UFO Comes From The East - Alternative View

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UFO Comes From The East - Alternative View
UFO Comes From The East - Alternative View

Video: UFO Comes From The East - Alternative View

Video: UFO Comes From The East - Alternative View
Video: Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years 2024, September

Who is in charge of the flying saucers?

Events developed quite routinely. A couple of months ago, on a Saturday winter evening, when, as they say, nothing foreshadowed, I looked out the window and saw something strange.

At first glance, it looked a lot like an airplane that flies in the night sky, giving signals with red lights. But only he did not fly. It hung in one place - above the forest, to the left of our village.

But if not an airplane, then what is it? Star? Big enough for a star. And why are there red lights? In addition, It dances and winks so rhythmically, as if giving signals.

After watching for about ten minutes and making sure that It does not fly away, I took the camera, set the maximum magnification, leaned out the window and began to photograph It.

In the morning, there was nothing unusual in the sky, and I immediately forgot about the pictures I had taken. I remembered only a couple of months later, when I decided to clear the camera's memory.

Imagine my amazement when it turned out that the pictures captured something absolutely fantastic. The accumulation of multi-colored lights - red, yellow, purple, blue, orange - in each picture folded into a different configuration, not like an airplane, or a flying saucer, or anything at all.

We need to show the photographs to specialists and find out what it was that hung all night in our forest. But where to look for specialists?

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I turned to the Space Research Institute. They immediately explained to me that official science does not deal with such things. There are no ufologists in the system of the Academy of Sciences. So I can only show my wonderful pictures to “pseudo-scientific” citizens and organizations that conduct research at their own expense. But real scientists are not interested in this, and even if a flying saucer lands right on their head, they still will not engage in it, because we do not allocate money from the state budget for such nonsense.

It turned out to be easy to find “pseudo-scientific” specialists. Vadim Chernobrov, aircraft design engineer, chairman of Kosmopoisk (headquarters in Moscow, on Nagatinskaya Street), explained that out of three thousand members of this organization at least one thousand are students and scientists working in scientific institutions. So they are really not that far from science.

"Cosmopoisk" collects information about any unusual phenomena, analyzes it, checks, weeds out false evidence and publishes reliable evidence. People come here who, like me, have seen something amazing. However, all evidence here is treated with great caution.

The same caution was immediately shown towards me. I opened my photos on the computer, Vadim carefully looked through everything and chose one, saying that this is the best. Why? Because in addition to my shining object, a dim little star was still visible in the corner - a source of light that allows us to draw conclusions about the real dimensions of the astronomical body of interest to us.

Then he opened a map of the Moscow region and asked to show where the object was hanging. I showed: it was hanging in the east, somewhere over the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district. “Right in the east? Where the sun rises? " Yes, the sun rises there, I had no doubt about that. “If you were to point west, I would say that you saw Venus. But if in the east … that changes things."

And their rims were full of eyes

The most ancient testimony of a human meeting with aliens is given in the Bible in the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel.

Of course, the word “aliens” is not there, and the aliens are called cherubs. But judge for yourself what the described picture looks like.

“And I saw: and behold, a stormy wind was coming from the north, a great cloud and swirling fire, and radiance around it, and from its midst it was like the light of a flame from the middle of the fire; and from the middle of it was seen the likeness of four animals - and such was their appearance: their appearance was like that of a man.

And each has four faces, and each has four wings. And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like the foot of a calf's, and shone like shiny copper.

And the sight of these animals was like a kind of burning coals, like a kind of lamps, fire walked among the animals, and radiance from the fire and lightning came from the fire. And the animals moved quickly to and fro like a flash of lightning.

And I looked at the animals - and, behold, on the ground beside these animals, one wheel at a time … And their rims were high and they were terrible; all four had their rims full of eyes around them.

To these wheels, as I heard, it was said: Galgal.

And the cherubim lifted up their wings, and were lifted up from the earth in my eyes; when they left, then the wheels are beside them …"

Wings, wheels, feet, sparkling like shiny copper … Definitely a technical building. Rims full of eyes are, apparently, headlights. However, I will not impose my opinion. After reading the description, everyone will draw their own picture in their imagination.

How can you tell a real UFO from nonsense?

The color of astronomical objects changes as they approach the horizon. The atmosphere dampens the blues and whites, leaving only shades of red visible. That is why the moon, hanging low, becomes crimson, and the sun, white and yellow at noon, turns red-orange at sunset.

In addition, the atmosphere extinguishes the light source. When the stars hang directly overhead, they are bright. But the closer they are to the horizon, the worse they are seen, the more faded their light becomes.

However, there are several space objects that do not go out to the very horizon. These are Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. However, you can rarely see them. It is necessary to have a very clean atmosphere, high brightness, the most convenient viewing angle.

Such an object almost always has a shimmery red color. Why red is clear. Flickering arises due to the fact that the very atmosphere through which we see the object constantly trembles and fluctuates, therefore, its color sometimes changes for short moments.

How to distinguish an astronomical object from an alien ship? It is necessary to check whether it is moving or not. Sit so that there is a structure between you and the object, and try to remember their relative location. The earth rotates quickly, and after 15-20 minutes you will see that the object has moved in relation to the structure.

Now we need to understand where he has moved. To do this, find the North Star in the sky and mentally imagine that all the stars move around it counterclockwise. If the object being monitored has moved in the right direction - that is, it also went counterclockwise around the Pole Star - then it is a planet, an asteroid, a comet … Then everything is in order, no need to be nervous, nothing unnatural happens around you.

But if the object has not moved or has moved in the wrong direction, urgently call Kosmopoisk.

A drop of truth in a barrel of myths

Ufologists know many examples of how people mistook planets, disc-shaped clouds or balloons for UFOs.

