Bob Lazar: Humans Were Created As Data Warehouses For Aliens - Alternative View

Bob Lazar: Humans Were Created As Data Warehouses For Aliens - Alternative View
Bob Lazar: Humans Were Created As Data Warehouses For Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Bob Lazar: Humans Were Created As Data Warehouses For Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Bob Lazar: Humans Were Created As Data Warehouses For Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, September

One of the biggest and most complex problems of modern ufology is to determine the reasons for the presence of aliens on Earth and the role of people in the global biological system built by these creatures.

There are a lot of different versions on this matter, ranging from a kind of "amusement park" (similar to the well-known from the TV series of the same name Wild West) and ending with a factory for the development of some valuable biological product (as is clearly shown in the movie Jupiter Ascending). However, it seems that today another, completely new and unusual version has appeared.

In January 2019, the world famous ufologist Bob Lazar and American director Jeremy Corbell were invited to the Larry King television show, who together discussed the problem of the so-called "Area 51", aliens and everything related to this topic.

When asked about the role of humans in the biological system of aliens, Bob Lazar offers a completely shocking and radical point of view. So, according to the fragmentary knowledge that Bob Lazar managed to glean while working in "Area 51", aliens consider people as "containers" in which human DNA plays the role of information carrier.

While this idea may not fit in the head for many, it is not entirely unfounded. So, in humans, unlike other living things on the planet, at least 80% of DNA (according to other estimates, up to 95%) is the so-called "junk DNA" - sequences of nucleotides that do not encode anything at all and whose presence in the gene code is a complete mystery … At the same time, one gram of DNA can contain 215 petabytes (215 million gigabytes) of this or that information.

Today DNA is the most compact (of all known) information carrier and if all the information accumulated by mankind for the entire foreseeable history is recorded on it, then this data block will be no more than a refrigerator. In this case, it is assumed that the recording will be carried out according to a simple, generally accepted scheme and does not imply any “quantum computations”, which hypothetically can increase the recording density by orders of magnitude.

What is the value of such a library, Bob Lazar willingly explains. Thus, a book or any other information carrier can be destroyed as a result of war, catastrophe or other incidents. And even if the information carrier is not destroyed by some events or elements - it will still be killed by time.

At the same time, people are like clever bipedal manuscripts who can take care of themselves and save themselves. At the same time, when the volumes running around the library become unusable from time to time, they are engaged in self-copying, leaving the reproduced offspring in the library on the shelves.

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The revelation from Mr. Lazar caused real shock and horror at the ameroblogodrome, because people do not find out every day that they are just running and talking books on some topic that is beyond their competence and understanding. However, fortunately or unfortunately, the information from Mr. Lazar can neither be convincingly refuted nor reliably confirmed.

While the facts show that the theory is correct, since people are kidnapped from time to time, this is an objective fact. In addition, people are the only creatures on Earth that are absolutely not adapted to life in the wild and how the “evolution” of man could take place is not clear to anyone. DNA is 95% full of garbage, the brain is 98% full of excess cells, even the muscle and other systems people can use a maximum of 25%.

For example, chimpanzees are much stronger than humans, and a 60-kilogram male will literally tear any 120-kilogram athlete to pieces. How could this happen in nature? This could not happen in any way. But if we assume that the task of 2% of the brains used by people and a bunch of flabby muscles is to maintain and store some "valuable data" - then everything seems to fall into place and, perhaps, Mr. Bob Lazar is not far from the truth.