Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View

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Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View
Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View

Video: Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View

Video: Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View
Video: Myths From Lapland: Reindeer God and Giants/ Fairychamber Podcast 2024, October

From ancient times to the present day, there has been a belief that Lapland is the land of omnipotent sorcerers. In the darkness of the endless polar night, in the enchanting light of the polar lights, since ancient times, local sorceresses have been doing amazing things for everyone.


Present Lapland is divided by four countries: Russia (Kola Peninsula), Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The legends of the local peoples speak of the powerful witch Yagunye. Her colorful tower stands among three roads - three worlds: earthly, underground and heavenly. It does not reveal itself to every person in its true form: to one it can appear as an ancient old woman with a stick, to another - a portly mature woman or a shy, clear-eyed girl. Go figure out who is in front of you, and she looks at the person, checks: who is he? And he rewards or punishes as he deserves.


The sorceresses of Lapland were considered the masters of the winds - they knew how to speak the wind, and in the days of sailing it was extremely important, because their location was sought and achieved in every possible way. Captains sailing out to sea bought a favorable wind and received three knots: for a moderate wind it was necessary to untie the first knot, for a strong one - the second, but the third one caused a storm. Why - sink pirates or competitors' ships? It is not clear, but so they say.

The German Baron von Hausen in the 19th century, in his travel notes, testified that he repeatedly observed the following: ships were moving on opposite courses, and each one under a favorable wind (?!).

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Other travelers told the same story. Only each of the captains had a wind bought from the northern witch.


… this is how the evil old woman Louhi is named in the famous Karelian epic "Kalevala". She ruled the country of darkness and cold Pohjela (she meant the extreme north of Lapland), sent hurricanes, bad weather, illness to people, from time to time even stole the sun and moon, imprisoned them in a copper mountain, and then the world plunged into darkness …


Others will say: that we are some kind of "Kalevala" with its heroes, "an evil old woman", it's just a fairy tale!..

However, as you know, myths did not arise from scratch, but crystallized from real events, covered with time with a veil of delusions. After all, folklore is the ancestral collective memory of the people.

And therefore, probably not without reason, the name Loukhi bears the regional center of the largest and most northern in Karelia, an incredibly picturesque forest land, with a thousand blue eyes-lakes.

The local residents respect the legendary Mistress of the North and can tell many mystical stories associated with her and her possessions.

They are wary of even using a swear word at Louhi, and this is not just superstition: too often the detractor was later punished. I can confirm, I saw this myself …

Then I passed Louhi in a reserved seat carriage. A full barbel sitting at the side of the table looked out the window and asked:

- What kind of station is this? The name is funny, after whom is it?

A local resident answered him:

“It's from Kalevapa, you know? She is the mistress of these places. I do not advise her to scold, she will punish her.

The barbel grinned:

- What can she do to me? It's all nonsense!

He grunted sarcastically, sipped from a large bottle of Karelia mineral water and put it on the table in front of him. The car jerked, the bottle swayed, overturned and, to our amazement, doused the speaker literally from head to foot. We gasped. The barbel began to dry himself with a towel.

Someone quietly remarked:

- Well, Louhi and punished. Now the man said nothing.

So do not believe after that in the evil old woman Louhi, who does not forgive insults.


It is known that Hitler was fond of mysticism, sent secret expeditions around the world in search of esoteric knowledge: to Tibet, to the Ryazan region and … to the Kola Peninsula, because he knew about the secret research of Alexander Varchenko in the 1920s and wanted to get the same secret secrets of the ancients …

He said: "Whoever possesses them will rule the world!" The Fuehrer was sure that they were kept in underground sanctuaries located in the mountains near Seydozero. There are remains of ancient buildings, many of unknown purpose. Perhaps it was here that the local inhabitants moved from the dying Hyperborea.

The founder of the well-known occult society "Ahnenerbe", German archaeologist and geographer Hermann Wirth, officially (?!) Calculated that Northern Shambhala was located on the Kola Peninsula. They have been preparing to search for it since 1939. After the outbreak of war with the USSR, the Fuhrer gave the order: to seize Lapland, and then the Lapland army was created. German planes began to fly over it, landing troops and groups with an unknown mission, strictly classified.

Secret air bases, platforms, radio stations were built, meteorological machines were installed. German submarines secretly penetrated into the Arctic regions. A secret base "Basis Nord" was created for them. It was led by General Karl Haushofer, who was considered one of the most authoritative specialists in the search for the knowledge of the ancients. And now he was sent here, to the North, to implement a certain plan, which was one of the most guarded state secrets of the Third Reich.

Finnish women in costumes of ancient sorcerers


The Germans shot down Soviet planes that ended up in these places. A lot of their fragments with traces of air cannon shells have survived. Enemy planes could not fly from Germany itself, which means that there were German airfields here. They were later found. As well as traces of the presence of submarines.

It is significant that the Hitlerite hordes, which had the best weapons and a significant numerical superiority, eagerly rushed to seize the Kola Peninsula, as the demoniac Fuhrer ordered them, but, as if bewitched, they could not cross the border of the possessions of the evil old woman Louhi, as if they rested their foreheads against an invisible wall. It seems that the powerful sorceress did not want to let them into her possession. It is difficult to find another explanation.


Mount Vottovaara ("Death Mountain") is located 20 kilometers southeast of the village of Sukkozero, Muezersky district of Karelia. The highest point is only 417.1 meters above sea level. The relief is heavily rugged. As a result of a powerful earthquake, which happened about 9,000 years ago, a giant dip, like an amphitheater, formed in the center of the mountain. It is dotted with rocky outcrops and small lakes.

According to local beliefs, Vottovaara is the focus of powerful forces. Since pagan times, it has been sacred to the Sami. Its top is occupied by an ancient cult complex with a total area of about 8 square kilometers. There are structures of huge processed megaliths here.


Many are located in groups of 6 to 15 boulders and form a circle with a hearth setting of small stones in the center. They often produce strange clicking or buzzing sounds.

The mountain is considered the abode of evil forces and even a bridge to another world. Animals are practically absent, and the trees grow ugly, as if twisted by an invisible hand. It seems to be the result of the heavy energy of the place. The lakes are completely lifeless.

One of the mysteries of Death Mountain is an unusual moss of an ominous blood-red color. Experts say that this cannot be found anywhere else.

On the mountain there is a mysterious staircase to the sky, it is not known when and by whom hewn in the rocks. It consists of 13 steps and ends with a deep steep drop. At the same time, the local inhabitants never had any stairs in principle, just as some peoples did not have a wheel. Who and for whom was it made?

Some people in these places have strange visions, such as a woman in a white robe. The members of Barchenko's expedition saw it, and later many others. Wasn't it the Mistress of the North - the evil witch Louhi?..

Alexander ZIBOROV