Riddles Of The Death Of The Planet Phaethon - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Death Of The Planet Phaethon - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Death Of The Planet Phaethon - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Death Of The Planet Phaethon - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Death Of The Planet Phaethon - Alternative View
Video: Петля Ориона (1980) 2024, September

Even in ancient times, astronomers were surprised by the unnaturally huge distance between Mars and Jupiter. Many scientists agreed that there should be another planet in this place. But they could not find it.

On the night of January 1, 1801, Giuseppo Piazia, an Italian astronomer from Palermo, discovered Ceres, the first largest asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. Its diameter was 770 kilometers.

A year later, a second asteroid was discovered in this area - Pallas - that was the name of the Roman goddess of justice. In 1804, the third minor planet, Juno, was discovered, and in 1807, the fourth, Vesta. There was something to think about: where it was supposed to find one large planet, there were four small ones, approaching a ball in shape.


Currently, there are about two thousand known asteroids - shapeless solid blocks of various sizes. The diameter of some of them is 0.5 kilometers. Eros was discovered in 1898. For a long time it was considered the only asteroid going far into the orbit of Mars. But Eros also had rivals - Ganymede, Cupid, Apollo and Hermes. These small planets "walk" even further - into the orbits of Venus and Mercury.

Icarus, which was discovered in 1949, is rightfully considered the "movie star" of the sky. This asteroid has the smallest of its kind from the Sun and revolves around it in 400 days. He moves five times faster than his brothers. Moving away from our star, Icarus passes fairly close to the Earth every 19 years. This closeness brought him a "big hit".

Maybe all these asteroids are a trace of the death of the fifth large body in the solar system, which, according to A. Gorbovsky, occurred 11,652 years ago. It turned out that if this entire asteroid belt "folded" into one body, the result would be a planet with a diameter of 5900 kilometers. It would be smaller than Mars and larger than Mercury. At one time, the Soviet astronomer S. Orlov proposed to name this now-non-existent planet Phaeton, after the name of the mythical hero.

Greek mythology says: “… The sun god Helios hastily swore to his son Phaethon to fulfill any of his requests. The young man wished for one thing - to ride the chariot of the Sun across the sky himself! Father was taken aback: even Zeus cannot do this. He began to dissuade the unreasonable youth: the horses are obstinate, the sky is full of horrors - the horns of Taurus, the bow of the Centaur, Leo, Scorpio - what kind of monsters you will not meet on the road! But where there!

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The arrogant Phaethon did not cope with the four winged horses, and horror seized him. The chariot raced without making out the road. From the low sun setting, the flame engulfed the Earth, cities and entire tribes perished, forests burned, rivers boiled, seas dried up. In the thick smoke Phaethon could not see the path.

The great goddess Gaia - Earth prayed to Zeus: “Look, Atlas can barely hold the weight of the sky, the palaces of the gods can collapse, all living things will perish, and primitive Chaos will come,” Zeus smashed a stray chariot with his lightning. Phaethon with flaming curls swept like a shooting star and collapsed into the waves of Eridanus. In deep sorrow, Helios did not appear in the sky all day, and only fires illuminated the Earth. The weeping sisters - heliads - were turned by the gods into poplars. Their tears-resin fall into the icy water of Eridan and turn into transparent amber …"

Beautiful and poetic is the ancient Greek myth about the tragedy that played out in heaven thousands of years ago.

Telling about the cause of the catastrophe that befell the Earth, the sacred ancient Indian books indicate that it was caused by the "god Hayagriva" who lived in the abyss. Haldean myths mention a certain "archangel of the abyss."

What was this something (or someone) that appeared from the abyss of space to make the planet shudder and remain in the memory of mankind for many millennia? In modern language, we can say that at that time there were nuclear battles of extraterrestrial civilizations - presumably the Sirians, that is, apparently, the inhabitants of the constellations of Lyra and Sirius, with the Lyrans. The latter did not want the salvation of humanity, considering it depraved and incorrigible at this stage of development. The Lyrans wanted the human race to perish and they had the opportunity to start their experiments on Earth from the very beginning (this is a separate chapter on the creation of human civilization by aliens).

The planet Phaethon was the main base of the Sirians, who were in constant conflict with the Lyrans because of the redistribution of the planets of the solar system. The Lyrans believed that for the further development of human civilization constant stresses are needed - chaos, wars, natural disasters, etc., which they constantly arranged, as a result of which one civilization after another perished. The Sirians followed a peaceful, humane path. Atlantis is the fruit of their creation, but it also became the main stumbling block between them.

