Rus Hyperborean. Stone Age - Alternative View

Rus Hyperborean. Stone Age - Alternative View
Rus Hyperborean. Stone Age - Alternative View

Video: Rus Hyperborean. Stone Age - Alternative View

Video: Rus Hyperborean. Stone Age - Alternative View
Video: Hyperborea - the stone age 2024, October

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored” (O. Huxley).

Why "stone"? Because our distant ancestor was so wild and stupid that he built his entire lifestyle around one goal: hastily tying a stone to a stick, kill a mammoth? Or because a person was so intellectually and spiritually developed that he not only used the power and capabilities of a natural stone, but also knew how to change them at will, without harming the environment?


I understand that a bunch of arguments in favor of the first will immediately fall down: there are archaeological excavations, finds of primitive stone tools for production and hunting, objects of cave life, etc., which all museums in the world are proud of.

For which I have no less reasons of my own. To date, a lot of finds of a different kind have accumulated, and a number of leading museums in the world are already proud of such exhibits (I cite only stone artifacts):

* Crystal skulls of the Maya. The “Skull of Destiny” was found in 1927 by the English explorer Frederick A. Mitchell-Hedges among the Mayan ruins in Lubaantun (present-day Belize). This rock crystal skull is so perfectly carved that it is a priceless work of art.

Scientists believe that the "Skull of Destiny" in a sense is technically impossible. Weighing almost 5 kg, and being a perfect replica of a female skull, it has a completeness that would be impossible to achieve even with modern methods. Its jaw is a hinged part separate from the rest of the skull. The skull is perfectly polished. One of the inexplicable things is that in order to achieve such perfection, made of quartz glass, and therefore having a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale (a scale of hardness of minerals from 0 to 10), the skull would have to be carved using rubies or diamonds and polished sand for 300 years.

Esotericists attribute to the "Skull of Destiny" a number of supernatural abilities, such as telekinesis, the emission of an unusual scent, and color changes.

Promotional video:

It should be said that the "Skull of Destiny" is not the only one of its kind. Several similar objects have been found in various places on the planet, and they are created from other, similar to quartz, materials. Among them is a whole jadeite skeleton discovered in the region of China, made on a smaller scale than a human, according to estimates, approximately 3500-2200 years. BC.

* Chandar slab-stone map of the Ural region. It presents a detailed map of the Ural region with a network of artificial canals.

In 1993, Professor Alexander Chuvyrov came across a document with notes from the Governor-General of Ufa from the end of the 18th century, which told about the discovery in the village of Chandar in Bashkiria of TWO COTS of stone slabs with unusual signs. The search began. The most valuable slab - the very first map on Earth was found in the house of the Chandar old-timers Karaevs, where it was used instead of a porch: firewood was chopped on it, it was washed like an ordinary threshold - and this has been happening since 1918.

Judging by the mention of two hundred white plates discovered in the seventeenth century, the found plate is a piece of a larger map, maybe even a map of the world.

In the process of studying the slab by the scientists of the Moscow State University, it was reliably proved that the stone had undergone mechanical processing using high-tech methods, which could only be applied by a civilization of a high degree of development. The “Creator's Slab” is made of three layers: the first is a very durable dolomite; the second - a two-centimeter glassy coating, on the surface of which the image was cut; and the third layer is made of lime porcelain (2 mm layer), which protected the slab from impacts and damage.

To maintain the existing scale of 1: 100000, it was necessary to use aerospace photography. This is the opinion of scientists. In addition, the cartography of some objects on the map (for example, the bottom of a river) is not available to modern science. The technology for creating such 3D maps is also unknown to us.

According to Andrei Lednev, a geologist-geochemist, mineralogist, topographic surveyor and cartographer, a slab is an ordinary printed matrix for making paper or parchment copies of this map. This method is called lithography (I write on stone) and was used not only for making maps, but also for making images of seals, stamps, or just drawings. It also dates the stone map to the 5th millennium BC.

