Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View

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Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View
Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View

Video: Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View

Video: Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View
Video: Inside The Stalin Archives: The Secrets of The Great Terror 2024, October

Recently, interest in the occult secrets of the special services has increased in Russia. Indeed, according to numerous sources, in the 1920s and 1930s, entire departments were created under the state security services to search for traces of extraterrestrial civilizations and ancient cultures. One of the people leading active research in this area was Alexander Vasilievich Barchenko

Officially, Barchenko was listed as an employee of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Economic Council, which was headed by Dzerzhinsky. But in fact, he read lectures on the occult to the workers of the Lubyanka and was engaged in research in this area, organized expeditions to the observation zones of anomalous phenomena. The people who sent him there were interested in questions of a practical nature - in particular, the impact of anomalous radiation, characteristic of sacred zones, on a person.

In 1921, allegedly on the instructions of the Institute for the Study of the Brain, Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary Hyperborea. He was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization - they knew the secret of atomic energy, they knew how to build flying vehicles and control them … The researcher drew information about this from the Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula are the bearers of the ancient knowledge about Hyperborea.

In 1922 the expedition found in the taiga near the famous Seydozero … pyramids! The Sami, who used these structures for ritual purposes, said that they were built a very long time ago, in time immemorial … According to the scientist, all this could serve as evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. In 1926, Barchenko's expedition to the Crimea took place in search of the remains of dead civilizations. And in 1928 the scientist visited Altai. During the expeditions, their participants had the opportunity to witness many anomalous phenomena, in particular, UFOs.

Alexander Barchenko also dreamed of finding centers of heritage of prehistoric cultures, which, as he believed, were located on the territory of Tibet and Afghanistan - we are talking, first of all, about the mysterious and great Shambhala … But the heads of the special services considered that the scientist was not suitable for the role of an intelligence officer. The country needed cadres capable of getting in touch with the "alien element", extracting the necessary information from him and conducting subversive activities … In the future, this would contribute to the development of the eastern borders, expanding the borders of the Soviet Union.

Initially, Barchenko still had to go to Tibet at the head of the expedition. Its task was, among other things, to convey to the lamas a proposal for cooperation with the Soviet government. But the venture fell through. Partly the reason for this was the failure of the state security officer Yakov Blumkin, disguised as a lama, crossed the border of Mongolia and tried to join the expedition of Nicholas Roerich, who was looking for Shambhala. In addition, information about the upcoming expedition was leaked from the secret department of Bokii, where Barchenko worked. German intelligence became aware of what the department was doing. Obviously, fearing leaks of information, the authorities decided to remove the "occultists." Yakov Blumkin was arrested and shot in 1929 "for having connections with the Trotskyists." Barchenko, despite the fact that, according to rumors,possessed the ability to hypnosis and telekinesis, he also could not escape retribution, and in May 1937 he was arrested by the NKVD along with his chief for the special department Gleb Bokiy. It turned out that since the time of the revolution both of them had headed a Masonic organization called the United Labor Brotherhood! Although who can guarantee that this information, which gave rise to the formal accusation, is true?

During the arrest, all papers and manuscripts were seized from the scientist, including the unique work "Introduction to the methodology of experimental effects of the energy field." During the investigation, which lasted about a year, Barchenko was forced to state in written testimony the details of all his discoveries. On April 25, 1938, a quarter of an hour after the death sentence was pronounced, he was shot … The case, in a strange way, disappeared from the archive. The same fate befell Gleb Bokiya, who was arrested in May 1937. By Stalin's order, the "occult" special department was liquidated, destroying all materials.

We can only guess what they contained. It is also impossible today to get an answer to the question: what dangerous secrets were revealed to Alexander Barchenko and his associates? The truth is buried in secret archives, which today are either destroyed or reliably hidden from prying eyes …

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