Titans Of Hyperborea - Alternative View

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Titans Of Hyperborea - Alternative View
Titans Of Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Titans Of Hyperborea - Alternative View

Video: Titans Of Hyperborea - Alternative View
Video: TNO Timelapse: Perm unifies Russia as Hyperborea 2024, October

It is known from various mythological sources that giants (titans) once lived on the territory of the modern Russian North and Karelia.

Reading the myths of Ancient Greece, we also get confirmation that their gods were the titans from Hyperborea.

"The fact that the Hyperboreans are the descendants of the Titans is directly indicated by the ancient authors:" The Hyperboreans were of titanic origin … They grew out of the blood of the former titans. " Let us recall that the sea near Hyperborea was called Kronid, after the head of the "party" of titans Kron, the father of Zeus.

Yes, and Cronus himself, apart from the late pro-Olympic version of the overthrow to Tartarus, continued to rule on the Isles of the Blessed, not much different from paradise on earth and located again at the latitude of Hyperborea. Life on the Isles of the Blessed, as it was presented and described by ancient authors, almost completely coincides with the descriptions of the life of the Hyperboreans.

Biblical Japhet and Muscovites

As already mentioned many times, among the titans - the masters of the North of Eurasia - there was also Yapet (Iapet), who became the prototype of the biblical Yaphet, from whose son - Mosokh (Mosch, Mosca) the Muscovites - residents of Moscow and Muscovy - descended.

In the ancient tradition, this era of the Titans was called the "golden age" - the kingdom of happiness, goodness, justice and abundance.

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THE DEER - the first Delphic priest

One of the late antique historians and writers Pausanias (II century AD) in his famous work "Description of Hellas" (X, 5, 4-10) gives the following amazing details of the appearance of one of the main sanctuaries of Ancient Greece - the Temple of Apollo at Delphi … First, the Hyperboreans appeared here, among them was the future first Delphic priest, who, by a "strange coincidence", had the Slavic-Russian name Olen.

By the way, the name of the ancestor of all ancient Greek tribes and a single people - Ellina is also a Greekized form of the common Indo-European word "deer" and the word "deer", which is close to it in meaning and origin.

Olen - Hyperborean and his companions were sent to Delphi by Apollo.

This suggests an ingenuous conclusion: the (future) God himself was far away at that time - most likely, in Hyperborea, from where the embassy left. Becoming a prophet and soothsayer, Olen [s] erected the first temple in Delphi: first, a wooden one, similar to a shack, writes Pausanias (his model, made of wax and feathers, Apollo will later send as a gift to Hyperborea), and only after a long time, after many fires and destruction, that stone temple was rebuilt, the pitiful remains of which have survived to this day.

By the way, the name of the ancestor of all ancient Greek tribes and a single people - Ellina is also a Greekized form of the common Indo-European word "deer" and the word "deer", which is close to it in meaning and origin. Olen - Hyperborean and his companions were sent to Delphi by Apollo.

Greece. Temple of Apollo in Delphi. 336-339 BC

It was believed that the center of the inhabited world was also located in Delphi; it was symbolized by the marble boulder Omphal twined with ribbons (see Mount Meru). The name of the stone in ancient Greek meant "The Navel of the Earth".


A laurel tree was planted next to the stone Omphalus, the famous tripod was installed, on which the clairvoyant - the pythia - sat; the golden statue of Apollo gazed at her. Around the sacred objects, the Delphic Temple grew up, to which kings and ordinary people went for centuries to predict the future.

At different times, starting with the most ancient, here one dilapidated building of the Delphic temple was replaced by another. When the first temple was erected, no one remembered. The ruins of the last of them, built in 366 - 339 BC, have survived to this day.

SUMMER (Lato, Latona) is the mother of the twins Apollo and Artemis
SUMMER (Lato, Latona) is the mother of the twins Apollo and Artemis

SUMMER (Lato, Latona) is the mother of the twins Apollo and Artemis.

Leto was one of the Titanid women. She was the goddess of motherhood and with her children, she protected the youth. Her name and iconography suggest that she is also a goddess of feminine modesty.

When Leto was pregnant with her twins, she was persecuted relentlessly by the goddess Hero, who forced her to leave solid earth and made it difficult for her to find a place where it was possible to rest and give birth.

The floating island of Tilos ultimately provided her with refuge. Later, when she was traveling to Delphi, the giant Titos tried to kidnap her, but Apollo intervened and killed him with his arrows.

In Greek art, Leto was usually depicted as a woman taking off her shawl as a gesture of modesty. She was usually portrayed accompanied by her two children.

Titanide Mother Leto gave birth to her sun-bearing son Apollo and daughter Artemis on the island of Asteria, which means "star".

The name Leto and the whole history of the birth of her children are another confirmation of the Hyperborean roots of ancient Greek mythology, and its close ties with the views of other peoples descending from the Hyperboreans.

First, Leto is the daughter of the titans Koy and Phoebe, and the titans live in the North (Diodorus of Siculus directly indicates that the homeland of Leto is Hyperborea).

Secondly, Leto is not just the name of an ancient Greek demigoddess, but also the native Russian word “summer”, meaning the season (hence “letb” is a synonym for time itself). The root basis of this word is common Indo-European. Its meaning is multifaceted: including the season between spring and autumn, but also the season corresponding to a continuous sunny day in the polar regions. The northern affiliation of the concept "summer" is also indicated by the fact that when the consonants "t" and "d" alternate (or "t" can be considered as a muffled "d"), "ice" is obtained.

In the photo: “ Models of the wings ” found in the territory of Karelia
In the photo: “ Models of the wings ” found in the territory of Karelia

In the photo: “ Models of the wings ” found in the territory of Karelia.

But that's not all. The root “years” underlies a whole family of words and concepts with the meaning of “fly”. And again the analogy with the Hyperboreans as a flying people arises. Lucian preserved a description of a flying Hyperborean magician who visited Hellas: in front of the amazed spectators, he flew through the air, walked on the water and walked slowly through the fire. The Titanide Leto herself was flying, when the persecuted by a jealous Hero rushed from the borders of Hyperborea around the world to seek refuge where she could be relieved of her burden. She found such a place on the island of Delos, where the sanctuary of Apollo subsequently arose, where the Hyperboreans constantly sent their gifts.

Flying, naturally, were the children of Leto-Latona - Artemis and Apollo. The sun god Apollo Hyperborean was often depicted as flying to his homeland in a chariot drawn by swans, or on an "apparatus" with swan wings.

in the photo: Image of a swan wing found on the territory of the supposed Hyperborea
in the photo: Image of a swan wing found on the territory of the supposed Hyperborea

in the photo: Image of a swan wing found on the territory of the supposed Hyperborea.

Based on materials from the site "All About Hyperbor"