Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View

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Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View
Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View

Video: Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View

Video: Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View
Video: The Real Exodus Story | Exodus Decoded (Biblical Conspiracy Documentary) | Timeline 2024, October

Where did the name Black Sea come from? Was it always called that? There are many legends about this sea and its names.

Legend of Ancient Greece

The Black Sea was not always called the Black Sea, it had several names. For example, in ancient Greece, the Black Sea was called Pontus Euxine, which means “hospitable sea”. However, the ancient Greeks did not immediately call the Black Sea so affectionately. At first, the sea became inhospitable for them and they named it Pont Aksinsky. One of the legends tells about why the Greeks gave the sea such names.

It was a long time ago, back in the period when the count of time went in the opposite direction - in the years before our era. A proud and peaceful tribe of highlanders lived in Taurida. They did not attack anyone and no one attacked them. The clever hands of the mountaineers have learned to grow fragrant sweet grapes, fruit trees and roses on the mountain slopes.

There was a lot of game in the mountain forests. But the mountaineers did not abuse their weapons and pulled the bowstring only when food was required.

The settlement of the mountaineers grew richer every year … They heard about Taurida in distant Hellas, and the Greeks decided to conquer this rich land. This is how many feluccas appeared off the coast of Taurida. In them sat armed Greeks, who wanted to approach the coast under cover of night and attack the sleepy mountaineers. But the sea suddenly lit up with a bluish flame, and the highlanders saw the aliens.

The village of the mountaineers was alarmed. The women and children hid in the cave, while the men prepared to repel the onslaught. But then, like clouds, covered the stars. These giant vulture eagles flew off the rocks and attacked the Hellenes.

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The mountaineers were delighted to see support from the sky, and began to push huge boulders into the water. The sea rebelled, stormy, huge waves rose. There was a groan and roar over the sea. In fear, the Greeks turned their feluccas back, but few returned to their shores.

Since then, the Greeks began to call this sea Pontus Aksinsky - the Inescapable Sea. And they punished their children that they never raise weapons against the inhabitants of Taurida and never try to pass along the Pontus of Aksinsky.

You never know, how much time has passed since then, only again began to pull the Greeks to the sunny shores of the rich Taurida. But they well remembered the order of their ancestors, and not thousands of feluccas went to Pont Aksinsky, but only five. And the peaceful ambassadors sat in feluccas with rich gifts for the highlanders.

And the mountaineers swore with the Greeks that they would never raise arms against each other.

Since then, the Hellenes settled far from Hellas and happily healed under the sun of Taurida. They began to grow grapes and roses. They traded with the highlanders and wondered: why was such a gentle sea called Aksinsky - Inescapable? No, this is a kind and hospitable sea. And the Greeks called the sea Pontus Euxine - the Hospitable Sea …

So it has been since then. Whoever goes to the Black Sea with an open heart and a peaceful flag, it is always hospitable - Pontus Euxine. And for our enemies - Pont Aksinsky (inhospitable).

Legend of Turkey

One of the Turkish legends says: in the Black Sea lies a golden arrow, which was thrown into the sea at the behest of the hero. The waters of the sea do not want this arrow, trying to throw it out of their bowels. And when the sea is agitated, it becomes dark, and even black, which is where the name of the sea comes from.

This legend tells that a fabulous hero lived on earth, unheard of strength, unprecedented courage. He had an amazing weapon - a fabulous arrow. She possessed a wonderful property. Where it rushed, air flashed, water boiled, earth melted, all living things perished.

It was a terrible weapon! Fortunately, it was in good hands. The hero was a prudent, just man and did not take a fiery arrow in his hands unnecessarily. He did not encroach on other countries, and the enemies did not attack his fatherland - they were afraid.

For many years the hero lived on earth, but now the time has come to part with his life. The bogatyr wondered: to whom should the arrow be given? Sons-heirs? You can't. Although they are honest and brave warriors, they are young and painfully hot. If they cannot resist the temptation to try the power of weapons, then a fratricidal war will break out.

And the hero decided to hide the magic arrow, so much so that no one could find it for millennia. And only when people finally get tired of fighting, when they learn to cherish and appreciate peace, then they will find an arrow to use its miraculous power in peaceful labor.

The hero called his sons and said to them:

- My children, I do not have long to live in the world. Listen to my last command: take the golden arrow, the terrible power of which you have heard, and throw it in the middle of the Black Sea, the deepest sea in the world.

Whether they walked for a long time, or short, only now the blue mountains appeared ahead. With their high peaks, they propped up the blue, transparent sky, as if made of crystal. The brothers climbed up the blue mountains, and their gaze opened up a majestic picture: far, far below the vast endless sea stretched. Shrouded in the morning pinkish haze, it was still asleep. Its calm waters reflected the red ball of the rising sun. It was the Black Sea.

And suddenly the brothers felt that they were sorry to part with the precious arrow, and ambitious dreams took possession of them. The brothers agreed that they would hide the arrow in the mountains, and if the father did not die before their return, they would say that they had fulfilled his will.

Imagine their surprise when, returning home, they learned that their father had somehow revealed their plan. With indignation, the old man attacked his sons, accusing them of parental disobedience.

- You will not have my blessing, - he said, - until the miraculous arrow falls to the bottom of the Black Sea.

Then the sons, convinced that it was impossible to keep their magic weapons, again went to the shores of the distant sea and carried out the orders of their father.

A golden arrow sank into the abyss of the sea. The sea grew dark with anger, boiled, its calm waters agitated. And since then the Black Sea has not been able to calm down. No, no, yes, and it will seethe again, it will seethe, it will raise huge waves, trying in vain to throw out its deadly weapon from its depths.

Other old names of the sea

There are several more old names for the Black Sea. This is the Sughd Sea, in honor of the prosperous city of Sugdei (present-day Sudak), and the Khazar Sea, in honor of the Khazars. At the time of Ancient Rus in the annals, the Black Sea was called the Russian, presumably because the Kiev prince, who fought with the Khazars, visited its shores. The Italians, who owned some of the small ports on the coast in the Middle Ages, called the sea Pontus.

From the works of scientists

There are several more versions: the Scythians called the sea Teng, which is Dark in Scythian. The ancient Iranians called the sea Ashkhaen, it also means Dark.

If you do not delve into the legends, but read the works of scientists about the origin of the name Black Sea, then there are several hypotheses. The first of them is connected with the fact that the Turks, who conquered the shores of the Black Sea for many centuries, found fierce resistance on them from local tribes - the Circassians, Adygs and others. Therefore, they called the Karaden-giz sea, that is, inhospitable, Black.

The second hypothesis refers us to Magellan. Magellan got into the sea during a storm, and in all seas in a storm, the water darkens. At first impression, the name of the sea was fixed.

The next version is based on the fact that in the depths of the Black Sea there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide, which stains metal objects black. Ancient sailors had their anchors painted, which is why they gave the sea the name Black Sea.

And there are many more versions. For example, one of them ascribes this name to black algae, which turn black when it reaches the shore after a storm.