"Humanity Has Come Close To Discovering Alien Life" - Alternative View

"Humanity Has Come Close To Discovering Alien Life" - Alternative View
"Humanity Has Come Close To Discovering Alien Life" - Alternative View

Video: "Humanity Has Come Close To Discovering Alien Life" - Alternative View

Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, September

The respected British professor is convinced that humanity is on the cusp of detecting alien life within the solar system.

Brian Edward Cox, a professor at the University of Manchester and a researcher at the Royal Society of London, is optimistic about the prospects for discovering life of extraterrestrial origin and believes that today we are closer than ever to such a discovery.

“I think the chances of finding microbial life outside of Earth are very high,” the scientist told Wired. "If we go to Europe, visit Enceladus, fly to Mars and do a good look there, then I wouldn't be surprised if we find microbes in one or several of these places at once."

However, according to the professor, with intelligent forms of alien life, the situation is somewhat different. “But whether this life will be multicellular and ultimately intelligent is another matter entirely,” continued Professor Cox. - These are the deep questions that, in my opinion, not only speak about our understanding of the universe, but also about our understanding of our place in it. It is possible that civilizations are very rare and this has political implications."
