective farm machine operator from the Krasnodar Territory, 40-year-old Viktor Molchalin. In 1990, the three-meter "Martians" arranged for him a trip to a planet similar in natural conditions to Earth for a couple of days. On the way, they asked him naive questions about the Earth. For example, they were interested in the names of earthly rulers. They themselves brought down a huge amount of the most complex information about space, galaxies, interstellar gas and much more on the machine operator's head. On the planet where he was taken, the aliens did nothing but lecture him. The machine operator listened, understanding almost nothing.

In the 90s, the "anti-nuclear" topic faded into the background, giving way to environmental issues. Now the aliens prefer to talk about the deplorable state of the Earth, about the proximity of the "point of no return", upon reaching which the earth's ecology will never be restored, about the upcoming ecological and other disasters.

Aliens often ask empty (from the point of view of people), meaningless questions. They ask about politics, weather, technical achievements of earthlings, etc. They speak little and vague about themselves. The world from which they came is often extolled. Such conversations, as a rule, end with a sentence like "Fly with us, you won't regret it."

In the vast majority of cases, aliens do without any talking at all. Influencing the consciousness of people, they force them to obey themselves without complaint. This mainly occurs during abductions.

Often, aliens erase from those parts of the human brain that are responsible for memory, all information about contact with them. As a rule, this happens when an implant is implanted into the body of an eyewitness - a miniature device that allows you to maintain remote control over his consciousness. It is only possible to restore the memory of such meetings with the help of regressive hypnosis.