If Aliens Exist, Why Is There No Official Contact? - Alternative View

If Aliens Exist, Why Is There No Official Contact? - Alternative View
If Aliens Exist, Why Is There No Official Contact? - Alternative View

Many of people probably thought that our civilization is not the only one and among a billion planets, perhaps

there are other sentient beings with whom we have to meet. Or maybe the contact has already occurred a long time ago and just not everyone knows?

For a long time, people believe that intelligent beings can exist in the Universe, and some believe that all the deities of antiquity are none other than aliens from other planets, possessing extraterrestrial technologies that are considered divine weapons. For the sake of an example, I will take many drawings from the Egyptian pyramids and among these drawings there are a lot of objects that resemble extraterrestrial ships and UFOs, as we imagine them. Where did the ancient people have such a fantasy and such drawings were applied all over the planet, and not only in the pyramids?

Recently, there have been a lot of videos and photographs in which supposedly flying saucers appear all over the world. In my opinion, most of these recordings are fake, but there may be real ones among them, but only how to recognize real frames among the mountains of garbage? This is almost unrealistic and we can safely say that people are increasingly considering the position that we cannot be the only ones in the Universe.

In addition to ancient drawings with UFOs and aliens, many ancient texts indicate that there was contact between people and extraterrestrial civilizations and the higher intelligence helped our civilization develop. But if so, why are there no official contacts now? The problem lies in the possible distances between the planets, which are inhabited by intelligent beings, as well as the fact that humanity may not be ready for official contact with extraterrestrial representatives.

If such civilizations exist and their technologies allow them to travel through hundreds of galaxies, then our civilization for them is comparable to the aborigines, who can give nothing in return. Do people try to make contact with ants or cockroaches to give them their knowledge? People should not worry about why there is no official contact, but about the contact itself, if it does occur. What if the intentions of the aliens are not friendly, but they appear with the aim of destroying our civilization?