About Lukomorye - Alternative View

About Lukomorye - Alternative View
About Lukomorye - Alternative View

Video: About Lukomorye - Alternative View

Video: About Lukomorye - Alternative View

"Lukomorye has a green oak …" - these lines are familiar to everyone from childhood. This "Lukomorye" is perceived as some distant fairyland. But is it really a fictional place? Let's try to figure it out, based on the maps and legends of the peoples of the world.

It's hard to believe, but in the 15th century, according to Karamzin, Moscow inhabitants had a clear idea of where the Lukomorye was located. It was believed that this is a place on the ocean shore in the North, where the polar day and night divide the year in half. Different beliefs circulated about the inhabitants of the Lukomorye themselves, to the extent that they die during the polar night, and in the spring they return to life.

… Sometimes it happens that fairy tales, familiar from childhood, to almost every Russian person, have such a deep meaning that sometimes you wonder! Lukomorye. A bow by the sea … means that the coastline of the White Sea coastline resembles the shape of a bow - not an onion, but a military weapon. But a logical question arises: how did our ancestors know about this, if in order to see the coastline, it was necessary to rise high above the surface of Mother Earth? And not just high, but very high! The bow-shaped coastline can only be seen from near-earth orbit, much the same as today. But, as modern "historians" argue, in those ancient times, when this name was given, there were no space satellites, especially among some "lousy" and wild Slavs, as we all were hammered into our heads from childhood in lessons on stories at school,at university lectures, through the media and even through "fiction" literature …


Since the Middle Ages, our Lukomorye has appeared on the geographical maps of Cantelli, Mercator, Gondius and other cartographers. The Austrian diplomat Baron Sigismund von Herberstein wrote in his book "Notes on Muscovy" (1549) that Lukomorye is located in the bend of the Ob River.


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It is worth telling a little about the inhabitants of Lukomorye. There are mentions of the French traveler Mandeville about the peoples living just in the upper reaches of the Ob, about the cult of worshiping the image of the Sun and the red banner. According to the convictions of the famous thinker of the 20th century Rene Guénon, at the mouth of the Ob was one of the seven towers of Satan (Europeans have always been inclined to excessive demonization of our country).

If we pay attention to the etymology of the word "curvature", then we can distinguish two parts of "bow" - bend, and "sea" - coast. That is, it is a curved seashore, a bay. If we were talking about the bend of the Ob River, then why not call this area “onion”?

It is also noteworthy that in the mythology of the Slavs there is an image of the northern kingdom at the end of the world, where a huge tree, the Tree of the Center, grows - the axis of the world, the top of which extends into the heavens, and the roots of the tree go deep into the ground (Nizzhi Mir) “… green oak, a golden chain on that oak ….

It is curious that in Pushkin's drafts the cat does not walk left and right "… it goes to the right - the song starts, to the left - a fairy tale …", but up and down, just like the gods.

Let's pay attention to the oldest texts of the Rig Veda (1700-1100 BC) and the Avesta (1200 BC), which tell about the ancestral home of the ancient Aryans, absorbed every six months at the polar night. But when the polar day comes and the Sun appears above the horizon, it does not set any more - it makes circles on the horizon for another six months. In practice, such a rotation of the Sun can be observed only at the North Pole.

Let's return to the map of Mercator (1569), on which an unknown continent was marked in the place of the North Pole, divided by rivers with a mountain in the very center.


Studies aimed at comparing the ancient map with the outlines of the coast of Karelia, the Kola Peninsula and Scandinavia tell us that the continent at the North Pole is shown very accurately on the Mercator map. Was there really a time when the North Pole was not yet covered with ice?

It is impossible to ignore the fact that Ruslan went in search of his Lyudmila, kidnapped by the sorcerer Chernomor, from Kiev directly to the far north, and not south to the Black Sea, where the name of the sorcerer logically directs.

Further, according to legend, Ogier Danish, being the paladin of Charlemagne, came to Avallon, where the Center Tree grows. The already familiar oak near Lukomorye.

The opinions of researchers agree that all European peoples can have a common ancestral home, which hid under the ice of the Arctic. The Greeks called this homeland Hyperborea, the British - Avallon, the Germans - Thule, the Indians and Iranians - Arianna Veyejo.

Matvey Mekhovsky in his "Treatise on the Two Sarmatias" (lat. Tractatus de duabus Sarmatiis, 1517) confidently identified the Polovtsians with the Goths, which does not agree with the ideas established in science, but fully corresponds to the circumpolar version of the localization of the Lukomorye. After all, the Polovtsians in various ancient chronicles were called "Lukomorians", which means that the famous legend about their polar ancestral home finds a chance for its explanation.

And we, in turn, will not forget that Lukomorye is "the Russian spirit, it smells of Russia …". Our ancestors, leaving their native territories, captured by the Arctic ice, named the shores of the Ob, Azov, Black and Caspian seas in honor of Lukomorye.