Adepts Of Shambhala Among People - Alternative View

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Adepts Of Shambhala Among People - Alternative View
Adepts Of Shambhala Among People - Alternative View

Video: Adepts Of Shambhala Among People - Alternative View

Video: Adepts Of Shambhala Among People - Alternative View
Video: DJ Adept - Voices of Shambhala (mixtape, 2019) 2024, September

Shambhala - a mystical land, or a reality beyond the control of the human mind? Many contemporaries and believers of past centuries were looking for her. Those to whom she did open up were ordered to remain silent about all the mysteries of her existence and, among other things, were ordered to leave worldly life and devote theirs entirely to serving the Higher spirit and mind.

But what is this, Shambhala?

For many centuries, humanity has been faced with various signs of the existence of mystical places of power on earth. One of these places is Shambhala. Scientists have proven that a place of power is located in the Himalayan ridge region. A huge amount of positive energy is concentrated here. That is, it is a place of power, which is designed to serve for the good of mankind and give it new knowledge.

Even in ancient times, occult, ritual altars were called a place of power. Places where a person approached the Gods.

Why were such places called places of concentration of power?

During the ritual, the priest turned to the deity for help and often received it. Part of the power remained at the disposal of the priest precisely in this place of power.

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It would seem that this is all a mystical invention, but in fact, even today, occult practitioners are not averse to visiting Shambhala in order to get closer to God. The Roerich dynasty was actively searching for Shambhala. Nicholas Roerich was firmly convinced of the existence of this country and that on its territory there is a path to enlightenment, the acquisition of eternal life and world knowledge.

Today, scientists have decoded the messages of our ancestors who lived in the Himalayas, in Tibet. They indicate that a bright fiery light often burned over the ridge of mountains, which meant that Shambhala was open to higher spirits and Deities, which meant that there was a merger of man and God in the mountains.

Ufologists believe that the higher mind, the deity that esotericists point to, is nothing more than just representatives of a different race. They lowered their spaceships to the tops of the mountains and talked to a man. But is it possible that on Earth, in parallel with man, another civilization coexists and he does not suspect about it?

Scientists agree that among people there are those who are people only in external signs, but in fact they are representatives of an alien race. They have supernatural abilities, for example - clairvoyance, the ability to penetrate into the past and future.

Nicholas Roerich himself considered Shambhala a reality and in every possible way tried to discover it. Scientists today claim that it never existed. That this is some kind of fiction that was beneficial to people. They looked for an outlet and found it in this place.

Each nation at a certain time, as well as a person as a whole, needs hope for some kind of salvation from everyday life, a way out of the shadows into the light. Many occult practitioners found such an outlet in Shambhala. They argued that she personifies the freedom of man, his spirit, reason and their unity with the divine principle.

But if everything is so simple and there are open gates that lead to higher knowledge, why does not a person draw them?

The fact is that any person cannot enter into a dialogue with a higher mind, not everyone is even worthy to hear a sacred voice - this is what many practitioners believe. In fact, this is an excuse and the Christian world does not accept the existence of Shambhala.

It is a known fact that Germany previously tried to find Shambhala and force its adepts to give the Germans a part of the knowledge that would allow them to become a supernation. But this did not happen, as the archival data of German intelligence indicate, traces of Shambhala were found by it, but any mortal cannot visit the abode of God.

That is why the German authorities hired psychics and mystics known at that time, who were supposed to establish contact with the rulers of the mysterious city. Germany pursued the goal of acquiring knowledge that could prolong their life. She also wanted to get all the main keys to the universe. She wanted to understand its structure and stages of formation, but scientific and reconnaissance expeditions, in the end, ended in nothing.

Perhaps, some of the seekers did open up Shambhala, but Germany did not receive full answers to its questions. On the one hand, this is understandable. Not everyone, even if they really want to, can visit this mystical place. The higher powers carefully select those who will get the ancient knowledge and who will use it for good.

Today, an increasing number of Himalayan monks tell the facts of visiting them by the holy spirit. Supposedly, a deity really descends from heaven and indicates what is better for a person to do in order to get the desired result. This is a kind of hint from the believer who has turned in prayer. A hint on how to act in a situation.

Unfortunately, scientists cannot refute or confirm the fact of a deal between a man and a deity. They are alarmed by the fact that an increasing number of people received secret knowledge from the Divine, but it did not ask for something in return. Perhaps scientists are considering such an option, the Deity may simply want to rule the world and people. But so far, during the centuries-old history of Shambhala, this has not happened. And these mystical inhabitants of the mountains only help people find their own way, find peace and confidence in the future, and this decides a lot in everyday life.

Today, the search for a Himalayan place of power does not stop, on the contrary, the occult sciences are gaining popularity, so many inhabitants of megacities escape from reality and everyday life in this way and this moment has nothing to do with higher spiritual practices.

There is an opinion that there is an open path to Shambhala, everyone would then be able to realize their ideas quickly enough, almost instantly, but then a person would become a bomb and he himself would have to pave the way for the entire current civilization to the innermost secrets of life. But is accessibility the highest goal of the search for Shambhala? Here the motive is different!