The Lyrans started an experiment - to blow up Phaethon and put a new cosmic body into the Earth's orbit - the Moon (it became such for humanity in the future). The calculation was delicate - strong tidal deformations caused by the approach of a massive cosmic body are capable of doing in a short time what is required under normal conditions for millions of years.


When continents split, land and oceans, poles and tropics change places, mountains rise, geological processes are intensified a thousandfold. The oceans overwhelm the continents, the relief changes, the axes and rotation rates of the planet give rise to new temperature differences between geographic regions, unprecedented movements of air masses - crushing hurricanes. All this was finely calculated, but all this was preceded by a great struggle …

Wanting to warn humanity about the impending danger, the Sirians sent out their representatives throughout the world. These harbingers of trouble have survived in the memory of the peoples. The chronicles of Burma speak of a man who came from a higher abode. His hair was disheveled, his face sad. Dressed in black, he walked the streets wherever people gathered, and in a mournful voice warned people about what was about to happen."

In their legends, peoples often deify sages and heroes. Therefore, it is quite natural that in the Bible, as in other sources, the image of such messengers from the civilization of the Sirians merges with the image of God himself. God warned Noah about the flood and advised him to make an ark and take people and animals with him.

In the Babylonian epic, the god Ea warns about the impending catastrophe of King Xisutros: “Son of Ubar Tutu,” he said. - Destroy your home and build a ship instead. Don't worry about your property, rejoice if you save your life. But take different living beings with you on the ship.

God said approximately the same in the Aztec code: “Do not make more wine from agave, but start hammering the trunk of a large cypress tree and enter it when the water reaches heaven in the month of Tozontli.

Like the Christian god and the god Ea, the Indian god Vishnu advises a person to take living beings and plant seeds with him into the ark.

On the islands of the Pacific Ocean there are also legends about some kind of aliens warning of a catastrophe.

The traditions of the Indians of Mexico and Venezuela tell of the flight of people before the terrible night fell and the sun darkened.

People did not only build arks. but they also built fortifications on high mountains.

The Indians of Arizona and Mexico say that before the disaster, a great man, whom they call Montezuma, came to them by ship. To save himself from the flood, he erected a high tower, but the god of disaster destroyed it.

The Sierra Nevada tribes also remember the aliens who built tall stone towers. But the flood began, and none of them managed to escape.

Speaking about the widespread dissemination of messages about the catastrophe, the English ethnologist J. Fraser notes, for example, that out of 130 Indian tribes in North, Central and South America, there is not a single one whose myths would not reflect this topic.

Saving themselves and their knowledge, people on all continents erected pyramidal structures - “places of salvation”.

The famous Arab scholar Abu Balkhi (IX-X centuries AD) wrote that the sages, "foreseeing the judgment of heaven", built huge pyramids in Lower Egypt. In these pyramids, they wanted to save their amazing knowledge.

When one of the rulers of Babylon. Xisutros, was warned of the impending catastrophe, he ordered to write "the history of the beginning, course and end of all things" and bury the history in the city of the Sun - Sippar.

After the flood, during which Xisutros himself escaped on the ark he built, he ordered to find the record left by him and report its contents to the surviving people. The Babylonian priest and historian Berosus, who lived in the 3rd century BC, tells about all this. e.

Josephus Flavius, the greatest historian and scientist of antiquity, wrote that in the manuscripts and books (which have not come down to us) there is a message that people, having learned in advance about the impending catastrophe, erected two columns and wrote down the knowledge they possessed on them.

“One column was brick, the other stone, so that if the brick column could not resist and it was washed away by the waters of the flood, the stone one would be preserved and tell people everything that is inscribed on it”.

Indian mythology says that the god of the abyss Hayagriva then only started the flood in order to take the sacred books of knowledge "Vedas" from people. "Do they, too, have to become deities?.. Do they have to become equal to us?.." - murmured the Lyrans in battles with the Sirians over the earthlings.

Humanity witnessed with its own eyes these battles of two civilizations that have come down to us in the form of legends and myths - "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", etc.

Based on mythology, it can be assumed that people saw the death of Phaeton and the movement to the orbit of the Earth - the Moon. This is an extremely ancient cult of the "winged disc" (sign of the Sirians). A disc with wings, without allegories identical to the Sun, is carved over the entrances of ancient Egyptian temples. This sacred sign is common among the Assyrians, Babylonians, Hittites, Mayans, Polynesians and was revered by the Atlanteans. Sometimes it is reinterpreted in the image of a bird, but everywhere it symbolizes the beginning that gives life. He is opposed by a hostile principle - the god of death, the destructive forces of darkness in the form of a serpent (the appearance of the Lyrans). The "winged disc" (bird) fights with the serpent and wins.