* Ica Stones is a processed volcanic rock covered with engravings. Ica stones were first discovered in the 60s of the last century in the Peruvian province of Ica by Javier Cabrera and continue to be found to this day. The stones have the finest engraving with images of domesticated dinosaurs (brontosaurs, pterosaurs and triceraptors), hunting scenes, everyday and erotic scenes, stages of human organ transplants, observations of celestial bodies, etc. Cabrera's collection, kept in the Museum of Engraved Stones in Ika has about 11 thousand exhibits. Collections of Ica stones can be found in several other museums around the world.

* The Drop Stones are an equally unusual archaeological find. They were found in 1938 in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains, which are located in China. On the floor of one of the caves, the expedition found hundreds of ancient stone discs, in the center of each of which there was a round hole. These artifacts in their structure resembled the gramophone records, so popular at the time of their discovery. Now they are more like computer CDs with a hole in the middle. The spiral engraving of the plates consists of tiny hieroglyphs that tell of spaceships that arrived from another world and crashed in the mountains. According to the inscriptions on the slabs, the creatures called themselves "drops". Archaeologists also managed to find the remains of creatures in the cave. Some scientists are inclined to believe that disks serve as carriers of information about an extraterrestrial civilization. The date of their manufacture is tentatively determined - 10-15 thousand years ago.

* Figures of Acambaro are figures made of clay and stone, which were found in 1944 by the German businessman V. Jalsrad in the small town of Acambaro - about 300 km north of Mexico City. More than 33 thousand miniature clay and stone figurines of Acambaro depict people and extinct animals, in particular dinosaurs. The age of the collection is still controversial, but one thing is certain that they were made by the hands of very skilled craftsmen of antiquity, and it seems that from nature.


* Hundreds of balls of limonite - a mineral, a type of iron, it is difficult to scratch it even with a knife, found by miners in South Africa. One ball had a notch of three parallel lines encircling it. Only a thinking creature could apply it.

* Stone balls of Costa Rica. There are three hundred stone balls scattered along the coast of Costa Rica, varying in size and time of manufacture (they date from 200 BC to 1500 AD) Scientists still do not understand exactly how the ancient people made them. and for what purposes.

* In California, at gold mines, ancient stone tools were discovered: spearheads, mortars and pestles, the age of which is determined from 9 to 50 million years.

* Inside a massive block of marble excavated in 1830 from a quarry located 18 km northwest of Philadelphia, the contours of figures resembling letters were found. The marble block lay at a depth of 18-21 m.

* In 1968 in Utah, human footprints were found in boots, and the left heel imprint was petrified along with a crushed trilobite - an arthropod that lived on Earth 400-300 million years ago

And also found: a palm print of a man and a petrified finger of a giant from the Arctic part of Canada, 110 million years old; in Utah - a footprint shod in a sandal, 300 to 600 million years old. etc. etc.


These findings lead to the conclusion that life on earth develops cyclically: from powerful civilizations to the complete decline and degradation of man as a species. The history of the Earth is the history of disasters. The fact that there have already been catastrophes in the history of the Earth is told by the Holy Scriptures, legends and myths of almost all peoples living on it.

Catastrophes occurred at the moments when humanity reached the highest level of progress and possessed nuclear, laser, geomagnetic, climatic and other weapons incomprehensible to us.

After the complete destruction of civilizations, a new one appeared on Earth again and again.

In the mythology of different cultures, the Phoenix bird is a symbol of the eternal renewal of life, which has the ability, foreseeing death, to burn itself and then be reborn from the ashes.

Helena Blavatsky believed that "The death and resurrection of the Phoenix means the successive destruction and restoration of the world, which … were accomplished by means of a fiery flood …".

Discovered on the Indian subcontinent in 1922, the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro (Hill of the Dead), according to the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti, survived the fate of Hiroshima. In the book by Nikolai Zhirov "Atlantis - Basic Problems of Atlantology" and the article by Kakha Margiani "Nuclear War at the Post-Flood Line ~ 10400 ÷ 10350 BC" it is said that the Nuclear Catastrophe at the Post-Flood Line ~ 10.4 ÷ 10.35 thousand years BC. e. threw humanity into a new stone age, up to the third millennium BC.