There is a lot of perjury, and not only because people are wrong. Very often they make fakes on purpose. They want a sensation: to get into history and be lucky, who is as lucky as no one else has been.

As a result, controversial photographs are accumulated in the archives of ufologists when an object is photographed in such a way that it is impossible to accurately determine its dimensions, because there is nothing next to it. The photo is real, but it could be a close-up shot of a toy. Although, maybe not a toy …

Researchers spend a lot of time and effort to distinguish wheat from chaff and not fall for the bait of inventors.

“We have just finished studying the film taken this winter in Fryazino, which shows a very beautiful disc-shaped object,” said Vadim Chernobrov. - There was a suspicion that it was a fake, so we studied the tape for about two months, brought in television people to determine if there was some kind of trick. Usually counterfeiters take an object with one optical density and transfer it to a background with a different optical density. This is determined by analysis. But in this case we did not find anything, so if it is a fake, then it is of very high quality."

Most often UFO reports come from pilots. The last incident happened quite recently. On March 27, the Il-62 was landing over the Bykovo airport when the pilots saw a ten-meter balloon in the air. The pilots immediately expressed their indignation to the dispatcher - why they were not bred with this balloon. The dispatcher responded by expressing bewilderment: no one ordered permission to fly the balloon. But, if you did not order, then what is it? Unknown flying object.

The Kosmopoisk specialists conducted an investigation, but, in their opinion, it was still an airship. He was ferried from the Vladimir region, there was a test flight, about which for some reason the dispatchers were not notified. If we talk about confirmed cases, then the events that took place in 89-91 in Belgium were most famous. UFOs appeared in the sky during the exercises of the Belgian Air Force. The F-16 and F-18 pilots saw them and recorded them with a “photo-machine gun” designed to register hits on enemy aircraft. However, the UFOs were not allowed close to them, developing a monstrous acceleration, excluding the possibility of their terrestrial origin.

… During the Cold War, much attention was paid to such phenomena. After all, the communist and capitalist worlds were constantly in tension, fearing that the other side might invent something fundamentally new.

The military now admits that tracking unidentified targets was on the official list of Soviet Army air defense missions. In addition, the authorities - both Soviet and American - indirectly encouraged the population to report on the fallen space bodies and the passage of mysterious objects. There was a hope - what if the aliens have an accident over our territory? Then we will gut their ship, make one for ourselves and immediately overtake the enemy in all directions.

Of course, for the purpose of misinformation, myths were created, of which a great many have bred. But at the same time, such information was collected, which really cannot be explained from the standpoint of the earthly mind.

The study of tens of thousands of stories of people who saw UFOs made it possible to map their paths and determine the intersection points. All these points are located in remote places - in the taiga, in the mountains, in swamps. In Russia, the most famous place is the Medveditskaya ridge in the Volgograd region.

“Besides these points, there are still anomalous zones. The database contains more than three thousand on Earth. Most of the described zones are located on the territory of our country. We do not claim that these are cosmodromes or portals to other worlds, but all these points and zones need to be explored, - say ufologists. - It is necessary to collect information and analyze. Now that's all we can do. But sooner or later quantity will turn into quality”.

Molybdenum Wiring Riddle

Ufologists bring the most valuable information from expeditions to places where large cosmic bodies fall. After all, no one ever knows what fell - a meteorite or an alien spaceship. The expedition is looking for the place of the fall, taking soil samples there, collecting fragments that could clarify something.

In 2002, on October 25, a multi-ton body fell in the Irkutsk region. People heard the explosions, saw the glow. After a while, the Kosmopoisk expedition set out there: “We found several epicenters in the taiga, around fallen trees, small craters. It is very similar to the place where the Tunguska meteorite fell. Samples of the ice lying in the funnel were taken and taken to Moscow. Laboratory research has shown the presence of weakly radioactive isotopes of cobalt and cesium, as well as tritium. Tritium in such quantities can only be found in artificial reactors. Found grams, although a body fell on the mass of the order of hundreds of tons. Nevertheless, it is the most significant find in the 21st century.”

On May 2, the next expedition will go to Barnaul in search of a large cosmic body that recently fell in Altai. All interested persons are invited to take part in it (details on the Kosmopoisk website). The place of the fall is known very approximately. We'll have to “comb” a dense mountain forest, so a lot of people are needed. But, as Chernobrov says, the results of the expedition promise to be sensational.

Perhaps they will even surpass the finds made near Dalnegorsk in Primorsky Krai, where an unidentified flying object crashed on January 26, 1986. Half of the city saw a spherical object falling from above, which, as now follows from the analysis, was an apparatus of clearly artificial origin. Dozens of samples - material evidence - fell into the hands of researchers. Thirty-five different analyzes were carried out, as a result of which it became clear that the creation of similar materials requires technologies that people do not have. In particular, a structure made of rare earth metals was found, and in it they caught hold of the simplest thing - molybdenum wires, which in its quality was an order of magnitude higher than the best laboratory samples. Researchers repeated the analysis this year. Twenty years have passed, but during this time no one has created anything like this. Molybdenum wire continues to be the ideal of unattainable purity.

“This is the simplest example of a find that proves that our planet is visited by someone who is usually called representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, in everyday life,“just”aliens, - said Vadim Chernobrov. - As for your object, then, most likely, it is still not a UFO. I'm ninety-nine percent sure you've seen Jupiter.”

How is Jupiter? And why did he change outlines? After all, the pictures clearly show how the object turns, it always has a different shape - it looks like a dragon, then like a dog.

“When you took the pictures, was the camera on a tripod?” - "No, I held it in my hands." - “All people have a little shaking hands. If you photographed at high magnification, the jitter was reflected in the pictures. Therefore, the object has a different shape.”

Yulia Kalinina