Such images can be found in different civilizations (Egypt, Iran, Sumer)


The great vitality and widespread use of these symbols indicate that they must be based on some grandiose events that struck the entire population of the Earth. These images are strangely similar to the complex of celestial phenomena that accompanies the death of the planet Phaethon described above.


The disk with wings is the Sun immersed in a gas and dust nebula, and the "serpent" is an image of comets that first appeared when the nebula was formed. And the essence of their struggle is obvious. First, the comet-snakes “attacked the Sun, then they formed a cosmic cloud, which caused the star to dim, and then gradually began to dissipate: the“wings of the disk”grew, the Sun cleared up. At the same time, the number of comets decreased: some of them were dusty and evaporated in a cloud, some flew away from the solar system. This victory of the "winged disc" once again returned the light and invigorating solar warmth to people. But before that, they experienced great troubles.

The cold reigned on our planet. Collisions with large fragments of Phaeton, which then were much more than now, especially near the Earth, led to serious disasters. When they fell into the ocean, tsunamis hit the coasts, and trillions of tons of water evaporated from the released heat, which subsequently fell out in the form of heavy downpours.

It is possible that in the same era, the dangerous encounter with the wandering moon was causing the worldwide geological catastrophes that we described above. Although people rightly associated these calamities with unprecedented celestial phenomena, they did not know their true causes. But the horror that shook the imagination of mankind remained in the memory of the peoples in a concrete connection with heavenly signs. Eclipses of the Sun, which became regular after the "capture" of the Moon, reminded of the first dimming of the luminary (while the solar corona resembled the wings that ancestors spoke of), and the appearance of comets until our days instilled in people despair and expectation of the "end of the world."

It is no coincidence, perhaps, that the Maya in their chronicles dating back to the antediluvian period say nothing about the Moon. Their night sky was illuminated not by the Moon, but by Venus!

In South Africa, the Bushmen, who mythically preserve the era prior to the catastrophe, also claim that there was no moon in the sky before the flood.

The same thing that once there was no moon in the earthly sky, he wrote in the 3rd century BC. e. Apollonius Rodius, chief caretaker of the great library of Alexandria. In doing so, he used manuscripts and texts that have not reached us.

Research by a number of scientists and numerous facts indicate that the above asteroids and just meteorites are fragments of the former planet Phaethon, which once orbited around? Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The structure of the dead Phaeton was theoretically reconstructed by Academician A. Zavaritsky, who considered iron meteorites to be fragments of the planetary core, stone meteorites as remnants of the crust, and iron-stone meteorites as fragments of the mantle. In terms of mass, Phaethon, as we have already said, was somewhere between Mars and Mercury and therefore could have both the hydrosphere and the biosphere. Then they get an explanation for the fall of meteorites from sedimentary rocks, and numerous finds of traces of life in meteorites over the past 30-40 years in different parts of the globe.

However, the secret of the mysterious formations called tektites has not yet been revealed. In composition, structure, dehydration and all other parameters, they are surprisingly similar to the glassy slags formed during ground-based nuclear explosions! As Felix Siegel pointed out. one of the researchers of this problem, if tektites are really glass meteorites, we will have to admit that their formation from some large cosmic bodies was accompanied by nuclear explosions.

Yes, we do not know the true causes of the disaster that destroyed Phaeton. Perhaps the planet disintegrated during super-powerful volcanic processes. However, it seems that the disintegration of Phaeton began not from within, but from the surface. And, apparently, some super-powerful explosions melted the surface sedimentary rocks of Phaethon into glassy slags.

This means that Phaethon was inhabited, and could the thermonuclear explosions that generated tektites be considered the final "chords" of the war between its inhabitants?

Of course, the hypothesis of the "thermonuclear" death of Phaethon deserves serious scientific substantiation. One of the difficulties on this path is the huge spread of asteroids in outer space and the weak technical capabilities of our civilization in their study at the present stage.

Asteroids and meteorites may turn out to be the key to solving many mysteries of space, perhaps those associated with the fate of space civilizations.

It seems ridiculous to assume that humanity could have watched the death of the planet Phaethon … However, it is difficult to dismiss all these hypotheses as baseless fiction, especially since modern astronomers do not exclude such a possibility either. Of course, myths are not proof. Evidence remains to be found, but the search is preceded by guesswork …