Another independent confirmation of the hypothesis that the history of the planet was the history of wars that led to the change of some civilizations to others were the recent results of ice drilling in Antarctica and Greenland.

So, Hyperborea. Is there material evidence that it was there that the center of the last civilization of our ancestors, white-skinned, spiritually bright-Rus-Aryans, existed? The fact is that the main centers of the Hyperborean civilization were located in places now covered by the water column of the Arctic Ocean, or sealed by kilometer thick layers of Greenland ice. But despite this, the enthusiasts of the International Club of Scientists and the Northern Search Expedition of the Russian Geographical Society with their findings in recent years prove that there is still material evidence of its existence in the distant past, and there are many of them. The mainland Arctida has long been at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean - this is so, but its periphery remains - the modern North of Russia.

Researchers, not indifferent to the true past of our planet, annually find more and more powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments of the Hyperborean civilization on the Kola Peninsula, the islands of the White Sea, Lake Ladoga, on the territory of Karelia, Leningrad and Arkhangelsk regions. For example, on the Kola Peninsula, remains of towers were found, similar to the famous ruins of mighty prehistoric fortress towers in northern Scotland, on the Shetland and Orkney Islands, in the North Caucasus; and on the islands of the White Sea there are the remains of pyramids and structures built using polygonal masonry, the same as in Giza (Egypt), in Delphi (Greece), in Turkey, in Mexico, in Mesopotamia, etc.

It is clear, of course, that in the south the ancient buildings have survived much better to this day than the ancient buildings of the Kola Peninsula and the White Sea Islands. Indeed, in the North they were built much earlier in time.


As a result of the planetary cataclysm, the Arctida continent gradually sank to the bottom of the ocean: at first, for some time, there was a part of it, an archipelago, then only islands. Academician Aleksey Fedorovich Treshnikov believes that 10,000 years ago the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges towered above the surface of the Arctic Ocean. At that time there was no ice, the sea was warm and traces confirming the presence of people here at that time - in the Leningrad region, and in Yakutia, and on Novaya Zemlya - are constantly found.


The findings suggest that a highly developed civilization of our ancestors existed on the Kola Peninsula as early as 10 thousand years ago.

The resettlement of the surviving inhabitants of the once mighty land went along the mountain ranges and hills in the southern direction, so various peoples and languages were formed.

The South Ural fortress city of Arkaim is one of the staging points for the migration of the Hyperboreans from north to south, which existed for a thousand years.

Migrating to the south, the RAs-ARii (RA-sun, AR-land) also transferred their high construction technologies. This is how pyramids and megalithic temples appeared in Egypt, Asia Minor, Malta, the Celts, Etruscans and Sumerians.

In the III millennium BC. Aryans-Indians appeared in Hindustan, and Aryans-Iranians - in the Iranian highlands. In the Mediterranean, the descendants of the Hyperboreans came 5.5 thousand years ago. Moreover, the Egyptians, Greeks and Etruscans used the polar calendar.

Evidence of such migration is the existence of a single building culture or the presence of one knowledge among architects who erected Hyperborean complexes in different parts of the Earth with absolutely the same type of objects and "incomprehensible" technologies. These are stone pyramids, cubes, balls, eggs, omphalos, round holes in stones, ideal in shape; these are polygonal masonry walls, stairs, pavements, signs, pools, amphitheaters, artificial caves, stone labyrinths; these are stone snakes, crocodiles, dogs, monkeys, turtles, wolves, bears; stone faces, etc.

Doctor of Philosophy Valery Demin in his book "In Search of the Origins of Russia" makes the following conclusion: the "Hyperborean" III millennium BC, we can consider the beginning of history in its conscious understanding. And this story is directly related to the North."

Stone Age. Why "stone"? Because our distant ancestor was so wild and stupid that he built his entire lifestyle around one goal: hastily tying a stone to a stick, kill a mammoth? Or because a person was so intellectually and spiritually developed that he not only used the power and capabilities of a natural stone, but also knew how to change them at will, without harming the environment?

I think the answer to this question is now obvious.

Elena Vitapleva
