Hyperborea And KEM - Alternative View

Hyperborea And KEM - Alternative View
Hyperborea And KEM - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea And KEM - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea And KEM - Alternative View
Video: Гиперборея. Энциклопедия загадок @Телеканал Культура 2024, October

Many researchers are convinced that the platforms on the truncated pyramids erected around the world served as supports for a certain Crystal of Power. This Crystal served as a source of super-powerful energy and information, it was identified with the sun and divine vision. The symbol of the Crystal of Power among many peoples was the image of the divine Eye of Ra.

The Eye of Ra or the Eye of Horus was traditionally depicted on the stone of the pyramidion, crowning the Egyptian pyramids, the first builder of which is God Thoth.

The symbol of Thoth, the god of wisdom and justice, is the ibis bird. The mythological Egyptian bird Bennu is very similar to the ibis (a kind of heron) - an analogue of the Phoenix reborn from the ashes (the name of the Phoenix bird is taken in myths of different countries, in Russian fairy tales it is Finist, Firebird). God Thoth was depicted with the head of a bird Bennu (ibis) and this same bird served as a hieroglyphic sign of his name.

According to Herodotus, the Phoenix Bird (the name appears in different cultures) flew to Heliopolis from the Holy Land - Arabia, that is, from the North. The modern inhabitants of Arabia still call their country that way: "Esh-Shemal", that is, "North".

And now, attention: the image of this particular bird, in accordance with all Egyptian canons, was found on a large white megalith in the shape of an egg on one of the islands of the White Sea during the expedition of the International Club of Scientists under the scientific supervision of I. V. Prokhortsev. at the beginning of this century!

In the photo on the left - an image of a bird on a white megalithic egg in the White Sea (with a special increase in the contrast of the image), on the right - an ancient Egyptian image of the Bennu bird - Phoenix
In the photo on the left - an image of a bird on a white megalithic egg in the White Sea (with a special increase in the contrast of the image), on the right - an ancient Egyptian image of the Bennu bird - Phoenix

In the photo on the left - an image of a bird on a white megalithic egg in the White Sea (with a special increase in the contrast of the image), on the right - an ancient Egyptian image of the Bennu bird - Phoenix.

I think it would be appropriate here to briefly retell this ancient Egyptian myth. According to the ancient Egyptian cosmogonic concepts, the God of Light RA appeared on Earth from an egg. The Bennu bird ("weben" means "to shine") is the soul of God Ra, which symbolized the solar principle. According to myth, Bennu emerged from a fire that burned on a sacred tree in the courtyard of the Ra temple.

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, you can read her monologue: “I am the divine soul BA emerging from Nun; that divine Soul, which is God himself … I am the ruler of the Light, and death causes disgust in me … I am ascended to my pedestal, and to my place, and to my throne … I am the original God of primary matter, the Divine Soul, equal to the Souls of immortal Gods, and my body itself is eternity … I am the Soul, the creator of Nun, dwelling in the Duat: the place of my hatching from an egg is hidden from outsiders, and my egg has no cracks."

Promotional video:

/ LXXXV chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated by E. A. Wallis Budge /. PS Note that the last phrase “my egg has no crack” has the same meaning as the virgin birth in a later source, the Bible.

Megalith "White Egg" lies on a granite slab, which is identical in shape to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph "Sekhem" (in Ancient Egypt - the personification of divine creative energy). At the foot of that mountain there is a natural spring with delicious drinking water.

In the immediate vicinity of the megalithic egg, a group of scientists discovered a giant, even larger than a stone egg, black in color monolith, which simultaneously resembled in shape: a pentagram, a dog's head and an exaggeratedly large eye. But, which is absolutely incredible, upon careful examination of this megalith, it was found that on this stone eye-pentagram-dog, the image of the Throne with a foot is clearly artificially formed in a volumetric manner, and under it - a sitting kneeling man in a headdress resembling the Hedjet crown - the ancient Egyptian crown Upper Egypt, which corresponds to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs: "US" (throne) + "IR" (eye) + "determinative of God" (kneeling man). When you read these hieroglyphs, located on one of the peaks of the White Sea island in Russia, we get together USIR - OSIRIS!


It is very noteworthy that the island in the White Sea, on which a white egg-shaped megalith was found with an image similar to the Egyptian hieroglyph of God Thoth, the founder of Ancient Egypt, is located not far from the Karelian city of Kem. WHOM UR! “Great Whom!” - this is how they addressed the main Egyptian god Osiris. And in exactly the same way - WHOM - the original name of the country, which we today call Egypt, once sounded.

It turns out that the very first resurrecting God of cultured humanity, existing from ancient times, the king of the Gods, the lord of Eternity, the lord of the Duat - the Place of the First Time, Osiris (ancient Egyptian - Usir) is not only the God of Ancient Egypt, but also of Hyperborean Rus.

PS In fact, the entire pantheon of ancient Roman, ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and other "ancient" gods is a reflection of more ancient, Aryan Vedic images.

And this means that the scientists of the International Club found the place where the Temple of the God Ra was once located and from where the soul of God, in the form of a Phoenix bird (Bennu), flew to a distant desert Earth, so that there, in the body of the god Thoth, found another fabulous country, so similar to the Northern Homeland. She flew away to return again through the millennia and reveal the secret of the cyclic rebirth from the ashes of the legendary Phoenix bird.

The outstanding French intellectual of the 20th century, philosopher and mathematician Rene Guenon (Sheikh Abdulvahid Yahya) argued that “the Egyptian Heliopolis was only a reflection of the true Heliopolis, the Nordic Heliopolis, the Hyperborean.

It turned out that two times earlier than in Egypt (the age of the Hyperborean pyramids is at least 9000 years), pyramids were already erected on the Hyperborean land using the same "mysterious" technologies. The Northern Sphinx is also lying here and peering into the sky.


In the ancient "builders' texts", inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Horus in the Egyptian city of Edfu, it is said that the pyramids were built by some "enlightened" who arrived from the islands of the northern country Duat n Ba (Twin of Heaven), which suffered from floods. Duat-n-Ba Egyptians called the great "Place of the First Time", "which existed even before the creation of our world," a place where "the sun of the world hidden from us meets the sun of our world."

According to Egyptian scientists, the word "duat" means the red light of dawn before dawn. Such is the dawn at 65 degrees north latitude, in the Russian North:


From the same ancient Egyptian source it is known that the location of this paradise country with the Temple of the Gods can be found on the earth's projection of the constellation "Orion". Professors A. P. Smirnov and I. V. Prokhortsev proposed a modern physical model of the Principle of Order, which gave the key to understanding the Hyperborean sacred geography, the symbolism and planning of the temples of the gods, and establishing the location of the island of the fabulous Russian Hyperborean paradise. Now this is a geographical fact, which does not raise doubts about the Russian Geographical Society:


Here, on one of the most beautiful islands of the White Sea, the ruins of a clearly man-made city were discovered - a grandiose structure, erected exactly according to the rules for building sanctuaries in pre-dynastic Egypt, a giant stone throne and mysterious stone labyrinths were discovered. Petersburg scientists believe that this is the remains of the Palace of the Gods! This ancient city, Northern Heliopolis on an island in the White Sea, was named by Russian scientists as the Northern City of the Sun. And the Earth, on which one of the most ancient civilizations on earth flourished tens of thousands of years ago, which the ancient Hellenes called Hyperborea, entered on a full-fledged basis into a science called “Hyperborean Rus”.

It turns out that Professor Valery Chudinov is not so wrong when he reads the inscriptions in Russian runes on the Egyptian pyramids: "Yara Rus"!

Now you and I have the opportunity to see with our own eyes how the Buyan island, the white-combustible stone Alatyr, and the hammer of Svarog-Chernobog, and a lot of other things just fabulously interesting, really look like. Real scientists of our time invite everyone to the Ancient land of Russian Paradise!

Based on the articles of the scientific director of the International Club of Scientists I. V. Prokhortseva (Internet portal "All about Hyperborea")

Author: Elena Vitaleva
